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New England Concerts - The Real Story

[Sep 22,2010 1:23pm - metal_church101 ""]

sixstringcarnage said:
sixstringcarnage said:Speaking of...Fuck SAMMY'S PATIO, for real. Forced Asphyxiation did a show in August with Scaphism, & Summoning Hate. Boycott that mutherfucking shit hole.. The Sound guy, didnt even give a thought as too paying out bands. I had to tell him to give me loot.

Not too mention he was drunk running the sound board.. fucking up peoples sets. fuckin faggot

Wonder is the sound guy for your show was a different one than who was there 2 years ago. 2 years ago, Bloodshed Unreal played a show there (can't remember who put the show on) and the pay out was honest (whomever came to see your band) and the sound wasn't bad at all.

Sorry to hear that you got phuct, though.
[Sep 22,2010 7:19pm - immortal13 ""]
When I booked the reunion show for TYAG in 08, that was by far the best I had done, and I didn't make shit outta that. I managed to break fully even, paying off the room rental, the dudes that helped Dave out, the sound guy, and I managed to pay both TYAG and Psytoxia their guarantees. I didn't make any money out of it, nor did I lose any. But still to this day I think it's one of the best shows I have ever done, and also the most fun.

Back in May I did a show at Stadium 10 Pin, booking Anomia and Acariya for their tour. Show didn't quite break even, and I lost $150. Still though, no big deal, I still had a lot of fun and I am not gonna screw over any band I book, ever. Which is why I do shows so little.

I agree with the list of noteworthy promoters, but I'd like to add one more. Matt Darcy from Nefarious Realms. he does a lot of shows at Ralph's and other places in the Worcester area. The kid promotes the fuck out of the shows, gets some good bands to play, and he has never (to my knowledge) fucked over anyone, ever. He is always willing to break down into his own pocket so he doesn't have to screw anyone over, and that's what I find to be respectable in a promoter.

That's my cool story. Bro.
[Sep 22,2010 7:30pm - brian_dc ""]
New England is Chicken Clubbed
[Sep 22,2010 10:20pm - dertoxia ""]

immortal13 said:I managed to pay both TYAG and Psytoxia their guarantees.

lol @ guarantee. I wish we could have a guarantee. We're just more than happy to be able to get anything. That was just a super fun show and was made better by the fact that ya didn't lost your shirt and were able to throw some bones the bands way. We've never been upset by not getting paid at the end of the night. (well except for this one time in North Carolina when there was a good crowd but miraculously the guy didn't collect any money, but thats a long story...).

All in all, we love playing New England cause you cats actually care how your shows turn out.
[Sep 23,2010 1:02pm - immortal13 ""]

dertoxia said:

All in all, we love playing New England cause most of you cats actually care how your shows turn out.

[Sep 25,2010 2:46am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
This whole beef is null & void... Before Bernie was a part of Rocko's, Dave was fucking bands all the time!! You had to sell tickets with him also...

I used to help run a some of clubs (Sneakers, Escape Club, Club Extasy, Club 125, the Empire Theater, the Bombshelter) and do some of the booking years ago. So, I know what it takes to make shows work. The ticket selling thing makes bands work to be on the show... That's a good thing!! You have to think of the money that goes into booking the national bands, radio promo, flyers, security, sound & lighting systems, and sometimes having to rent places out... It costs around $3000.00 to rent the upstairs of the Palladium and like $7000.00 for the downstairs.
[Sep 25,2010 6:23am - Rockos  ""]

CANDY%20STRIPER%20DEATH%20ORGY said:This whole beef is null & void... Before Bernie was a part of Rocko's, Dave was fucking bands all the time!! You had to sell tickets with him also...

I used to help run a some of clubs (Sneakers, Escape Club, Club Extasy, Club 125, the Empire Theater, the Bombshelter) and do some of the booking years ago. So, I know what it takes to make shows work. The ticket selling thing makes bands work to be on the show... That's a good thing!! You have to think of the money that goes into booking the national bands, radio promo, flyers, security, sound & lighting systems, and sometimes having to rent places out... It costs around $3000.00 to rent the upstairs of the Palladium and like $7000.00 for the downstairs.

Bernie has been fucking over bands for yearssss, before he was even involved with me. The guy has stolen thousands.

The only reason you are even involved with Bernie is because you are able to sell 100-150 tickets per show. You think he would even book your band if you sold less?

[Sep 25,2010 11:58am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Well Dave, I disagree and agree... Of course, any booking agent (Bernie included) wants to deal with bands who are going to do work to bring in people. That is what is needed to put on big shows. Go anywhere in the country... Most promoters have you sell tickets. The bigger places on the westcoast have you buy tickets up front...
[Sep 25,2010 12:04pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Bernie and his crew have always treated us good... We do the work and we get to play on some big awesome shows May'be the Indoor Beach Party last March wasn't a lot of people's cup of tea but, we got to play in front of 3200 people!! Everybody went nuts...
[Sep 25,2010 12:07pm - immortal13 ""]
DIY or die
[Sep 25,2010 1:03pm - blue ""]
before rockos, bands/people had been trying to keep NEC out of the scene for years and it was working after things were done at marks showplace. when they became affiliated with rockos, it was like a slap in the face to everyone in new england. everyone saw the results too with the amount of underpromoted shows and sketchy cancellations.

glad to see that piece of shit is back out of our scene again. now i guess we will wait until he finds some other opportunity to take advantage of and weasel his way in and out again.
[Sep 25,2010 1:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 25,2010 1:10pm - ShadowSD ""]
Bernie has ripped off almost every band he's come in contact with, Eric if you and CSDO haven't been screwed by him consider yourself lucky and on borrowed time.

Reading this thread, my first reaction was that I'm surprised that Bernie is a) still around and b) not in prison. I've run into self-described "promoters" before who were the lazy type (think Onslaught Entertainment/Pete Rock: booking any bands they can online, bringing no one to the show themselves, and then getting a big chunk of if not all the money at the end for doing NOTHING) - but that's one thing, it's shady and lazy and leeches on the scene, but it's not necessarily criminal. Bernie from NEC on the other hand is an actual con-man scammer who in any other field would have been locked up a long time ago, and I am not exaggerating one bit; he will lie right to your face repeatedly and fuck you to line his pockets with zero sense of shame and remorse, and has for years made himself dependent on that kind of lifestyle as his meal ticket. The more we can repeat this to new bands in the scene that might not know any better, the less chance he will continue to live off the blood of musicians, so I HIGHLY approve of this thread.

On the broader topic, promoters should NOT get paid for booking a local show, period (not unless it makes thousands of dollars or something). Tons of times when I ran sound at a local show I had to make sure all the LEGITIMATE expenses of the show were covered by ticket sales from bands, but that was it; I never counted the time it took me to BOOK THE BANDS, just real stuff like the flat fee venue rental, cost of making tickets, a PA, and the cost of transporting it. Never once - not once - did I take a single penny for the task of "booking" or did I ever consider it for a second because that's fucking retarded, and I wish everyone who booked local shows had the same common sense; it's NOT something a person should expect to get paid for especially when at many local shows bands only may get gas money (or less) and have to split THEIR pay several ways. Yes, yes, ticket sales have to cover legitimate expenses to make the show function in the first place - and those who gripe about that fact need to get real - but only after each band on the show gets a big pay guarantee should the guy who took five fucking seconds to e-mail them get a red cent, in my opinion. Too bad we can't pass a law or something.

My personal solution to avoid dealing with "promoters" over the years, after seeing how they ranged from leeches to crooks, was to book shows as much as possible as band cooperatives, where all bands chip in on expenses and keep all the profit. That way, only actual musicians are involved. While this requires the bands to trust each other and be reliable and responsible for not leaving each other hanging, I've come to learn that we're sure as hell better off trusting and being trustworthy for each other than relying on on local promoters, especially those who literally know nothing about music except for how to call venues, e-mail bands, and pocket cash.
[Sep 25,2010 3:36pm - Fuck Bernie  ""]
Fuck Bernie Or Die
[Sep 25,2010 4:06pm - immortal13 ""]
I don't think it's that CSDO never got fucked by Bernie, I think they're just too naive to realize it and fell into his bullshit lies that everything he's doing is to help them. Which is pretty sad if you ask me, because of bunch of dudes in their 30s and 40s should not be that naive and stupid and should be wanting either a) to join in the revolt against NEC or b) not want anything to do with either side. That's just my thought on that though.
[Sep 25,2010 4:26pm - Fuck Bernie  ""]
Fuck Bernie Or Die!.
[Sep 25,2010 4:33pm - bradmann ""]
[Sep 25,2010 5:22pm - Spaldino  ""]
Don't do shows with Shred Boston or whatever... never had a good experience with that. another pocket all the money for doing nothing kind of guy.
[Sep 25,2010 8:25pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Well, we're are going to continue to work with Bernie!! And, continue to play a lot of his shows. We enjoy playing bigger and better shows... If we don't make money playing, we always make good money on merch...
[Sep 25,2010 8:28pm - the_reverend ""]
would personally enjoy a csdo CD tha eric has been promising me personal is just about to come out since the mid to late 90s.
[Sep 25,2010 8:28pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Hey Greg,

That's a 1973 Plymouth Barracuda on your myspace. Not a '71.
[Sep 25,2010 8:29pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Hey Rev. try since 2001...

[Sep 25,2010 8:31pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Lots of distro and label problems over the years. Plus, loosing Mike Justin to Unearth set us back quite a while.

It looks like Hold True will be doing the honors soon.
[Sep 26,2010 12:28pm - Manager at Rocko‘s S.B.G  ""]
NONE of the posts made here are from Rocko's They are all posted by I'm Thirsty Entertainment. Rockos has never posted anything on this or any other websites or forums EVER! WE have our own website and that is the only one we post too.
Kevin Manager at Rocko's Sports Bar and Grill.
[Sep 26,2010 1:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Sep 26,2010 3:38pm - Rocko's  ""]
I was asked to NOT use vulgarity when showing my love for New England Concerts when i post things on Bernie Goulet, Apparantly Bernie had his panties in a bunch and complained about me.

my only intention was to make people aware of this person, Hopefully it doesnt happen to you!
[Sep 26,2010 4:16pm - josh_hates_you ""]

Rocko‘s said:I was asked to NOT use vulgarity when showing my love for New England Concerts when i post things on Bernie Goulet

You were also asked to stop posting under the name Rocko's, douchebag.
[Sep 26,2010 4:26pm - immortal13 ""]


That's a 1973 Plymouth Barracuda on your myspace. Not a '71.

Hey whoever you are, tell it to the guy who made that survey because I am well aware it's not a 71.
[Mar 3,2011 9:44pm - BAN NEC  ""]
[Mar 4,2011 10:55am - xmikex ""]
Ban NEC from what? Terrible shows that no one should be going to anyways??


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