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Modern warfare 2, goodbye life.

[Nov 12,2009 10:18am - arktouros ""]
there are so many people across the internet boycotting this game for all of the above reasons yet it still annihilated sales records. sad day for the FPS gaming legacy.

many types of games play better on console. tactical RPG, strategy games, and FP shooters all belong on the PC though.
[Nov 12,2009 10:25am - reimroc ""]
^couldn't of said it better myself.
[Nov 12,2009 10:26am - GUY ""]
stop whining!!
[Nov 12,2009 10:32am - porphyria  ""]
since I'm basically playing the Xbox version I should be able to play Xbox players, shouldn't I? haha.
[Nov 12,2009 10:33am - Pires ""]
meh. all PC games look great. Although, I don't have a PC that can withstand playing games, as mine is pretty ancient (it has a hard time running XP, let alone a fucking game). Both consoles I have I received as birthday presents, so I'll just continue to use that and love it.
[Nov 12,2009 10:33am - arktouros ""]
i am whining, about a game i have no desire to play.
having a blast playing dragon age (on PC...) and i'll be playing assassin's creed 2 next week on xbox because that's where it belongs.
[Nov 12,2009 10:37am - arktouros ""]
maintaining a PC is a huge investment of time and money and a console is a small amount of money up front with no maintenance and a few years shelf life. i totally understand why it's so popular. i'm whining because i feel like true shooters are dying, and i'll be whining until half-life 3 gets released i guess.
[Nov 12,2009 10:41am - reimroc ""]
Yea VALVe is the last bastion of good PC gaming.
[Nov 12,2009 10:46am - arktouros ""]

porphyria said:since I'm basically playing the Xbox version I should be able to play Xbox players, shouldn't I? haha.

if the PC versions could play against the Xbox versions...it would be like the men competing against women in the Olympics.
[Nov 12,2009 10:53am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
PC games used to always be superior. Better controls, better hardware, and better display. In the days of high performance consoles and HD tv's, though, PCs are only superior in 1 regard now.

There are TONS of great shooters on consoles now. My girlfriend has a PS3 and xbox 360. I can't bring myself to use a fucking controller though. Even when I watch a veteran to the game playing it, the movements and camera view makes it look like I'm watching a child play his first PC game. I need my mouse.

Even though, not a FPS.. GTA 4 is a good example. I'm told there's pretty much AUTO-TARGETING when you're using the guns on the console version. There isn't any on PC. Why? It's easy as shit to aim. It's STILL easier to aim on the PC even vs a console with auto-targeting. A source of fun lately for me is to be driving down a street on GTA 4 and fire a single shot out of my car with a handgun through the windshield and into the face of an oncoming car. They're instantly dead and just drive into a wall. Eat that, console.
[Nov 12,2009 10:54am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

arktouros said:if the PC versions could play against the Xbox versions...it would be like the men competing against women in the Olympics.

[Nov 12,2009 10:56am - reimroc ""]
its so true. since the advent of online consoles there have always been rumors that the next FPS will allow PC players to connect to the same servers as console players. The only problem is that the players aiming with a mouse/keyboard would de_stroy the console players.
[Nov 12,2009 11:05am - arktouros ""]
yep, and MSD speaks truth.

i'm a big fan of the campaigns in the Halo series. The firefights are the best I've seen on a console, the physics, AI, maps, and weapons are all very well done. I still feel mentally challenged when I'm running around and aiming though...but since the game is built from scratch to account for the control issues, it works. But I wouldn't suffer through one minute of playing online.

and you're right about GTA4. even with all the auto-aim, you still have to sit there taking bullets while you try to swing around the camera with the control stick, and you're able to get off a shot...you might not know where that shot goes though.
[Nov 12,2009 2:09pm - patrick ""]
wow just wow
[Nov 12,2009 2:40pm - sever ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:PC games used to always be superior. Better controls, better hardware, and better display. In the days of high performance consoles and HD tv's, though, PCs are only superior in 1 regard now.

There are TONS of great shooters on consoles now. My girlfriend has a PS3 and xbox 360. I can't bring myself to use a fucking controller though. Even when I watch a veteran to the game playing it, the movements and camera view makes it look like I'm watching a child play his first PC game. I need my mouse.

Even though, not a FPS.. GTA 4 is a good example. I'm told there's pretty much AUTO-TARGETING when you're using the guns on the console version. There isn't any on PC. Why? It's easy as shit to aim. It's STILL easier to aim on the PC even vs a console with auto-targeting. A source of fun lately for me is to be driving down a street on GTA 4 and fire a single shot out of my car with a handgun through the windshield and into the face of an oncoming car. They're instantly dead and just drive into a wall. Eat that, console.

Maybe I just play too much GTA 4, but I have the xbox version and doing this with auto-aim off isn't hard at all. In fact I hate playing with auto aim, it ruins the immersion.
[Nov 12,2009 2:41pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Wasn't there 2 supposedly sick war FPShooters coming out around this time? What am I forgetting? Or was I misinformed?
[Nov 12,2009 2:43pm - Sacreligion ""]


A 25 kill streak seems almost unreasonable.
[Nov 12,2009 2:47pm - sever ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Wasn't there 2 supposedly sick war FPShooters coming out around this time? What am I forgetting? Or was I misinformed?

Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising came out earlier this month. It rapes babies in its awesomeness. It is essentially war-simulation as opposed to the arcade-y battles you see in CoD. Although I've heard ArmA 2 is way better insofar as realism, but my laptop sucks and they don't make it for consoles.
[Nov 12,2009 4:29pm - porphyria  ""]

[Nov 12,2009 4:32pm - porphyria  ""]
seems to me that IWnet is like putting your trust into a matchmaking site to hook you up with a hot babe.

I was playing MP earlier fine but now it seems IWnet is down...stuck on 'Connecting to IWnet...'

I REALLY hope they release a patch at some point expanding the PC version to add it's standard features.
[Nov 12,2009 4:43pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
you people DO realize that you can use a mouse and keyboard on a 360, right? look it up.
[Nov 12,2009 4:46pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

there, i did the search for you. stop whining and play.
[Nov 12,2009 4:51pm - porphyria  ""]
yeah but I don't want a 360, I can do way more on my PC than a 360 so it doesn't make sense for me to need another piece of hardware.

also it's lame that there's no dedicated servers meaning you could be playing against entire servers that blow, I prefer to choose where I play and there's way more sense of community when you join servers you know and can play with people you've played with before. Being able to choose servers such as 'TACTICAL ONLY' is a big plus for me because sometimes I want a serious game with rules so it's not a server with all noobs running and gunning. Also the ability to create mods/maps, ect is a huge advantage with the PC and has been around forever, so the fact that Infinity Ward just decides to take it out is kinda ridiculous!

I'm still going to play the game and give it a chance but I'll probably end up going back to World At War if they don't add the standard pc features.
[Nov 12,2009 4:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Sacreligion said:

A 25 kill streak seems almost unreasonable.

mushroom cloud or GTFO.
[Nov 12,2009 4:58pm - porphyria  ""]
"IWNET takes the benefits of dedicated servers and allows them to be utilized and accessed by every player, out of the box, while removing the barrier to entry for players unaware of how to maintain a server on their own." - Robert Bowling, Infinity Ward

Dude is a retard! 90% of the people that play online don't even have the intentions of starting a server, probably ever! They just want a choice on where to play. Chances are if the person is playing the game on their PC they're not as illiterate as most console gamers.
[Nov 12,2009 7:08pm - porphyria  ""]
[Nov 12,2009 7:23pm - porphyria  ""]

the piece of shit IWNET server crashed already.

I hope it fails and continues to fail they're forced to give the people what they expected to be standard, dedicated servers!
[Nov 12,2009 7:24pm - porphyria  ""]
this means, no one can play multiplayer at least PC users...

I hope someone DOS attacked it.
[Nov 12,2009 7:43pm - xanonymousx ""]

who said it wasn't out for pc's?
[Nov 12,2009 8:00pm - porphyria  ""]
what? no one said that.
[Nov 12,2009 8:01pm - porphyria  ""]

[Nov 13,2009 1:48am - porphyria  ""]
[Nov 16,2009 11:57am - porphyria  ""]
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Networking: Client/Server
Avg Ping: 25-40ms
Console Commands: Yes
Lean: Yes
Custom Maps: Yes
Number of Players: up to 64
Competitive Mods: Yes
Mod Tools: Yes
Ability to Record: Yes
Kick/Ban Hackers Immediately: Yes
Profiles Saved Online: No
Manually Select Server to Join: Yes
Control Bad Language: Yes
0 ping Advantage for Host: No
Lan Play: Yes
Free Demo: Yes
Price: $50

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Networking: Peer 2 Peer (downgrade)
Avg Ping: 100ms+ (downgrade)
Console Commands: No (downgrade)
Lean: No (downgrade)
Custom Maps: No (downgrade)
Number of Players: up to 18 (downgrade)
Competitive Mods: No (downgrade)
Mod Tools: No (downgrade)
Ability to Record: No (downgrade)
Kick/Ban Hackers Immediately: No (downgrade)
Profiles Saved Online: Yes
Manually Select Server to Join: No (downgrade)
Control Bad Language: No (downgrade)
0 ping Advantage for Host: Yes (downgrade)
Lan Play: Yes
Free Demo: No (downgrade)
Price: $60 (downgrade)
[Nov 16,2009 12:11pm - porphyria  ""]
lol @ amazon rating
[Nov 16,2009 3:58pm - ScmFck  ""]
after playing this everyday since it came out my xbox last night died, fuck microsoft and their red circle of death
[Nov 21,2009 11:16am - xanonymousx ""]
PS3 for the win! lets get a game going tonight!
[Nov 21,2009 10:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
anyone want to play?
[Nov 21,2009 11:03pm - porphyria  ""]
the pc version might as well be able to play against Xbox and PS3 so we can school all yer asses.
[Nov 21,2009 11:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]

aril said:
wolfenstein > all FPS games past 2001

[Nov 21,2009 11:42pm - ArilliusBM ""]
yea man, this is what FPS's are supposed to be:

[Nov 21,2009 11:43pm - ArilliusBM ""]
do you want some... WAAAANNNG?
[Nov 21,2009 11:48pm - porphyria  ""]
Q3 > all

http://www.quakelive.com = amazing.
[Nov 21,2009 11:51pm - ArilliusBM ""]
that;s free??
[Nov 22,2009 12:04am - porphyria  ""]
yup and you only need a 3mb file to install it and it keeps track of stats, ect.
[Nov 22,2009 12:08am - dertoxia ""]
ya quake live is fun as shit
[Nov 22,2009 11:09pm - sever ""]

ArilliusBM said:do you want some... WAAAANNNG?

Shadow Warrior is ghey. BLOOD is where it's at.
[Nov 22,2009 11:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I want this and assassin's creed II.
time to use some gift certs.
[Nov 23,2009 1:10am - Doomkid nli  ""]

ScmFck said:after playing this everyday since it came out my xbox last night died, fuck microsoft and their red circle of death

"Install to Harddrive" ya dummy. Surest way to avoid RROD. Trust me, I had 3 before I started doing that.
[Nov 23,2009 5:43am - the_reverend ""]
cant believe the xbox is still out with the RROD issue.
[Nov 23,2009 10:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
eh we got an elite now. looks sick with the HDMI cable hook up.

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