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Ozzy Osbourne-blizzard of oz

[Jun 18,2007 11:03pm - brad weymouth  ""]
this album still kicks my ass! is there anything better than the intro to Steal Away(the night)?
[Jun 18,2007 11:14pm - Mess ""]
good times
[Jun 18,2007 11:15pm - brad weymouth  ""]
haha, what up fool! so is Yetman your new best friend yet?
[Jun 18,2007 11:16pm - Mess ""]
atleast 6 phone calls in about... an hour fer christ sakes. hahaha
[Jun 18,2007 11:32pm - brad weymouth  ""]
fucking kid...
[Jun 18,2007 11:35pm - Mess ""]
[Jun 18,2007 11:59pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
... someone's smoking dope

(and there's nothing wrong with that)
[Jun 19,2007 8:52am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Eh - nowhere near as epic and badass as "I Don't Want to Stop". I mean, seriously, could the vibrato on those P.H.s GET any wider? It's a classic. LOL

(In all seriousness, I could never really get into Ozzy solo stuff; my brain knows it's got all the qualities of metal that I should like, but it just doesn't click.)

[Jun 19,2007 10:18am - metal_church101 ""]
Rhandy Rhoades. Nuff said.
[Jun 19,2007 10:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
who the fuck is Rhandy Rhoades
[Jun 19,2007 10:25am - metal_church101 ""]
Gee, I wonder.
[Jun 19,2007 10:27am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
are you thinking of one Randy Rhoades?
[Jun 19,2007 10:30am - metal_church101 ""]
Or Rhandy Roades? LOL. I have no idea how to spell his name.
[Jun 19,2007 10:30am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
R. Handy Rhoahdhes.
[Jun 19,2007 10:30am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol i think i spelled it wrong too
[Jun 19,2007 10:31am - JDDomination ""]
brad weymouth said:this album still kicks my ass! is there anything better than the intro to Steal Away(the night)?

agreed, also songs like Revelation(Mother Earth) and Dee that expose Rhoads' musicianship, absolutely amazing
[Jun 19,2007 10:31am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
final answer:

Randy Rhoads
[Jun 19,2007 10:32am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
JDDomination said:brad weymouth said:this album still kicks my ass! is there anything better than the intro to Steal Away(the night)?

agreed, also songs like Revelation(Mother Earth) and Dee that expose Rhoads' musicianship, absolutely amazing

I'm working on Dee this week as part of my guitar lesson.
[Jun 19,2007 10:34am - metal_church101 ""]
Guitar lessons? What are those?
[Jun 19,2007 10:37am - metal_church101 ""]

He never took guitar lessons. LOL.

[Jun 19,2007 10:40am - JDDomination ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:JDDomination said:brad weymouth said:this album still kicks my ass! is there anything better than the intro to Steal Away(the night)?

agreed, also songs like Revelation(Mother Earth) and Dee that expose Rhoads' musicianship, absolutely amazing

I'm working on Dee this week as part of my guitar lesson.

that's a tough one, with the classical finger picking and the quick legado runs, good luck
[Jun 19,2007 10:41am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya i'm pretty sure he did... he also gave them to students when not on tour. i take lessons to enhance my playing because i dont have the discipline or direction to learn more on my own.
[Jun 19,2007 10:41am - captain fishfuck  ""]
He was 27 when he died but looked older than zakk wylde. Technically zakk wipes the floor with randy and can play his solos better. But if randy had live longer...............Well Randy is the man. Zakk just has like 10-15 years of extra shredding on his resume
[Jun 19,2007 10:41am - metal_church101 ""]
I was joking. He most certainly did, and he'd take classical lessons everywhere the tour went. I am still taking lessons for obvious reasons.
[Jun 19,2007 10:46am - JDDomination ""]
captain fishfuck said:He was 27 when he died but looked older than zakk wylde. Technically zakk wipes the floor with randy and can play his solos better. But if randy had live longer...............Well Randy is the man. Zakk just has like 10-15 years of extra shredding on his resume

yes, NOW Zakk has tighter chops than Randy, but back then Zakk couldn't touch Randy with a five-neck guitar. Randy came from a different background while Zakk has had guys like VH, Yngwie, and Michael Angelo Batio to learn from during his career. Randy did things back then that were futuristic, like on Mr. Crowley. His runs are still blistering, RIP Randy.
[Jun 19,2007 10:53am - captain fishfuck  ""]
Agreed. Who knows what he would have done if he had lived longer. Zakk can write better solos than he has been but I think he's been too busy singing, playing bass, writing songs, playing piano banjo, bls and ozzy. If he focused himself on soloing it would be scary but the man is one of the hardest working men in music by far
[Jun 19,2007 11:13am - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
I recently got a 100 greatest guitar solo compilation. I noticed there was a nirvana song on there.

Point is, when a guitarist dies their skills are automatically exaggerated about 5 times or more. Randy Rhodes was a GOOD guitarist, but if he were alive how would his playing stack up? Personally, I think his writing was some of the best in ozzy's career, but technique wise he can't hold a candle to Jake E. Lee.

As for Zakk Wylde, he's very overrated. Whoever listed VH, yngwie, and Michael Angelo as his influences is nuts. Zakk is a cheap heavy metal carbon copy of Billy Gibbons, which he's admitted himself more than enough times. He doesn't sweep, hates alternate picking, and uses pentatonic scales and hybrid picking constantly.
[Jun 19,2007 11:17am - captain fishfuck  ""]
He doesn't hate alternate picking. That's what he does. I'm sure he could sweep like a mother fucker if he wanted to. For the record he does sweep on occasion. I've seen alot of local bands and have yet to see any guitarist who can hold a candle to zakk and there's a reason for that. How can you hate the guy that is responsible for all the sick pinch harmonics today in metal.
[Jun 19,2007 11:20am - metal_church101 ""]
Some how I think Zakk can school all of us sweeping wise if he wanted to. Yes, most of his stuff is modal pentatonics, but there have been some other solos he's done that are by no means run of the mill theory.

Jake E Lee is definitely underrated, but still think Randy smoked him.
[Jun 19,2007 11:28am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You're all sons of bitches, now I've totally got "Shot in the Dark" stuck in my head, wicked sweet pinch harmonics and all.
[Jun 19,2007 11:28am - metal_church101 ""]
Bark at the Moon!!!!!
[Jun 19,2007 11:28am - captain fishfuck  ""]
Finally intelligence. And do you know which ozzy guitarist had the least chops? Tony Iommi. Zakk is lucky enough to make lots of money playin his guitar. Of course he's great. He's got the chops,looks, and resume and I'd dear say he a virtuoso
[Jun 19,2007 11:37am - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
metal_church101 said:Bark at the Moon!!!!!

Bark at the moon was Jake, not randy.

As for those of you giving crazy props to Zakk Wylde and saying he can sweep like crazy, what do you base that on?

I'm going off a lesson video he did where they ask him about sweeping, and he says "what, this?" and does some really poorly executed 2 string 3 note descending sweep pattern and admits "I never really learned that stuff. I like to keep it simple."

Stop giving that hack more credit than he deserves, seriously.

I'll say it again: Randy was fucking GOOD. His writing and riffs were some of the best. But when it comes down to raw technique, he couldn't touch Jake E. Lee.
[Jun 19,2007 11:39am - metal_church101 ""]
I know Bark at the Moon was Jake. That's my favorite song that he wrote with Ozzy.
[Jun 19,2007 11:42am - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
captain fishfuck said:He doesn't hate alternate picking. That's what he does. I'm sure he could sweep like a mother fucker if he wanted to. For the record he does sweep on occasion. I've seen alot of local bands and have yet to see any guitarist who can hold a candle to zakk and there's a reason for that. How can you hate the guy that is responsible for all the sick pinch harmonics today in metal.

Zakk uses trills and hammer-ons. Rarely does he alternate pick. No, he CANNOT sweep like a mother, and more, he doesn't want to. (see my above post). You've seen local bands, and none can hold a candle to Zakk? We'll just skip past the obvious Ozzy cover bands with some great guitarists, and go for Dan from Letdown, both guitarists from Powerglove, The kid from Cryptic warning, John Finn, and many, many, many more that I'd rate above Zakk Wylde's chickin-pickin wankery.

As for being responsible for pinch harmonics? Man, where the hell did you figure that one? I can pull a dozen albums right off the top of my collection that were released LONG before Zakk was even old enough to beat off, chock full of pinch harmonics. First to get it on the radio doesn't mean first to do it. Hell, even Eddie Van Halen was ripping out pinch harmonics before Zakk came along.

[Jun 19,2007 11:43am - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
metal_church101 said:I know Bark at the Moon was Jake. That's my favorite song that he wrote with Ozzy.

Mine too, actually. That whole album mesmerizes me.
[Jun 19,2007 11:52am - captain fishfuck  ""]
He is all alternate picking you moron. Up down up down. Just like your mouth on your daddys dick. He didn't invent the squeel. He invented how to use it in a metal riff. Van halen did squeels but come on....Not like zakk. Who cares if zakk does sweeping anyway? It's one technique of many. To me it's kinda cliche and boring. zakk's been a super shredder since he was 18 probably younger. Some people are born to excel on an instrument and zakk is clearly one of them.
[Jun 19,2007 11:58am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jun 19,2007 12:01pm - captain fishfuck  ""]
I agree...These pantera and zakk wylde arguements are a joke. They're obviously beyond talented and successful
[Jun 19,2007 12:02pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

I see hammer-ons and pulloffs. I see trills. I don't see one single example of alternate picking on any fast runs. Calling me a moron doesn't help your case, you still don't know what the hell you're talking about.

He's a self admitted blues based guitarist who worships billy gibbons. You seem to elevated him to some sort of metal-shredder godhood, which he does NOT deserve.

As for your repeated attempts at saying he was the first metal guitarist to use pinch harmonics, you're still wrong. Hell, since they came out the same year you could give just as much credit to Cowboys From Hell as you could to Zakks first album with Ozzy. You can go back to sucking Zakk Wyldes balls if you'd like. Personally, I still favor Jake E. Lee.
[Jun 19,2007 12:03pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
captain fishfuck said:I agree...These pantera and zakk wylde arguements are a joke. They're obviously beyond talented and successful

If it were so obvious, why would I be arguing with you?

I get this weird feeling you're not even a guitarist.
[Jun 19,2007 12:04pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Note in the above video around 5:40, he does one semi fast alternate picked run, and slops the shit out of it. Yup, natural born shredder there.
[Jun 19,2007 12:15pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Zakk Wylde fucking sucks. I don't care how well he can solo. BLS is one of the gayest bands I've ever heard and pinch harmonics sound like Ramrod metal. I wouldn't brag about inventing that faggotry.

Blizzard and Diary are metal classics. Everything Ozzy has done since Randy died has been complete crap. Jake and Zakk can't write a good riff to save their lives.
Black Sabbath vs Badlands?? Please.
Blizzard of Ozz vs. anything Jake or Zakk played on?? Please.

Writing good riffs is the ONLY thing that matters. Tony Iommi and Randy Rhoads were masters. Jake E Lee and Zakk Mild are boring cum garglers.
[Jun 19,2007 12:18pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Josh_Martin said:
Black Sabbath vs Badlands?? Please.

I agree there, to a point. However, while badlands DOES suck, you can't just dismiss the riffs on Bark at the Moon. The title track alone has one of the most recognizable riffs of Ozzy's career. I'd say Jake E. Lee's stuff was the closest sounding to Randy Rhodes'. The better solos are just a bonus.
[Jun 19,2007 12:20pm - Josh_Martin ""]
The title track was the only good song on Bark at the Moon. The rest of that album sucks. Well, Journey to the Center of Eternity was kinda ok, but the rest, well, there's a reason the title track is the only song Ozzy still plays live.
[Jun 19,2007 12:26pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Josh_Martin said:but the rest, well, there's a reason the title track is the only song Ozzy still plays live.

That logic would work if Ozzy's setlist didn't have so much Zakk Wylde crap in it.
[Jun 19,2007 12:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

I ain't working with no freakin' scorpions.
[Jun 19,2007 12:28pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
i saw the Blizzard of Oz tour when it came through back in the day at the Ocean State Theatre....I'm pretty sure Def Leppard (who I fucking despise)
opened...but Rhoads was awesome and Ozzy still had a decent voice...
[Jun 19,2007 12:30pm - captain fishfuck  ""]
Zakk Wylde=Shred God
Read it and weap. Post a vid of you smokin Zakk or even coming 25% close. Hell...I'll even settle for 5% hack
[Jun 19,2007 12:34pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
captain fishfuck said:Zakk Wylde=Shred God
Read it and weap. Post a vid of you smokin Zakk or even coming 25% close. Hell...I'll even settle for 5% hack

There's no arguing with a zealot. I give up.

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