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Any girls around that like metal?

[Apr 18,2010 9:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
But you're asking for trouble with the metal ones, ghostofwar. They can be very shallow and twisted. Watch out.
[Apr 18,2010 9:36pm - PISSCHRIST ""]
I do not care if my name was mentioned. Just stating the fact that there are metal ladies out there who either create, listen, to metal or engage themselves in other artistic endeavours. Metal guys can be just as shallow and twisted!!!
[Apr 18,2010 9:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
What is you current emotional and physical status?
[Apr 18,2010 9:39pm - PISSCHRIST ""]

swamplorddvm said:What is you current emotional and physical status?

Dee, buy me a beer.
[Apr 18,2010 9:41pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Right now? I'll see what I can do.
[Apr 18,2010 9:50pm - PISSCHRIST ""]
[Apr 18,2010 9:51pm - Lamp ""]
I tend to assume that people are shallow and twisted by default, no matter what their walk of life.
[Apr 18,2010 10:12pm - the_reverend ""]

whiskey_weed_and_women said:WHAT DO WHORES KNOW ABOUT GRIND!!!!!!!
that's why grindboys date stoners and clubchicks.
[Apr 18,2010 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]

blessed%20offal said:using the internet to meet the opposite sex = epic fail
[Apr 18,2010 10:13pm - blessed offal  ""]
having things in common with girls is for pussies. FIND HER FUCK FORGET HER or GTFO
[Apr 18,2010 10:17pm - the_reverend ""]
go to a metal thursday?
[Apr 18,2010 10:18pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 18,2010 10:32pm - Lamp ""]

the_reverend said:
whiskey_weed_and_women said:WHAT DO WHORES KNOW ABOUT GRIND!!!!!!!
that's why grindboys date stoners and clubchicks.

When we leave our rooms, anyway.
[Apr 19,2010 12:35am - xgodzillax ""]

swamplorddvm said:Marsi loves metal.

marsi loves metal, with her mouth. for as long as it takes you to blow a load
[Apr 19,2010 1:01am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

the_reverend said:
whiskey_weed_and_women said:WHAT DO WHORES KNOW ABOUT GRIND!!!!!!!
that's why grindboys date stoners and clubchicks.

hey my stoner is amazing thank you very much.

lol and again thanks Biggie.
[Apr 19,2010 1:20am - Sacreligion ""]

I keeed, I keeed....
[Apr 19,2010 2:18am - xmikex ""]

I am handsome man who want hear about ur parents get divorced. I think sad that your mom not love ur dad anymore and u start listening Pantera at age 15. I am good listener.

[Apr 19,2010 4:29am - slartisian coordinates  ""]

I am a reasonably attractive, if somewhat scrawny and akward, young man who wears black alot.

I like chubby girls who wear too much eyeliner.

I am in a band(s).

I probably will ignore you most of the non-sexy times in favor of playing blast beats and doing drugs with my degenerate friends, but trust me, it will make me remind you of all the other poor examples of men in your life and make the moments of validation all the more satisfying.

Sound good?

Let's party...
[Apr 19,2010 7:32am - Archaeon NLI  ""]

I am not into girls, so fuck off. I love throbbage.
[Apr 19,2010 8:27am - Dankill  ""]
This thread just got a whole lot lulzier. Good job, RTTP
[Apr 19,2010 8:44am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Metal women? No thanks. Super intelligent nerds that like metal ftw
[Apr 19,2010 9:12am - sinofangels-ray ""]
this thread wins!!
[Apr 19,2010 9:42am - ouchdrummer ""]

slartisian%20coordinates said:
I probably will ignore you most of the non-sexy times in favor of playing blast beats and doing drugs

sounds familiar

pam said:If women were more willing to fuck you degenerates, you'd all be whores too. <3

Are you implying that i'm NOT a whore?

pam said:I know a lot of beautiful, badass chicks that LOVE metal...and even if they were ALL single I would never willfully feed them to most of you fucking dirtbags. <3

Well than it's good that i don't broker my lady deals through you.

ghostofwar said:I'm looking for a friendship based on metal love with a girl that has a wild side of course, but not to the point where they get so wasted that they almost cause you to wreck your car and die possibly... kind of cool in a way, but I would rather see the show first instead. I have two tickets to the Maryland Deathfest and I like to go to shows. I have a huge collection of metal. Death, Thrash, Black, only real metal please. Morbid. email me at sorgenhammer@metalfan.com

You're a troll... right? Please? You can't possibly be as pathetic as you sound, i mean, come on dude.
[Apr 19,2010 9:45am - goatcatalyst ""]
Nubile coeds with no idea what I do FTW
[Apr 19,2010 9:48am - ouchdrummer ""]
I know this statement will be met with much debate, and anger... but here goes:

I think there is an obvious reason that the metal scene is mostly populated by dudes. It's testosterone. MOST women hear the noise, and the screaming and they're totally turned off. They don't get it, because chemically, they shouldn't.. seeing as most of it thrives on anger, rage, hate etc.. which happen to be emotions that are driven by the chemical testosterone.

I know that this isn't always true, i've SOME women that were totally into metal, and were well adjusted. I've just only met a couple of them.
[Apr 19,2010 9:48am - ouchdrummer ""]

goatcatalyst said:Nubile coeds with no idea what I do FTW

this also sounds like me.
[Apr 19,2010 2:30pm - xmikex ""]

pam said:I know a lot of beautiful, badass chicks that LOVE metal...and even if they were ALL single I would never willfully feed them to most of you fucking dirtbags. <3


[Apr 19,2010 3:23pm - blessed offal  ""]
ATTN: girls into metal: stop trying to out-patch me, i get it, im a poseur.
[Apr 19,2010 3:38pm - MetalThursday ""]

the_reverend said:go to a metal thursday?

What are you, Chuck Woolery? There are no love connections at Metal Thursday, only drunken makeouts, parking lot blowjobs and mosh pit groping!
[Apr 19,2010 3:43pm - the_reverend ""]


I am not into girls, so fuck off. I love throbbage.

Please start a thread about this. please.
[Apr 19,2010 3:45pm - the_reverend ""]

ouchdrummer said:I know that this isn't always true, i've SOME women that were totally into metal, and were well adjusted. I've just only met a couple of them.
Did you ask them about when their penis was turned into a vagina if it were an option to also keep the penis? Did you ask to see it?
Or was it at one of their boyfriend's bands shows?
[Apr 19,2010 3:52pm - WTF  ""]
why are all the hot chicks taken?
[Apr 19,2010 3:55pm - the_reverend ""]
because either
1) they are hot enough for a dude to put up with her constant bitching
2) she's taken by many many many many guys. mostly in the mouth and mostly backstage/in tour van.
[Apr 19,2010 5:07pm - xgodzillax ""]

the_reverend said:she's taken by many many many many guys. mostly in the mouth and mostly backstage/in tour van.

[Apr 19,2010 5:37pm - whoredetective  ""]

the_reverend said:
2) she's taken by many many many many guys. mostly in the mouth and mostly backstage/in tour van.

rings a bell
[Apr 19,2010 7:58pm - swamplorddvm ""]

xgodzillax said:
the_reverend said:she's taken by many many many many guys. mostly in the mouth and mostly backstage/in tour van.


Aww some one was shot down. :( :( :(
[Apr 19,2010 7:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]

ouchdrummer said:I know this statement will be met with much debate, and anger... but here goes:

I think there is an obvious reason that the metal scene is mostly populated by dudes. It's testosterone. MOST women hear the noise, and the screaming and they're totally turned off. They don't get it, because chemically, they shouldn't.. seeing as most of it thrives on anger, rage, hate etc.. which happen to be emotions that are driven by the chemical testosterone.

I know that this isn't always true, i've SOME women that were totally into metal, and were well adjusted. I've just only met a couple of them.

Why argue with reason?
[Apr 19,2010 8:25pm - reimroc ""]
at least you wont go to jail if you bang a metal chick. they're all of age. the last time i looked at a girl at a hardcore show i thought i was going to catch a 10-15 upstate.
[Apr 19,2010 8:31pm - anonymous  ""]

ouchdrummer said:I know this statement will be met with much debate, and anger... but here goes:

I think there is an obvious reason that the metal scene is mostly populated by dudes. It's testosterone. MOST women hear the noise, and the screaming and they're totally turned off. They don't get it, because chemically, they shouldn't.. seeing as most of it thrives on anger, rage, hate etc.. which happen to be emotions that are driven by the chemical testosterone.

I know that this isn't always true, i've SOME women that were totally into metal, and were well adjusted. I've just only met a couple of them.

most women like to shop not rage.
[Apr 19,2010 8:33pm - PISSCHRIST ""]
I need good credit, so id rather rage.:satancross:
[Apr 19,2010 8:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]
But you gotta rage in your cutest boots! <3 <3 <3
[Apr 19,2010 8:39pm - PISSCHRIST ""]
you love em
[Apr 19,2010 8:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Because I had nowhere else to put this awesome image.
[Apr 19,2010 8:42pm - PISSCHRIST ""]

Alx_Casket said:[img]

Because I had nowhere else to put this awesome image.

Swedens looking pretty limp...
[Apr 19,2010 9:36pm - xmikex ""]
Please don't bother posting slutty girl stories without phone numbers, n00dz, or facebook links. Lets be adults for christsakes. kay thx.
[Apr 19,2010 9:46pm - xgodzillax ""]

swamplorddvm said:Aww some one was shot down. :( :( :(

not at all guy, i wouldnt touch her with seth putnams dick bro.
[Apr 19,2010 9:51pm - Murph ""]

Girls? Who needs 'em?
[Apr 19,2010 10:13pm - pam ""]

Alx_Casket said:[img]

Because I had nowhere else to put this awesome image.

[Apr 21,2010 6:01am - douchebag_patrol ""]


[Apr 21,2010 11:21am - deathchick ""]

PISSCHRIST said:Hey guys, not all chicks that attend shows are only doing so because there boyfriend is.

There are a lot of metal chicks in the area that truely love metal. - Alicia


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