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21 yr old girl dies in boston due to idiots

[Oct 21,2004 2:53pm - succubus ""]
yes..just saw the clip
they are investigating if it's because of the police trying to subdue the crowd

fucking retarded
[Oct 21,2004 2:56pm - Christraper ""]
wait.....so the cops killed her?
[Oct 21,2004 3:03pm - retzam ""]
This is why baseball is really horrible.
[Oct 21,2004 3:04pm - eddie ""]
yes... baseball is the problem... not the people.
your a dumbass
[Oct 21,2004 3:06pm - retzam ""]
I love you too sweetheart.
[Oct 21,2004 3:07pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
baseball...opium of the masses
[Oct 21,2004 3:07pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I wish they would just give us actual opium. Baseball sucks.
[Oct 21,2004 3:07pm - the_reverend ""]
in the immortal words of dead kennedy's:
"this happens some where every year"
[Oct 21,2004 3:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
where's the clip?
[Oct 21,2004 3:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'm torn here.. I'm anti-baseball but I'm pro-death to 21-year-old girls.

[Oct 21,2004 3:28pm - retzam ""]
hahahahahaha, that is awesome clip art
[Oct 21,2004 3:45pm - tbone_r ""]
the riots were tons of fun. although i do feel bad that someone died
[Oct 21,2004 3:49pm - the_reverend ""]
the_reverend said:in the immortal words of dead kennedy's:
"this happens some where every year"

and last year a 2X yo guy died at the riots.
[Oct 21,2004 3:54pm - Josh_Martin ""]
They're having this gay fucking Red Sox day at my work tomorrow. I'm preparing myself to be more annoyed than I've ever been annoyed before. I really really wish they lost.
At least we get free pizza.
[Oct 21,2004 4:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
we got free pizza today...

people have been here 24hours printing red sox 'champions' shirts... I got one for my stepdad.
[Oct 21,2004 4:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wish I had killed that girl, damn baseball fans always beating me to the punch.
[Oct 21,2004 4:26pm - nick ""]
the other night i was walking through the park in boston and i saw a bunch of red sox fans around a cage.
it turns out this cage was filled with like 50 dogs and the red sox fans took turns throwing cinder blocks over the top of the cage onto the helpless dogs inside.
all the while yelling things such as, "YANKEES SUCK' / 'BEEEAAAHS DUUDUDE' / 'FUCK DOGS;'.
it was pretty wild.
[Oct 21,2004 5:04pm - Dissector ""]
hahahahaha!!! "Yankees suck! Fuck dogs!" That's too funny.
I'm gonna somehow work that into every convo I have.
[Oct 21,2004 5:13pm - retzam ""]
Hahahaha yeah, what they were yelling was funny, but they're morons who I wish would have the same thing done to them.
[Oct 21,2004 5:16pm - powerkok ""]
the_reverend said:in the immortal words of dead kennedy's:
"this happens some where every year"


the unbeatable high.

DK rule.
[Oct 21,2004 6:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the clip please?
[Oct 21,2004 6:03pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I keep seeing people crying on the news about this dumb cunt. I'll fuckin jerk off at this bitch's autopsy.
[Oct 21,2004 6:07pm - metalmatt666 ""]
who died somwone fill me in(sorry i'm ignorant)
[Oct 21,2004 6:08pm - retzam ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I keep seeing people crying on the news about this dumb cunt. I'll fuckin jerk off at this bitch's autopsy.

If you don't want to see people crying then don't watch the news. In my experience watching it, it seems to be 85% crying.
[Oct 21,2004 6:12pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
yeah I know it.. was trying to find something good on tv, flipped on fox (not realizing what time it was) but there was a commercial, so I left it on and went about my business on the computer. When I looked up at the tv again there were morons whining at the camera because their half-retarded daughter got drunk and fell off a bar stool and cracked her head open or something.
[Oct 21,2004 6:25pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I love retarded girls left unsupervised, easy prey.
[Oct 21,2004 6:31pm - retzam ""]
[Oct 21,2004 6:40pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
didn't you people know if a sport team wins at somthing it's ok to riot rape pillage and kill

jock mentality = gay
[Oct 21,2004 7:02pm - Lynneaus ""]
[Oct 21,2004 7:11pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Oct 21,2004 7:40pm - MattRCT ""]
The cops took full responsibility for the womens death.
[Oct 21,2004 8:35pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
They fucking pre-empted Conan for the "victory" shit and didn't even have the decency to start it from the top of the show. Rejoined in broadcast my ass....
[Oct 21,2004 9:15pm - intricateprocess ""]
its not baseballs fault that a bunch of fuckin idiots go crazy.

fuck them
thats what that chick gets,im sorry to say
[Oct 21,2004 9:16pm - todayistheday  ""]
i bet their will be atleast ten more deaths after the world series...win or lose
[Oct 21,2004 9:21pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I hope it was the punk rock transfer student who gave herself a mohawk the day before classes started at Emerson last winter. I fucking hate that cunt.
[Oct 21,2004 9:37pm - tbone_r ""]
a cop shot her w/ a beanbag and hit her in the head
[Oct 21,2004 9:59pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'm not going to read any of those articles, but how could she have been an "observer on the sidelines" like her crying parents say and get shot in the head with a beanbag? I'd like to jump to the conclusion that she's a dumb whore that didn't get the fuck out of the way quick enough when the cops told her to. ......plus it's funnier this way.
[Oct 21,2004 10:04pm - todayistheday  ""]
wow your a piece of shit...i hope if you have a daughter she gets killed when shes 20
[Oct 21,2004 10:05pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I wish.
[Oct 21,2004 10:20pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I'm willing to wager a princely sum that she was wearing a pink Red Sox hat when the Counterterrorists won the round.
[Oct 21,2004 10:21pm - retzam ""]
todayistheday said:i bet their will be atleast ten more deaths after the world series...win or lose

It is a foolish man who takes this bet.:yoda:
[Oct 21,2004 10:43pm - Bleeder  ""]
[Oct 21,2004 10:45pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
[Oct 22,2004 9:46am - niccolai ""]
MattRCT said:The cops took full responsibility for the womens death.

That makes it all better than.
[Oct 22,2004 1:31pm - succubus ""]
my 2cents

i'm not really into watching sports (sorry)..i just don't get people going MAD and causing riots over a game while the players get $$$$$$$$$

if you enjoy watching, more power to you...i just don't get all the commotion, sorry
[Oct 22,2004 2:12pm - tbone_r ""]
they put the girls picture, as she's lying on the ground, on the front of the herald. they're gonna get shit for that
[Oct 22,2004 2:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Oct 22,2004 2:37pm - litacore ""]
tbone_r said:they put the girls picture, as she's lying on the ground, on the front of the herald. they're gonna get shit for that


well, the Boston Herald hasn't exactly won the Pullitzer lately.

Remember these are the guys who came up with the headline the morning after Clinton started bombing Serbia: "CLOBBA SLOBBA"

. . .

IRONIC, she was a journalism student
[Oct 22,2004 2:53pm - succubus ""]
i posted a story about a certain boston herald photographer a while ago...

slimey slimey
[Oct 22,2004 3:15pm - Abbath ""]
ahhh it ticks me off that people who riot don't expect nothing is going to happen, sure i feel bad for the girl and she probably didn't do anything, but if 1000+ drunken idiots are stumbling around and breaking stuff, you should be punished
[Oct 22,2004 5:24pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
i cant believe the herald printd that picture on the front cover. i think it was just a ploy to sell more newspapers which is fucking crazy.

i really don't understand what drives a person to destruct property and riot just because a baseball team won.

after the sox won, everyone in my house went crazy and immediately started destroying property. the girl downstairs got sparayed in the face with a fire extingusher and hundereds of kids from my school poured on to comm ave and just started going crazy destroying things.

this baffles me --- watching our home team win should be a joyous event. i think people just use this as an opportunity to go ape shit for no fucking reason and it angers me to no end.

it's horrible that ainocent bystander was killed. our city looks like crap because people think it's cool to smash and burn things.

it's so fucked up.

end of rant

[Oct 22,2004 5:33pm - dreadkill ""]
i love sports but i hate all the meatheads who riot whenever a team from their city wins a championship. it isn't just boston, it's everywhere.

i feel bad for the family of the girl who died. i didn't see the picture on the herald. is it online anywhere?
[Oct 22,2004 6:07pm - todayistheday  ""]
yai cant beleive they showed that pic....totally fucked up
[Oct 22,2004 6:37pm - the_reverend ""]
someone scan this cover and post it!
[Oct 22,2004 8:05pm - retzam ""]
I can't find the picture anywhere on the internet. Someone on here must get the herald??
[Oct 22,2004 8:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
that cover IS NOT the girl that died, that is a woman that was hit in the eye with a pepperspray pellet fired into the crowd... different stories... FOR THE RECORD!!!
[Oct 22,2004 8:18pm - retzam ""]
I'm pretty sure that the person who died was the one who got hit in the eye with a pepperspray bullet. I think she fell over and slammed her head on the ground.
[Oct 22,2004 8:20pm - KeithMutiny ""]
not, it was a seperate incident, similar, but seperate
[Oct 22,2004 8:22pm - retzam ""]
ahhhh ok, i see

but in that case, what is all the uprising about the picture about then?
[Oct 22,2004 8:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
besides in here, i never heard any uprising... fuck they show dead us soldiers in Irag all the time... whats the big deal anyway... most of the people that were hurt there (again not all, MOST) deserved it for being fuckin stupid, or at least not being good enough to get away with it, so, whatever
[Oct 22,2004 9:53pm - retzam ""]
litacore said:tbone_r said:they put the girls picture, as she's lying on the ground, on the front of the herald. they're gonna get shit for that


Go to that link, there are plenty of letters to the herald about it.
[Oct 22,2004 10:12pm - succubus ""]
it was on NPR too
just heard it driving home
[Oct 22,2004 11:07pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
the picture in the herald has a picture of a girl lying on the ground with blood oh her hands...

the girl that died got hit in the eye by a pellet shot by a boston police officer. when you see the picure you immediately thik it's the girl that died because many newspapers have the girls pic on the cover. todays metro has a highschool pic of the girl.

we are bombarded by pics of dead soldiers but it's kinda lame to print a pic of girl lying on the ground afer a red sox game ---- i think it's more of a ethical issue.
[Oct 22,2004 11:12pm - Nel  ""]
I can't tell who is more retarded - the numbskulls who have a deep-rooted hate for Sovereign Bank signs, or the "innocent" bystanders watching the destruction. Should anybody feel sorry for this girl? NO. She should've been home watching the chaos on T.V. like the rest of us. Everyone knows I'm a drunk piece of shit, but I know when the celebration is over and when to leave a hostile scene!
[Oct 22,2004 11:27pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
wha if the girlwasn't standing and watching --- what if she was just walking by and got hit by a stray pellet?

i think of his incident as a freak accident and she is innocent because she wasn't involved in destroying property and signs!

yeah common sense will be to get the hell out of the area but it's not so easy when your in the midst of a riot of throng of people with police and crap around.

a girl is dead --- have a fucking heart and a conscience.
[Oct 22,2004 11:59pm - Nel  ""]
The damage has been done. Here's where my heart and conscience comes in - I hope people learn from this tragedy and stay away from all the DANGER signs: vandalism, destruction, ... oh and the fucking police copters flying overhead! Chances are that no one learns from this.
[Oct 23,2004 11:41am - dirteecrayon ""]
If you decide you want to riot... listen to Curt...

Grow up a little.

[Oct 23,2004 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 23,2004 12:10pm - succubus ""]
shut it aaron
[Oct 23,2004 12:13pm - Dissector ""]
Nel said:I can't tell who is more retarded - the numbskulls who have a deep-rooted hate for Sovereign Bank signs, or the "innocent" bystanders watching the destruction. Should anybody feel sorry for this girl? NO. She should've been home watching the chaos on T.V. like the rest of us. Everyone knows I'm a drunk piece of shit, but I know when the celebration is over and when to leave a hostile scene!

I agree man. I have no sympathy for this girl. She was in a riot, the police were acting to a riot situation. She could have just left but she choose to stay.
[Oct 23,2004 12:17pm - succubus ""]
i had 2 shows at the avalon this week

and i honestly did not want to deal with riots

if something would have happened to me while trying to walk to my car i would have been pissed off
[Oct 23,2004 1:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
bring some brass knuckles and a baton, works for me
[Oct 23,2004 1:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I can't find my brass nuckles. The're in my room somewere.
[Oct 23,2004 1:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]
succubus said:i had 2 shows at the avalon this week

and i honestly did not want to deal with riots

if something would have happened to me while trying to walk to my car i would have been pissed off

I'll bring my chain mase. I'll back you up, yo!:gun::nuke::whipper:
[Oct 23,2004 2:50pm - dirteecrayon ""]
swamplorddvm said:I can't find my brass nuckles. The're in my room somewere.

noone uses brass knuckles anymore it's all about those clipping things climbers use [yes i suck cuz i can't remember the name]
[Oct 23,2004 3:53pm - intricateprocess ""]
that really just sucks for that chick. wrong place at the wrong time. it sucks that a bunch of assholes fuck it up for everyone else

as far as the pictures go, that really hit me hard and made me think

they were pretty graphic,so i could see why people would be pissed, on the other hand i hope every dickhead that was causing chaos looked at those pictures long and hard
[Oct 24,2004 12:32am - Nel  ""]
Forget it! Dickheads won't learn. There wouldn't be any necessesity for riot officer action if it wasn't for those punks. And the girl in question could possibly be alive right now. These punks will never hold themselves accountable for anything! They are the same mfers that will wonder why they are getting expelled the following week.
The papers are loving this shit! Graphic shots sell. This isn't just news... it's money in the pocket. They're all Scum!
[Oct 24,2004 12:56am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Josh_Martin said:I wish they would just give us actual opium. Baseball sucks.


that was funny
[Oct 25,2004 9:06am - the_reverend ""]
I just got sent a 2MB picture someone snapped.
[Oct 25,2004 10:11am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 25,2004 10:58am - dirteecrayon ""]
happy now rev?
[Oct 25,2004 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
well, I have a highly detailed shot too that I'm not sure if I should post.
[Oct 25,2004 11:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
post it
[Oct 25,2004 11:21am - JayTUS ""]
It's very unfortunate that all of this happened. But that's what happens when you mix alcohol with about 40 or so colleges in the 10-20 mile radius around Fenway Park. Most of the people down there weren't even Red Sox fans, they were just drunk college kids looking to "have fun." There are probably, what, 100,000 college kids in and around Boston? Maybe more? They certainly all aren't from Massachusetts or even New England for that matter, especially schools like Harvard, BU and Northeastern.

It's unfortunate, but riots like these happen almost EVERY time a sports team wins a title. It happened in Detroit just this year when the Pistons won the NBA title. That was the last sports team that won one, and there were "riots" there.

People climbing street lights and flipping cars and burning stuff are idiots no matter how you cut it. Believe it or not, I had been planning on driving to Boston if and hopefully when the Sox go for a fourth win to close out the series. Not even to go to the game, just to be a part of the atmosphere, to be a part of the celebration. That is probably exactly what A LOT of these kids that were down there were doing. Just trying to take it all in. But guess what, any time you get a crowd that big together, shit like this is going to happen. Things get carried away and all hell breaks lose. It has happened in all sorts of protests before, and this is no different.

I feel really bad for that girl. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't see why the cop did what he did, but hindsight is always 20/20.
[Oct 25,2004 11:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am glad she is dead, she was a stupid cunt. I wish the same fate for her parents and her friends.
[Oct 25,2004 11:23am - succubus ""]
riots for sports = gay
[Oct 25,2004 11:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
succubus said:sports = gay

[Oct 25,2004 11:27am - the_reverend ""]
proving once and again, that watching sports are for fags.
in the imortal words of somone "those who can, do. those who can't, teach"

the only people who should be rejoicing are all the 7-18 year old kids who's dads are too busy caring about some shitty game and have no time to beat their kids for not making the ___ball team.
reminds me of Al Bundy always recounting highschool stories.
[Oct 25,2004 11:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I really hope there is no game 7 in the world series, it would ruin my show
[Oct 25,2004 11:31am - JayTUS ""]
I hope there is no game 7 too Joe, I hope the series doesn't even come back to Boston!!
[Oct 25,2004 11:34am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Don't get me wrong, I am definately glad that girl died. I would like to see Boston win, but I'd rather they lose then there be a game 7.
[Oct 25,2004 11:37am - JayTUS ""]
They would have to lose four straight games for that to happen. All they have to do is win 2 of the next 4 for there to be no game 7. Otherwise...
[Oct 25,2004 11:40am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Either way, I am comforted by that girl's death.
[Oct 25,2004 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
edited: removed cause I was asked why I wasn't posting them.. and then when I did, told to take them down.
[Oct 25,2004 1:06pm - dirteecrayon ""]
[Oct 25,2004 1:06pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I would totally have started cupping her tits
[Oct 25,2004 1:13pm - succubus ""]
joe enough...

this has gotten WAY out of hand
[Oct 25,2004 1:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Greg.. I think we found our idea for the new BoE shirts.
[Oct 25,2004 1:15pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
boooooo, I want the pictures back.
[Oct 25,2004 1:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Who told you to take them down? the family?
[Oct 25,2004 1:20pm - dirteecrayon ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I would totally have started cupping her tits

why don't you cup you're own --- they're bigger!

[Oct 25,2004 1:22pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
dirteecrayon said:Joe/NotCommon said:I would totally have started cupping her tits

why don't you cup you're own --- they're bigger!


I need something new.
[Oct 25,2004 1:27pm - dirteecrayon ""]
but seriously those pics were just horrid and didnt belong here
c'mon a girl just died and you want to stare at pics of her dead body
and look at blood oozing from her eyes
and talk about cupping her boobs?
have some respect for the family at least
[Oct 25,2004 1:27pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I have no respect for her family.
[Oct 25,2004 1:30pm - succubus ""]
then spend more time on oogrish.com not here
[Oct 25,2004 1:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
No thanks, I like it here.
[Oct 25,2004 1:32pm - dirteecrayon ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I have no respect for her family.

joe, remember what we talked about?
do i have to send you back in the corner for bad behavior?
be a good boy now!

[Oct 25,2004 1:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Why should I give a shit that some cunt got what she deserved?
[Oct 25,2004 1:36pm - dirteecrayon ""]
so the day you get your ass severely beaten by fsu
i'm going to take pictures and say thats what you deserve
[Oct 25,2004 1:37pm - Lynneaus ""]
joe u are an ass
[Oct 25,2004 1:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
dirteecrayon said:so the day you get your ass severely beaten by fsu
i'm going to take pictures and say thats what you deserve

If I go and start rioting at an FSU show and they kill me, then yeah you can do that.
[Oct 25,2004 1:43pm - Lynneaus ""]
so what if u are just at the FSU show and a riot breaks out but u are just standing there cuz u were talking to a friend about how great the show was... and ur ass gets beaten down?
[Oct 25,2004 1:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
I think posting the picture is a good idea... what the hell are you trying to censor the rev on his own website? He should be able to do what he wants to do. If you have a problem with it, don't look at the thread or go somewhere else...I saw the pictures, and they are horrid, so is any death photo that's been posted here or anywhere else. I think it's important for some people to see pictures like that to remind us just how fragile we are...
[Oct 25,2004 1:46pm - dirteecrayon ""]
theres still a picture above that people can look at
[Oct 25,2004 1:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Lynneaus said:so what if u are just at the FSU show and a riot breaks out but u are just standing there cuz u were talking to a friend about how great the show was... and ur ass gets beaten down?

That would rule.
[Oct 25,2004 1:48pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Finally a good scenerio. When you go to an FSU show you know there's going to be a fight. And if you feel that you have to go and you don't want to get fucked up, be somewhere where you're out of harms way. That's what a smart person would do. This girl obviously knew there was going to be riots after the game, so what did she do? She decided to stick around while people are flipping cars over and stand on the sidewalk next to Officer Whorestomper's pepper gun.
[Oct 25,2004 1:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
dirteecrayon said:theres still a picture above that people can look at

that's not the point, there were others that weren't newspaper quality. AND Rev removed them because he got shit for posting them. Even though the majority wanted him to post the pictures.
[Oct 25,2004 1:49pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said: She decided to stick around while people are flipping cars over and stand on the sidewalk next to Officer Whorestomper's pepper gun.

office whorestomper haha

i doubt the cop shot her for being an innocent bystander.
good riddens
[Oct 25,2004 1:50pm - korpse-l- ""]
I know if i saw some college punk(s) flipping my car over, i'd be right out there with a baseball bat, Grand Slam off the face! i might even shoot'm. hell... i might even shoot'm in the eye, and who knows, maybe i might go over there while they're on the ground an kick'm in the head
[Oct 25,2004 1:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
korpse-l- said:I know if i saw some college punk(s) flipping my car over, i'd be right out there with a baseball bat, Grand Slam off the face! i might even shoot'm. hell... i might even shoot'm in the eye, and who knows, maybe i might go over there while they're on the ground an kick'm in the head

and then touch their boobs?
[Oct 25,2004 1:52pm - dirteecrayon ""]
and tom i agree with you but if you look at the comments people posted after rev posted the pics
"i want to cup her boobs"
that's just wrong
and you're right it his rev site he can do whatever he wants --- i didnt tell him to remove them
for people who are reading these threads at work and other places --- do you think they constantly want to see a pic of a dead girl that just died a few days ago --- this thread is about the stupidity of idiots who rioted after a baseball game in which a girl lost her life --- i dont think we need to be constantly reminded since we weren't the ones rioting.
[Oct 25,2004 1:53pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I bet all her cunt friends will be back rioting after we win the world series, because they learned their lesson. I hope more of them die.
[Oct 25,2004 1:55pm - dirteecrayon ""]
dirteecrayon said:and tom i agree with you but if you look at the comments people posted after rev posted the pics
"i want to cup her boobs"
that's just wrong
and you're right it his rev site he can do whatever he wants --- i didnt tell him to remove them
for people who are reading these threads at work and other places --- do you think they constantly want to see a pic of a dead girl that just died a few days ago --- this thread is about the stupidity of idiots who rioted after a baseball game in which a girl lost her life --- i dont think we need to be constantly reminded since we weren't the ones rioting.

whoops --- i mean i agree with tom about the following "I think it's important for some people to see pictures like that to remind us just how fragile we are..."

[Oct 25,2004 1:56pm - korpse-l- ""]
yes. i would have to slip a cuffer.
[Oct 25,2004 1:57pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
See, I am not alone here. She deserved to die, AND, someone should have felt her tits up while they were still warm
[Oct 25,2004 5:45pm - the_reverend ""]
attention everyone!!! she was still alive in those pictures.
so they are not pictures of her dead.
[Oct 25,2004 5:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
You mean I masturbated to it for nothing?
[Oct 25,2004 6:09pm - dirteecrayon ""]
those are pics of her dying since she died later at the hospital...
[Oct 25,2004 6:25pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 25,2004 7:00pm - nel  ""]
glad people are beginning to see it my way. To go even further, I would like to give my endorsement for future riots. I would personally like to be there to witness the gathering of the troglodytes. If you think you can party hard, then you can take the punishment too! I'll be in the pit when Napalm Death comes here in November - I'll be HONORED to leave with another injury.

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