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Manchester Metal Fest : need bands

[Oct 12,2006 4:40pm - dreadkill ""]
sinistas said:It is NOT the same show as the NEPGM fest.

[Oct 12,2006 4:42pm - |an ""]
Yea, I got the same email about the tickets and everything

I wish someone would clarify how "flexible" he is these days regarding them

10 days before the show, no advertising on banners/radio, not even a lineup on the myspace page, what is the deal with this fest?
[Oct 12,2006 4:44pm - dreadkill ""]
this fest seemed to come out of nowhere
[Oct 12,2006 4:44pm - sinistas ""]
I believe it is something that Anders and Matt were asked to set up fairly recently.
[Oct 12,2006 4:46pm - dreadkill ""]
that explains it. whoever asked them should have given them more time. late next month would have made more sense. sometime before the giving of the thanks.
[Oct 12,2006 4:51pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
I've asked Matt to be more lenient about ticket sales. He was saying 20min.. but I said with 1.5 weeks left can't these bands work out something with you on short notice? Working something out meaning: 1) help promote from the band's side where they can 2) make tickets available atleast to friends and let people know about the show

I'm not trying to stick up for Matt, we've had an incident in the past, so I'm giving him a 2nd chance (it was maybe a miscommunication on both our ends). I guess what I'm trying to do is show him that good bands like you guys will draw and will bring other good bands. Maybe if he apologizes here for anyone with bad feelings toward him would that help? Will I be virtually stoned (not as in smoking) if I try to makes this fest 'ours?' , take it over will some really good bands?

Anyhow, I totally undertstand where you are coming from. But if you do want to try to negotiate with Matt, he did tell me he was trying his best to be lenient and open about things (deviate from a strict contract). We have some cool bands signing up... I'm sorry things aren't working out for you and Matt... it's not easy giving him a 2nd chance but I'm personally doing it to make this show for Manchester, NH have some good representation from my bands, my friends and you rttp'ers.

I can lead a metal head to beer, will they drink it though? (this applies to Matt and to the bands that had a bad taste left in their mouths, beleive me , I've been there!)
[Oct 12,2006 4:52pm - |an ""]
Ok, so that's great and all, but what exactly is the 10 of the 15 dollars per ticket going to the promotors for?

I wouldn't actually mind paying to play if the promotors did their part, but this fest shit where they dump all the work on the bands and take most of the money is bullshit.

I can remember a fest I paid to play about a year ago where if I had not run a long extention cable for power, the fest would have been destroyed... who would have gotten a refund? As it stands, a band actually had to play (and pay) under the shitty power conditions, which ruined their set. What makes people actually think they can take bands money and provide little to nothing?
[Oct 12,2006 4:54pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
So you don't wanna take over the fest and make it ours, show them we have some kick ass bands? Show Manch Vegas and Matt how our bands draw, rock hard and are ready for the metal crusade!? heh well, let's put the clarity around the leniency of ticket sales. I'm willing to conference call with Matt and yer band to help arbitrate. I guess I'm doing this to help smooth things over. Maybe i'll get like my ass kicked for trying to better the show? I guess I'll find out soon
[Oct 12,2006 4:57pm - |an ""]
Jeremy, can you go on AIM?
[Oct 12,2006 5:03pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
as the urbanites say (I know I'm a cracka) "fo shizzle!"
[Oct 12,2006 5:03pm - dreadkill ""]
matt's a good dude. i'm sure he'll be willing to listen to suggestions.
[Oct 12,2006 5:57pm - sinistas ""]
Anders promotes the shit out of anything she's involved with, so it's not like her or Matt are just passing it off...
[Oct 12,2006 6:39pm - dyingmuse ""]
I think things will be fine and this we be cool, but i think the focus should really not have anything to do with tickets. If bands happen to know people who want to go, we...sell them the tickets, otherwise just do what you can. what else can you do really? the focus should be having a killer time with sick local bands who work hard at their music!
[Oct 13,2006 12:52am - Cecchini ""]
dyingmuse said:I think things will be fine and this we be cool, but i think the focus should really not have anything to do with tickets. If bands happen to know people who want to go, we...sell them the tickets, otherwise just do what you can. what else can you do really? the focus should be having a killer time with sick local bands who work hard at their music!

that is fine and all, but i think the problem is that people want reassurance that when they show up with some unsold tix, they aren't expected to suddenly cough up 200 bucks.

nobody has said "selling tix is optinional at this point" or anything like that its a whole bunch of "i think matt will go easy with the bands joining late yadda yadda yadda..."

well, for a guy who was shakey with his last big fest (all the shit that NEPMGF had just because they said he didn't even actually fill out any forms to actually rent the venue he originally hoped for or whatever that was), i don't think its asking much for bands here to get some sort of reassurance.
[Oct 13,2006 5:59am - sinistas ""]
Good christ, email the guy, and if you don't like what you hear, then your concerns will be warranted.
[Oct 13,2006 7:05am - jrb2971 ""]
I will give you matt's # also and can conference call with anyone and him to be the witness to the statement he makes when he says 'i won't take money from bands if they haven't sold enough tickets". Just talk to him if you want to give it a shot. Ask him yourself - "are you ok if we try to sell tickets and can't sell 20?" If anyone has a bad feeling about it after, then you don't have to try to play the show. If it helps, I'm going to be there almost all weekend long, so you can come to me for some help.
[Oct 13,2006 8:16am - dwellingsickness ""]
I wanna try and make it down to see Godless Rising, They can't play this close to me and I miss it, That would suck. Will there be Merch tables there, Oak Knoll, Pathos?
[Oct 13,2006 11:54pm - jrb2971 ""]
ya, Oak Knoll... I'm sure anyone else is welcomed to merch. They just need to talk to Matt. I'm sure JD, Joe NC, and others are welcomed!
[Oct 14,2006 4:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
so what happened with this? anyone have a complete lineup?
[Oct 14,2006 10:12pm - BlackoutRick ""]
We down!!
[Oct 14,2006 10:13pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
isn't the lined up being updated on www.myspac.com/metalfests ?
[Oct 14,2006 10:14pm - BlackoutRick ""]
How do we get on this?
[Oct 14,2006 10:38pm - blackmetallady ""]
Can someone give directions to folks, like myself, that lives out of town. Thank you in advance. I will be driving 95 north from Portland, Maine and I will be looking for a hotel/motel nearby. Thanks agian.
[Oct 14,2006 10:48pm - |an ""]
Polaris is confirmed for Saturday, Oct 22 at Steppin' Out, 3:00 PM
[Oct 14,2006 10:59pm - Aegathis ""]
dude isnt saturday the 21st?
[Oct 14,2006 11:56pm - dyingmuse ""]

[Oct 15,2006 1:45am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
We're playing back to back with GODLESS RISING on Sunday at STEPPIN' OUT........ For more info. go to : www.myspace.com/metalfests ---- and ------ www.csdo.net ----- www.myspace.com/candystriperdeathorgy
[Oct 15,2006 5:41am - fishcakes ""]
we have the embalmer show on sat, is there an opening on sun? GOREALITY may be able to do this.
[Oct 15,2006 5:34pm - rotivore ""]
I guess there is a new club in manchester NH?
[Oct 15,2006 8:25pm - EnemyLegionBass ""]
enemy legion would be interested www.myspace.com/enemylegionband
[Oct 15,2006 8:29pm - dreadkill ""]
|an said:Polaris is confirmed for Saturday, Oct 22 at Steppin' Out, 3:00 PM

saturday is the 21st.
[Oct 15,2006 8:33pm - anonymous  ""]
Moonspell, Katatonia, Day Light Dies, @ Marks... Saturday October 21st!!!!!
[Oct 15,2006 8:36pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
so whats the line up, date, time and such.

to help promote the show so people might wanna go. \
[Oct 15,2006 10:33pm - dyingmuse ""]
Friday at Rocko's Hell Within,Shroud Eternal Embrace
Sat at Marks showplace KATATONIA, Moonspell, Daylight Dies
Sunday Stppin' out and Rocko's Godless Rising
[Oct 16,2006 2:29am - dwellingsickness ""]
I heard that HA hang out at the Steppin Out lounge, this should be interesting
[Oct 16,2006 11:10am - anonymous  ""]
How many tickets do bands have to sell?
[Oct 16,2006 8:33pm - jrb2971 ""]
all the bands asking for info have to email metalfests@yahoo.com (fill out a simple email form.. ) I am pretty sure the min on tix is flexible. Definately email, call , contact Matt.
[Oct 21,2006 2:22am - dyingmuse ""]
Show went pretty well tonight. the stage mix was weird, but overall i think the bands sounded good. we played a decent set too, sold some hoodies and cd's, the draw was ok , maybe 60 or so people. it's hard to tell though, because there are a few different areas ay rocko's. thanks to Matt, Anderson, Jeremy, Kyle and whomever went to support shroud and bought stuff \m/
[Oct 22,2006 12:25pm - mcmahon ""]
anyone going today?
[Oct 22,2006 3:07pm - Todd NLI  ""]
I am gonna try and make it to catch Godless Rising
[Oct 22,2006 3:24pm - maslayer  ""]
Try and get Extinction Agenda and Baphomet's Horns...my 2 fav local bands right now
[Oct 22,2006 3:51pm - Todd NLI  ""]
maslayer said:Try and get Extinction Agenda and Baphomet's Horns...my 2 fav local bands right now

Today is the last day of the fest
[Oct 22,2006 3:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I guess ill be there at 8pm playing CDs. not really sure what I grabbed from WUNH or who's going to be there @ 8pm. I'm guessing it'll be me, some bikers, matt, and my laptop.
[Oct 22,2006 4:03pm - Todd NLI  ""]
Might see ya there
[Oct 22,2006 4:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Since there are no bands from notcommon records on this bitch, it will probably sell out.
[Oct 22,2006 4:56pm - xanonymousx ""]
damn i should of got that band together and played this
[Oct 22,2006 4:59pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 22,2006 6:26pm - xanonymousx ""]
hmmm maybe...
[Oct 22,2006 10:50pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
Friday was a real good show. I heard also sat went well at times. I contacted that BM band from maine, no word from them.
The Katatonia showed kicked ass even though Dan had the gayest pants on I tried to get more bands on this (referred them to matt)... maybe next year we'll get Joe NC or JD to help out
[Oct 22,2006 11:06pm - mcmahon ""]
i showed up late today, but it was a pretty good show.

candy stripers new lineup is awesome. new guitarist and drummer seem to be really cool dudes.

godless rising sealed the deal at the end of the night. even got to hear some new stuff.

then that rttp guy showed up.

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