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Any girls around that like metal?

[Apr 17,2010 3:10pm - ghostofwar  ""]
I'm looking for a friendship based on metal love with a girl that has a wild side of course, but not to the point where they get so wasted that they almost cause you to wreck your car and die possibly... kind of cool in a way, but I would rather see the show first instead. I have two tickets to the Maryland Deathfest and I like to go to shows. I have a huge collection of metal. Death, Thrash, Black, only real metal please. Morbid. email me at sorgenhammer@metalfan.com
[Apr 17,2010 3:13pm - pam ""]
[Apr 17,2010 3:15pm - HECATE ""]
there are plenty of really awesome metal ladies in new england. go out to shows and meet others who have similar interests. I can tell you that the metal ladies around here are extremely nice, inviting and really good friends.
[Apr 17,2010 3:35pm - ghostofwar  ""]
Thanks for the reply HACATE, but I don't feel that the shows themselves are the best place to meet metal ladies because of the ratio of guys to girls and most of them already show up with a date so... you know what i'm saying? it's kind of hard that way, so I just thought i's search the networks also. Cheers, and keep the fate.
[Apr 17,2010 4:20pm - Dankill  ""]
wow, this post has been up for more then an hour and no one has shredded it with witty cynical sarcastic remarks and memes. You guys are getting slow with age.
[Apr 17,2010 4:22pm - quintessence ""]
At first I thought this might be troll bait, but now I'm really starting think this guy is trying to find love on a metal message board. WOW
[Apr 17,2010 4:33pm - Whore Police  ""]

pam said:first.

Avoid this one like the Plague.
[Apr 17,2010 4:47pm - HECATE ""]

quintessence said:At first I thought this might be troll bait, but now I'm really starting think this guy is trying to find love on a metal message board. WOW

ya.. totally a dude looking for a piece of ass.:bartmoon::bartmoon:
[Apr 17,2010 4:54pm - bornofosichris ""]
[img] Do you like Slipknot??
[Apr 17,2010 4:59pm - HECATE ""]
vampirefreaks.com ftw!
[Apr 17,2010 5:04pm - pam ""]

Dankill said:wow, this post has been up for more then an hour and no one has shredded it with witty cynical sarcastic remarks and memes. You guys are getting slow with age.

Yeah, disappointing.
[Apr 17,2010 5:06pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Apr 17,2010 5:08pm - pam ""]

Whore%20Police said:
pam said:first.

Avoid this one like the Plague.

I also get wasted and make people crash their cars.
[Apr 17,2010 5:12pm - HECATE ""]
[Apr 17,2010 5:15pm - pam ""]
[Apr 17,2010 5:29pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Apr 17,2010 6:35pm - paganmeg'ish  ""]
I think I might be for you. I'm a crappy metal guitarist but more importantly, I'm a skank.
[Apr 17,2010 6:49pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Hey baby want a piece of this?!
[Apr 17,2010 7:03pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
...this thread...exists?
[Apr 17,2010 8:15pm - reimroc ""]
i hear blackmetallady is a good catch.
[Apr 17,2010 8:43pm - Lamp ""]
But she wouldn't dare be caught with a hobby rocker like the original poster.
[Apr 17,2010 10:35pm - Samantha ""]
LOL @ "friendship based on metal love"
[Apr 18,2010 1:14am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 18,2010 1:54am - the_reverend ""]
from what I can figure out, matal girls love metal until they find a dude. then they don't love metal anymore and don't go to shows.
[Apr 18,2010 2:09am - KeithMutiny ""]
any metal chick under 150 is claimed... but yeah, if your into big chicks with stories about thier "metal" ex boyfriend... COME AN GIT IT
[Apr 18,2010 2:11am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Apr 18,2010 2:21am - KeithMutiny ""]
he didnt say grind, he said metal. very different... and you know this mang.
[Apr 18,2010 2:23am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yuh but it's so much fun to scream at people.
[Apr 18,2010 2:26am - KeithMutiny ""]
true. and i think most (not all) metal chicks may be dudes... jus sayin
[Apr 18,2010 2:26am - quintessence_nli  ""]
Have fun catching STD's dude.
[Apr 18,2010 2:29am - KeithMutiny ""]

quintessence_nli said:Have fun catching STD's dude.

this man knows.
[Apr 18,2010 2:43am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

quintessence_nli said:Have fun catching STD's dude.

STD's are the new baseball cards or pokemans
[Apr 18,2010 3:25am - Randy_Marsh ""]
hail pokemans
[Apr 18,2010 3:42am - xgodzillax ""]
metal ladies, on my RTTP? good luck with that lol
[Apr 18,2010 8:52am - Doomkid ""]
I <3 this thread.
[Apr 18,2010 10:45am - blue ""]

KeithMutiny said:true. and i think most (not all) metal chicks may be whores... jus sayin

Fixed boosh
[Apr 18,2010 10:51am - RichHorror ""]
With an irish roofie any woman is yours. And by irish roofie I mean a stiff forearm shot to the solar plexus, obviously.
[Apr 18,2010 10:58am - pam ""]
If women were more willing to fuck you degenerates, you'd all be whores too. <3
[Apr 18,2010 11:09am - whoredetective  ""]

paganmeg‘ish said:I think I might be for you. I'm a crappy metal guitarist but more importantly, I'm a skank.

[Apr 18,2010 8:48pm - blessed offal  ""]
using the internet to meet the opposite sex = epic fail
[Apr 18,2010 9:05pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Like metal, yes. LOVE metal, not many.
[Apr 18,2010 9:13pm - Bms  ""]

swamplorddvm said:Like metal, yes. LOVE metal, not many.

[Apr 18,2010 9:13pm - blessed offal  ""]

swamplorddvm said:Like metal, yes. LOVE metal, not many.

come to metal shows because they're dating someone who listens to metal? yes.
[Apr 18,2010 9:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Pretty much.

Marsi loves metal. Anyone who knows her cannot argue with that. Uh... One girl in Philly, though doesn't care for Black metal so... that's about it.
[Apr 18,2010 9:23pm - PISSCHRIST ""]
Hey guys, not all chicks that attend shows are only doing so because there boyfriend is.

There are a lot of metal chicks in the area that truely love metal. - Alicia
[Apr 18,2010 9:25pm - pam ""]
I know a lot of beautiful, badass chicks that LOVE metal...and even if they were ALL single I would never willfully feed them to most of you fucking dirtbags. <3
[Apr 18,2010 9:26pm - PISSCHRIST ""]
right on Pam! ;)
[Apr 18,2010 9:28pm - pam ""]
IN B4 kitchen/sandwich/whorepolice/lesbian
[Apr 18,2010 9:28pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hmm right I forgot about Alicia. Fogivaness preez.
[Apr 18,2010 9:30pm - swamplorddvm ""]
ok afew others now that I think about it. But go to the bigger shows and you'll the likers of metal there. and a hand full of Lovers of metal.

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