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IWRESTLEDABEARONCE Announces 'Musical Shift' To Black Metal

[May 17,2011 10:41pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Known for its relentless touring and one-of-a-kind, fearless live show, IWRESTLEDABEARONCE — the Shreveport, Louisiana quintet now transplanted to Los Angeles, California — has announced a change in musical direction. The group's foray into black metal is exemplified by its newly designed logo and band photos.

"We were sick of getting lumped in with 'scene' and 'whatever-core' bands, so we decided to embrace our roots and just go straight black metal on the new album," says guitarist Steven Bradley. "I'd say 90 percent of the new record is straight-up black metal, so we had to change our image to match... Because, of course, that's just as important, if not more so, than the music."



[May 17,2011 10:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
troll content? you decide.

In any case, this is good news for hipster black metal-- They're not the target anymore.
[May 17,2011 10:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
That's it. I'm done.
[May 17,2011 10:48pm - Lamp ""]
Anyone else feeling up for a rousing game of duck duck goose right about now?
[May 17,2011 10:49pm - xmikex ""]
Tits or GTFO.
[May 17,2011 10:50pm - AMOROK666 ""]

arilliusbm said:That's it. I'm done.
[May 17,2011 10:52pm - Alx_Casket ""]
True black metal fans don't realize that this is exactly what the genre needs. More humor, more hate.
[May 17,2011 10:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 17,2011 10:56pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
more like i wrestled a poser once
[May 17,2011 10:58pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
wouldn't surprise me if they listened to black metal. also, whooo giiivess a fuuuuuuckkk
[May 17,2011 10:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
AIDS has a soundtrack
[May 17,2011 11:00pm - Slag ""]
Your genre was/is/has been a joke for years. Get over it. Who gives a fuck. Listen to music, care less.
[May 17,2011 11:00pm - Sacreligion ""]
[May 17,2011 11:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
nothing wrong with standing by what you believe in. and I hate to see bands like this make a mockery of the genre, regardless of what the music sounds like. black metal is the only genre of music that I had held a conservative value on, but alas, that has now disappeared within the past 3 or so years.

eat it up, USBM. once a joke, always a joke.
[May 17,2011 11:06pm - Sacreligion ""]
If I started a true BM band that burned down churches would that make you feel better? I feel all BM kids are pretty much posers.
[May 17,2011 11:08pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
some random kids from california put on some corpsepaint, jim swears off metal music, for real this time.
[May 17,2011 11:09pm - Alx_Casket ""]
jim will quit rttp at least twice in this thread alone, by the end of the month

only caring and then walking away saying you don't care is trve
[May 17,2011 11:10pm - Alx_Casket ""]
j/k bro <3
[May 17,2011 11:10pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
thats why i like bands, albums and songs, not specifically genres of music. bands like these dont have any musical inspirations except for genres of music.
[May 17,2011 11:12pm - Sacreligion ""]
Correction: All BM kids ARE poseurs.
[May 17,2011 11:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
no. what would make me feel better is if people understood the aesthetic and raw emotion that goes into good black metal. arguably, it has been dead for years, but there are certain bands that capture the proper feel in which it should encompass. Sadly, it is a lost art, albeit, still a legit genre of music. Horrible analogy, but consider old school hip hop compared to today's hiphop. there's no fucking difference between what happened to black metal and what happened to hip hop. the underground still thrives in both genres, but everything is generally watered down garbage with people that just don't get it. I still enjoy black metal occasionally and spin a lot of the classics, but I don't get boners over it anymore like I used to.
I'd argue that 85% of black metal sucks.. but when speaking in USBM terms, that number jumps up to 99%.

i've already said my 2 cents 1,000,000 times on this board, and some of you can take it at face value or just plain laugh at it. frankly I don't care anymore; most metal is LOL worthy now. give me metal from the NWOBM up until the late 90s and we'll call it even.
[May 17,2011 11:20pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I see your analogy, but even the underground/purists must progress in order to stay contemporary. In terms of hip hop, if Kurtis Blow tried playing a show in present day, he would be laughed off stage.

As for USBM vs. european bm, there are a good deal of decent bands. I wouldn't say it's 99%, but it usually does suck more than a given bm band from across the pond. You can blame that on the internet as being the primary source of inspiration for nowadays bands, or blame something else. It doesn't really matter because bands that suck will either die out or get lumped into pay-to-play shows and die a slower painful death. Good music can reach more ears than ever, given our current electronic social mechanisms. The effect is good and bad, but the fact is that it perpetuates in people's mindshares more than if it never reached their ears in the first place, which is what keeps the underground alive in the first place, right? I stand by file sharing 100%.
[May 17,2011 11:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
Answer me this, Nietzsche, what is 'contemporary' in black metal? Cross-genre ing styles? Or being pure to the roots? Does it even matter with what is considered 'contemporary' ?

and lol @ making this into a conversation about file sharing. I've been file sharing since Napster and have never stopped. But I've ALWAYS preferred physical copies to electronic copies. There's no question on what is the better one.
[May 17,2011 11:29pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Contemporary refers to stuff that's coming out now that is lumped into the black metal category. The word refers to the current time period, nothing more.

And I wasn't making this into a file sharing conversation, just saying that file sharing and the internet have been invaluable tools in getting music into the hands of people way beyond the normal "hard copy" scope of things. Quality-wise, I agree that hard copy is better (obvi).
[May 17,2011 11:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
I would argue that black metal ran into a brick wall in the 90s and shattered into a bunch of little pieces. Since then, kids have been picking up the pieces and pasting them with other pieces of shattered genres. What we have now are cross-genre bands which deem themselves original, and in some cases they are. But from an artistic perspective, black metal in and of itself can no longer progress as a genre. You either are influenced by the black metal sound and aesthetic, or you are straight up worshiping the bands/gods of old.

Music has been dead for years. Wake me when a new genre arises - something that is fresh and does not require rehashing and pasting of other genres. (that's not to say I don't enjoy some of those bands that do)
[May 17,2011 11:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only being a pessimist is real.
[May 17,2011 11:36pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

arilliusbm said: But from an artistic perspective, black metal in and of itself can no longer progress as a genre. You either are influenced by the black metal sound and aesthetic, or you are straight up worshiping the bands/gods of old.

i enjoy the aesthetic of black metal quite a bit and i enjoy many older bands. i see nothing wrong with this.

what i was saying before about the genre of music is that I think it is stupid to want to play a certain style of music just for the sake of playing that style of music.
[May 17,2011 11:38pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Ok, I will let you know when a new genre arises that doesn't infer anything from other genres. LOL

And your argument is acknowledged by other musical critics, many of which have described the progression of the black metal sound as broken into 1st wave, 2nd wave, etc. In the end, genre talk is a fruitless battle because a lot of the bands out there aren't genre defining. That is, to categorize them, you will get a different answer depending on who you ask, and possibly a mash-up of genre labels. Like the "blackened ___ ___ ___ death ____ ___ metal" bands.
[May 17,2011 11:38pm - Alx_Casket ""]
@mike: tits or gtfo
[May 17,2011 11:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
I might add that I HATE when bands change their sound and/or image after they've already established what they are.

EXAMPLE: Abigail Williams

Fuck that band. I saw them not even 5 years ago and they were shitty deathcore with some broad on keyboards. Now they're black metal? Fuck you. Fuck all of you.
[May 17,2011 11:41pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Ulver. Mundanus Imperium. <-examples of the opposite effect still being quite good.

I never got into abigail williams because I remember seeing them at some palladium fest and they were shitty, then I heard they became black metal and I checked them out again. Still wasn't feeling it, but I wouldn't generalize based on that band. Not everyone in black metal bands you like started off playing black metal.
[May 17,2011 11:47pm - arilliusbm ""]

Alx_Casket said:Ok, I will let you know when a new genre arises that doesn't infer anything from other genres. LOL

As dumb as it sounds, I stand by that statement. Granted, art is always borrowing and progressing from earlier styles and genres. Any person who has studied the history and development of Art and/or Classical music would know this.

But, looking at the big picture, what is unique to me are the paintbrushes (musical instruments) we are given. There are hundreds of them. Needs moar black metal without distorted guitar or rock drums, but with 100% other instruments.

Alx_Casket said:And your argument is acknowledged by other musical critics, many of which have described the progression of the black metal sound as broken into 1st wave, 2nd wave, etc. In the end, genre talk is a fruitless battle because a lot of the bands out there aren't genre defining. That is, to categorize them, you will get a different answer depending on who you ask, and possibly a mash-up of genre labels. Like the "blackened ___ ___ ___ death ____ ___ metal" bands.

Agreed. The bands that had established black metal for what it WAS, deserve the credit by being labelled into a certain niche. Today, however, genres are nothing but a joke because of the meshing.
[May 17,2011 11:47pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
This has to be a joke. My friend Gregg is going to kill people.
[May 17,2011 11:51pm - arilliusbm ""]

Alx_Casket said:Ulver. Mundanus Imperium. <-examples of the opposite effect still being quite good.

I never got into abigail williams because I remember seeing them at some palladium fest and they were shitty, then I heard they became black metal and I checked them out again. Still wasn't feeling it, but I wouldn't generalize based on that band. Not everyone in black metal bands you like started off playing black metal.

Agreed, although there's a big difference in going from something respectable, and going into something even more respectable in its own right.

I didn't start off playing black metal. I don't expect anyone else to, either.
[May 17,2011 11:53pm - Pires ""]
I just hope those pics are photoshopped.
[May 17,2011 11:54pm - BlackoutRick ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

I just literally fell off my bed laughing.
[May 17,2011 11:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
That being said, i've got to head to bed. no more responses from me tonight. I hope there some thought-provoking posts come morning, because this board lacks balls now and is all nonsensical bullshit. Just look at MillenialKingdom. Dude's the biggest troll ever. I'm purely convinced he doesn't exist and is merely RichHorror laughing behind a computer screen, naked and drinking beer.
[May 17,2011 11:55pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said:
I didn't start off playing black metal. I don't expect anyone else to, either.

And if Abigail Williams or IWABO just so happened to actually make good black metal, would you give it a chance, or would you judge it before listening like so many other closed minded people out there, based on what they've played in the past?

That's the crux of what I'm positing. Like if everyone who hated your 8-bit stuff heard you decided to get into some black metal band and said "fuck that guy, it'll be a bunch of beeps and whipperclipper sounds."

Aye, bedtime for me as well. make some room for me in there.
[May 18,2011 12:01am - narkybark ""]
Call me amused, but I really want to hear what this re-imagined mess is going to sound like. There won't be anything BM about it, it'll be just image.
[May 18,2011 12:01am - arilliusbm ""]
no. i don't give much black metal a chance. like deafheaven for example. decent music with too much reverb, but i can't take it seriously. it's nothing but a joke to a genre in which I used to hold dearly.
and haters gonna hate. ive been making computer music far longer than ive been playing guitar, and could give a rats ass if some black metal fag called me a poser for it.
there's nothing to be insecure about with music, and most BM fans are insecure little pussies who have no life. at least, they used to be. who knows, It's all different now.
[May 18,2011 12:01am - Randy_Marsh ""]

Alx_Casket said:
arilliusbm said:
I didn't start off playing black metal. I don't expect anyone else to, either.

And if Abigail Williams or IWABO just so happened to actually make good black metal, would you give it a chance, or would you judge it before listening like so many other closed minded people out there, based on what they've played in the past?

That's the crux of what I'm positing. Like if everyone who hated your 8-bit stuff heard you decided to get into some black metal band and said "fuck that guy, it'll be a bunch of beeps and whipperclipper sounds."

Aye, bedtime for me as well. make some room for me in there.

i think everyone gets what your saying alex, but IWABO will always be and is just straight faggot shit....I mean there's no way in hell I could ever get past the name alone and aside from that the music is actually shit.
[May 18,2011 12:03am - arilliusbm ""]
and so be it, if they play "good" black metal, then more power to them.
[May 18,2011 12:27am - MillenialKingdom ""]

arilliusbm said:That being said, i've got to head to bed. no more responses from me tonight. I hope there some thought-provoking posts come morning, because this board lacks balls now and is all nonsensical bullshit. Just look at MillenialKingdom. Dude's the biggest troll ever. I'm purely convinced he doesn't exist and is merely RichHorror laughing behind a computer screen, naked and drinking beer.

Why you dragging me into your drama?
[May 18,2011 12:28am - EL OH EL  ""]
at DIS thrud.
[May 18,2011 12:33am - arilliusbm ""]
Being a pessimist asshole about a newly formed poser black metal band and voicing my opinion on the matter is "drama" ? Lest we forget that whenever you defend yourself and your religious beliefs, you are invoking drama upon yourself - more than anyone else that posts here. I'd think it's time you rethink what drama is, or at least reconsider the reasons on why you're an active poster on this site. I speak in realistic terms, and try to retain a voice of reason at times.
[May 18,2011 12:35am - goatcatalyst ""]
Someone should beat them up. Or arson. Arson would be apropos.
[May 18,2011 12:37am - RichHorror ""]
Fuck The God In Heaven On The Inverted Cross Of Death
[May 18,2011 1:32am - ouchdrummer ""]
Yuh. Someone PLEASE beat them up. "so we had to change our image to match... Because, of course, that's just as important, if not more so, than the music."
[May 18,2011 1:47am - AMOROK666 ""]
I refuse to read this whole thread. Iwrestledabearonce is now bm. It's completely fucking ridiculous. If celine dion started a death metal band, or if john stamos started a thrash metal band, it would equally bullshit to me. I will continue to pretend this doesn't exist just like I pretend dimmu borgir doesn't exist.
[May 18,2011 1:48am - AMOROK666 ""]
[May 18,2011 3:38am - poopshit  ""]
i guess you guys didn't read all of the link then. right after the paragraph about turning BM, they then go and talk about their new album and how it's very similar to the last one etc.

not like they won't still suck old hobo's ballbags or anything....
[May 18,2011 5:24am - spaldino  ""]
these guys are totally trying to troll. too bad Cephalic Carnage did it before them... and before that Impaled Northern Moonforest... way to be like... 6+ years late to the party, faggots.
[May 18,2011 6:44am - ouchdrummer ""]

poopshit said:i guess you guys didn't read all of the link then. right after the paragraph about turning BM, they then go and talk about their new album and how it's very similar to the last one etc.

not like they won't still suck old hobo's ballbags or anything....

YOU'RE RIGHT!! I DIDN'T read the whole story, i read just the blurb that was quoted in the original post... and that was enough for me. Why would i spend the time clicking a link that discusses Iwrestled...'s style change? Fuck this band.
[May 18,2011 8:21am - blue ""]
I just started liking this band A LOT more.
[May 18,2011 8:34am - spaldino  ""]
they are fucking awful. they get publicity because they have some cumdumpster for a vocalist. this is a total troll and they will remain to be fucking awful. they arent brutal or good. please cast them into the sun.
[May 18,2011 8:48am - eddnli  ""]
Black metallers need to realize they're not special and not a part of anything "greater." I accuse the thousands of nameless faces that felt as if they were a part of some movement or brotherhood. Guess what? You weren’t. You only felt that way because of the obscurity. “Your” genera was whored from the beginning. FACT! There is no difference between what’s going on now, than from its conception.

At least the originals were innovative. This band won’t be.

black metallers are worse than punks for fucks sake. you people don't own anything
[May 18,2011 8:55am - arilliusbm ""]
There's no difference between 1st wave BM and today's BM? Are you on crack?
[May 18,2011 8:56am - aril‘s personal fluffer  ""]
this is hilarious
[May 18,2011 8:56am - arilliusbm ""]
That's like saying 1950s rock is the same as 1970s rock. Does not compute.
[May 18,2011 8:59am - ouchdrummer ""]
it's not the same sonically, but the elitism needs to go.
[May 18,2011 9:00am - arilliusbm ""]
Elitism died around 2005.
[May 18,2011 9:04am - Alx_Casket ""]
aril, can you make a new thread with a visual timeline of black metal? I'd be very interested to see this.
[May 18,2011 9:05am - spaldino  ""]
[May 18,2011 9:06am - arilliusbm ""]
That would be full of lulz.
[May 18,2011 9:07am - eddnli  ""]

ouchdrummer said:it's not the same sonically, but the elitism needs to go.

Its not really the elitism thats annoying, its the pure unholy fucking sense of entitlement that comes with it.
[May 18,2011 9:09am - largefreakatzero ""]
Regardless of if the trend-hop is real or troll, all members of this band should be beaten to unconsciousness or death.
[May 18,2011 9:11am - eddnli  ""]

arilliusbm said:There's no difference between 1st wave BM and today's BM? Are you on crack?

never been to the money cult of mayhem?

(i like deathcrush as much as the next guy)
[May 18,2011 9:14am - arilliusbm ""]
Les Légions Noires or gtfo.
[May 18,2011 9:16am - pam ""]

Slag said:Your genre was/is/has been a joke for years. Get over it. Who gives a fuck. Listen to music, care less.

[May 18,2011 9:22am - brian_dc ""]
I like the cut of Slag's jib.
[May 18,2011 9:22am - arilliusbm ""]
if anything, i agree but am being an opinionated douche about it because the direction metal is going in angers me. never going to let it go, as pessimism is where it's at when it comes to a watered down shit genre of music.
[May 18,2011 9:25am - Pires ""]
"It's still real to me damnit!"
[May 18,2011 9:27am - blue ""]
I'm gonna go listen to Morbid Tales & Blood Fire Death and think about how much everything after suuuucks
[May 18,2011 9:27am - brian_dc ""]
There will be real stuff so long as people who care about it still make it. The garbage will pass and new garbage will be born. Put yourself outside it.
[May 18,2011 9:27am - arilliusbm ""]
be a crotchety old man / whiney bitch about it or gtfo niggas.
If someone really likes metal, they should care about conserving it and preserving its values. I know most will disagree with this, but oh well.
[May 18,2011 9:29am - pam ""]
But if there weren't curmudgeonly men like you to piss off, would this band even exist?

Therefor you are destroying black metal, Aril...nice fucking job.
[May 18,2011 9:32am - arilliusbm ""]
I do. Never heard what this band sounds like nor do I care. I listen to what I like, ands it's usually the classics. That being said, nothings going to stop me from caring about how metal is dying. I've been LOLing about black metal for years.
[May 18,2011 9:40am - arilliusbm ""]
Only typing too much about something that doesn't really matter is real.
[May 18,2011 9:49am - burnsy ""]
[May 18,2011 10:11am - aril‘s personal fluffer  ""]
theres a difference between being an elitist and being annoyed that a metalcore band goes from a joke of a genre(metalcore) to a not-so-much of a joke of a genre(black metal).
[May 18,2011 10:14am - eddnlie  ""]

arilliusbm said:I do. Never heard what this band sounds like nor do I care. I listen to what I like, ands it's usually the classics. That being said, nothings going to stop me from caring about how metal is dying. I've been LOLing about black metal for years.

"If someone really likes metal, they should care about conserving it and preserving its values."

[May 18,2011 10:17am - arilliusbm ""]
*slowly walks away from thread*
my trolljob is done here. carry on.
[May 18,2011 10:17am - eddnlie  ""]

aril‘s%20personal%20fluffer said:theres a difference between being an elitist and being annoyed that a metalcore band goes from a joke of a genre(metalcore) to a not-so-much of a joke of a genre(black metal).

haha i forgot this thread was about that. I just don't like the black metal elitist subculture so i'm being a dick. I think this is gay as much as aril.
[May 18,2011 10:20am - arilliusbm ""]
totally gay. after all, real black metal is about sodomy.
[May 18,2011 10:21am - brian_dc ""]
Also, metalcore was briefly a respectable genre...like 20 years ago.
[May 18,2011 10:21am - Alx_Casket ""]
Cool predicted loop closing bro.

[May 18,2011 10:22am - ark  ""]
jim, you're too much. metal has been mocked from the 60's and metalheads in the 80's were complaining about the "direction it's going in" and guess what, there are still amazing bands making great albums. it's following the natural evolution of music. look at great blues musicians, their music was taken and sold off as something else, and 100 years later, there are still great blues musicians making great recordings.

one rule of art is the more patrons it has, the less value it has. most metal is recycled garbage, it's not immune to art evolution. look at any genre of music and it's all saturated with bullshit because the cost of entry into music is so goddamn low these days.

specifically to black metal, i'm with slag and eddie. a long time ago in a galaxy far far away it was created, but it still followed law of musical evolution and stole from someone else. the sound is defining and immortal but the ideas will morph and change.

jim i totally agree if someone likes metal they should conserve it. i do that. you can't control what other people do with it and it's a waste of life to care about it.

well, this band wins troll of the month award for this publicity stunt. i will continue to listen to good bands and not give a fuck!
[May 18,2011 10:23am - eddnlie  ""]

arilliusbm said:totally gay. after all, real black metal is about sodomy.

black metal music = freedom
black metal subculture = entitlement
[May 18,2011 10:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Any form of elitism is dumb. Some of my typings may br borderline elitism, and for that I apologize.
Again, trying to be the voice of reason that everyone likes to hate.
[May 18,2011 10:26am - ark  ""]
you're 100% right about how hip hop's evolution parallels black metal's evolution. it's almost too similar.
[May 18,2011 10:28am - ark  ""]
nah jim it's a good discussion even though it's a total repost.

elitism is only wrong when you don't think you are "different" but instead think you are "better".
[May 18,2011 10:30am - The_Rooster ""]
Pretty sure this is an attempt at humor.
[May 18,2011 10:32am - arilliusbm ""]
I agree with what you said, but must add that there are simply too many bands now. Yes, filter em out, and yes there are still amazing bands. But it's not like it was in the 80s. Or 90s for that matter. Alx Casket nailed it earlier when he mentioned file sharing. Both good and bad.
I know for a fact that most modern BM fans wouldn't have discovered it it werent for downloading.
[May 18,2011 10:32am - narkybark ""]
[May 18,2011 10:32am - ark  ""]
also an attempt at pissing off elitists, pretty sure they succeeded.
[May 18,2011 10:32am - eddnlie  ""]

ark said:nah jim it's a good discussion even though it's a total repost.

elitism is only wrong when you don't think you are "different" but instead think you are "better".

is this the dark legions or rttp?

[May 18,2011 10:34am - arilliusbm ""]
You guys can label me as an elitist if you want. Frankly, I don't give a fuck. I'm a realist and a metalhead.
[May 18,2011 10:36am - eddnlie  ""]

arilliusbm said:I agree with what you said, but must add that there are simply too many bands now. Yes, filter em out, and yes there are still amazing bands. But it's not like it was in the 80s. Or 90s for that matter. Alx Casket nailed it earlier when he mentioned file sharing. Both good and bad.
I know for a fact that most modern BM fans wouldn't have discovered it it werent for downloading.

meh, if they weren't downloading they'd be cassette trading. thing with posers is that they aren't able to tell whats good or not outside classics.
[May 18,2011 10:36am - Alx_Casket ""]
@ark: How is elitism ever right? In Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," the message she's positing is that everyone is different, and that makes us all the same.
[May 18,2011 10:36am - eddnlie  ""]

arilliusbm said:You guys can label me as an elitist if you want. Frankly, I don't give a fuck. I'm a realist and a metalhead.

nobody has called you anything.
[May 18,2011 10:37am - OHMYGOD  ""]
OTHER PEOPLE LIKE BLACK METAL'S SOUND HOLY SHIT. NOT ALLOWED. You guys are still all the lame ass dudes that didn't get laid in high school. Keep playing Ralph's and O'Briens.
[May 18,2011 10:39am - eddnlie  ""]

OHMYGOD said:OTHER PEOPLE LIKE BLACK METAL'S SOUND HOLY SHIT. NOT ALLOWED. You guys are still all the lame ass dudes that didn't get laid in high school. Keep playing Ralph's and O'Briens.

well hot topic pussy wasn't invented yet
[May 18,2011 10:44am - arilliusbm ""]
eddnlie120852 said:nobody has called you anything.

I've been called an elitist many times on this board. I'm no better anyone else on this board. There were a few of us back in the day that would say anyone that got into BM post 2000 is a poser faggot but it's not like that anymore.
I generally accept all "newer" black metal heads with open arms and try to steer them in the right direction. Hence, me voicing and opinion all too often. Granted I'm still young and haven't been listening to metal forever, but I've been around the block with black metal. As far as file sharing goes, i used to be an admin for a direct connect black metal hub. I'm not against it, but it has it's drawbacks.
[May 18,2011 10:45am - ouchdrummer ""]

eddnli said:
ouchdrummer said:it's not the same sonically, but the elitism needs to go.

Its not really the elitism thats annoying, its the pure unholy fucking sense of entitlement that comes with it.

Yeah, that's definitely part of elitism. thanks though *smooch*
[May 18,2011 10:46am - eddnlie  ""]
i disagree.
[May 18,2011 10:48am - ark  ""]
oh please. we're all elitist in some way when we hate on bad music. i hate bad music, including les legions noires. say one thing on the internet and get interpreted 1000 ways.
[May 18,2011 10:51am - ouchdrummer ""]
oh i KNOW i am. When i said it had to go, i meant the type of elitism that looks down on people who got into the music later than them.. As opposed to me looking down WAAF-CORE listeners... which is reasonable elitism. I realize the distinction isn't important, i'm just bored and want to contribute.
[May 18,2011 10:57am - Alx_Casket ""]
As for looking down on WAAFers, I think the difference comes down to exposure, just like pre-file sharing and music globalization days when a given population only knew of regional pop songs. The radio listeners go with the less committed method of music listening, which involves advertising agencies refining a demographic, and letting radio stations make the decisions of what they are allowed to listen to.
[May 18,2011 11:13am - Eddie ""]

Alx_Casket said:As for looking down on WAAFers, I think the difference comes down to exposure, just like pre-file sharing and music globalization days when a given population only knew of regional pop songs. The radio listeners go with the less committed method of music listening, which involves advertising agencies refining a demographic, and letting radio stations make the decisions of what they are allowed to listen to.

No. lack of exposure doesn't give anyone an excuse to eat shit. These people just become led zeppelin fans, and fans of other good but way over played stuff.
[May 18,2011 11:24am - goatcatalyst ""]
Cool bath-house of a thread, guys. So... who wants to suck my cock?
[May 18,2011 11:31am - brian_dc ""]
[May 18,2011 11:46am - ouchdrummer ""]

goatcatalyst said:Cool bath-house of a thread, guys. So... who wants to suck my cock?

*tentatively raises hand...*
[May 18,2011 11:47am - goatcatalyst ""]
Oh, Jimbo!
[May 18,2011 11:59am - arilliusbm ""]
I'll get the reach around.
[May 18,2011 12:06pm - ouchdrummer ""]

goatcatalyst said:Oh, Jimbo!

careful, if you get too excited, bitches will lose interest. (In this instance, i would be "bitches".)
[May 18,2011 12:07pm - spaldino  ""]
[May 18,2011 12:10pm - ouchdrummer ""]
that sounds unpleasant. homo.
[May 18,2011 12:11pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

arilliusbm said:Being a pessimist asshole about a newly formed poser black metal band and voicing my opinion on the matter is "drama" ? Lest we forget that whenever you defend yourself and your religious beliefs, you are invoking drama upon yourself - more than anyone else that posts here. I'd think it's time you rethink what drama is, or at least reconsider the reasons on why you're an active poster on this site. I speak in realistic terms, and try to retain a voice of reason at times.

You singled ME out so no, I'm not invoking drama on myself. I hardly ever talk about anything religious on this board.
[May 18,2011 12:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only in defense.
[May 18,2011 12:13pm - ouchdrummer ""]

MillenialKingdom said:
arilliusbm said:Being a pessimist asshole about a newly formed poser black metal band and voicing my opinion on the matter is "drama" ? Lest we forget that whenever you defend yourself and your religious beliefs, you are invoking drama upon yourself - more than anyone else that posts here. I'd think it's time you rethink what drama is, or at least reconsider the reasons on why you're an active poster on this site. I speak in realistic terms, and try to retain a voice of reason at times.

You singled ME out so no, I'm not invoking drama on myself. I hardly ever talk about anything religious on this board.

also, "hardly ever" is still TOO MUCH.
[May 18,2011 12:49pm - spaldino  ""]

ouchdrummer said:that sounds unpleasant. homo.

their clean, your such a moran!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
[May 18,2011 1:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
nds moar elites eliting
[May 18,2011 1:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
Join in on the fun.
[May 18,2011 1:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: people still apparently not getting why we were so pissed off about Liturgy, etc.
[May 18,2011 1:12pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Because Liturgy was srs?
[May 18,2011 1:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
because they were instrumental in opening up vast new white-belted vistas of gullible listeners, to whom all music and image and no content is preferable, and now this looks like a good move to these trend-hopping dorks. they're probably right; it'll probably be huge.
[May 18,2011 1:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
Liturgy is to "blackmetal" as Twilight is to real vampire stories.
[May 18,2011 1:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:Liturgy is to "blackmetal" as Twilight is to real vampire stories.


[May 18,2011 1:21pm - xmikex ""]
So Liturgy = [img]?
[May 18,2011 2:03pm - Fist  ""]
Im pretty sure this article is a complete joke, intentionally trying to piss people off.
[May 18,2011 2:05pm - spaldino  ""]

xmikex said:So Liturgy = [img]?

Liturgy =

[May 18,2011 2:46pm - thirdknuckle ""]

Alx_Casket said:we had to change our image to match... Because, of course, that's just as important, if not more so, than the music."

bogus press release is bogus
[May 18,2011 2:57pm - hipsterholocaust  ""]
Looks like the Darkwor singer.

arilliusbm said:[img]
[May 18,2011 2:59pm - The_Rooster ""]

The_Rooster said:Pretty sure this is an attempt at humor.
[May 18,2011 3:23pm - ouchdrummer ""]

spaldino said:
ouchdrummer said:that sounds unpleasant. homo.

their clean, your such a moran!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

Who's they? Did you mean to say they're clean? As in your fat rolls?
[May 18,2011 3:32pm - Lamp ""]
Duck duck goose, LET'S FUCKING GO
[May 18,2011 3:38pm - anonymous  ""]
aril like always, is dead wrong. you are a whiney little bitch who needs to get a life. you probably know next to nothing about black metal as it is. who fucking cares how long someone has been listening to it. Who fucking cares if the band doesnt look 'black metal' enough. you are an idiot and it amazes me no one calls you out, fucking bitch
[May 18,2011 3:41pm - ark  ""]
[May 18,2011 3:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 18,2011 4:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
also, that'll show me to read these threads when I'm too busy doing moderately useful things to actually read the article; lame trollband is lametroll.
[May 18,2011 11:11pm - Alx_Casket ""]
So you all don't think they'll deliver a black metal album? I actually hope it isn't a joke, and they do.
[May 19,2011 1:07am - Garth Algar  ""]

anonymous said:aril like always, is dead wrong. you are a whiney little bitch who needs to get a life. you probably know next to nothing about black metal as it is. who fucking cares how long someone has been listening to it. Who fucking cares if the band doesnt look 'black metal' enough. you are an idiot and it amazes me no one calls you out, fucking bitch

Gayest thing ever written? Haven't heard the new Iwrestledabearonece yet but I still say yes.
[May 20,2011 8:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
@arilliusbm: found you a new genre of music, how do you like it?

[May 20,2011 9:20am - Spaldino  ""]

ouchdrummer said:
spaldino said:
ouchdrummer said:that sounds unpleasant. homo.

their clean, your such a moran!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

Who's they? Did you mean to say they're clean? As in your fat rolls?

yeah... i was trollin. -_-
[May 20,2011 9:36am - Spaldino  ""]

Alx_Casket said:@arilliusbm: found you a new genre of music, how do you like it?


you're a fucking asshole. this seriously just ruined my life. im ending it.
[May 20,2011 4:14pm - MikeOv  ""]
Chicks corpse paint looks like a shittier version of Averse Sefira's.
[May 20,2011 4:28pm - ouchdrummer ""]

anonymous said:aril like always, is dead wrong. you are a whiney little bitch who needs to get a life. you probably know next to nothing about black metal as it is. who fucking cares how long someone has been listening to it. Who fucking cares if the band doesnt look 'black metal' enough. you are an idiot and it amazes me no one calls you out, fucking bitch

i agree that it doesn't matter how long someone's been listening to it, or what they look like... but I don't agree that Aril doesn't know what he's talking about.
[May 20,2011 4:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wuts a black metal? is that liek a video game or sumthing
[May 20,2011 4:52pm - Spaldino  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:wuts a black metal? is that liek a video game or sumthing

[May 20,2011 4:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[May 20,2011 4:57pm - burnsy ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:wuts a black metal? is that liek a video game or sumthing

No it's what my bunk bed is made of.
[May 20,2011 5:02pm - Lamp ""]

[May 20,2011 5:03pm - thirdknuckle ""]
It's like white rap, but only kind of
[May 20,2011 5:06pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

burnsy said:
FuckIsMySignature said:wuts a black metal? is that liek a video game or sumthing

No it's what my bunk bed is made of.

BobNOMAAMRooney said:My response to the ad:Hi, I saw your ravishingly grim book case on craigslist and I'm wondering if the flame of its availability still burns. I think it would make a nice contrast in the necrotic paleness of my living room and really give the book case a feeling of total isolation.

Your friend in Satan,

[May 20,2011 6:51pm - ark  ""]

Spaldino said:
FuckIsMySignature said:wuts a black metal? is that liek a video game or sumthing


BACKED, reeeeeeallly hard.
[May 20,2011 8:48pm - thirdknuckle ""]
Black Metal fans!
Ridiculing you!
What are you going to do about it?
[May 20,2011 9:32pm - thirdknuckle ""]
Varg should burn down their rehearsal space

[May 20,2011 9:41pm - Spaldino  ""]

thirdknuckle said:Black Metal fans!
Ridiculing you!
What are you going to do about it?

listen to a song or two of theirs and realize they are ridiculing themselves.
[May 20,2011 9:45pm - thirdknuckle ""]
Agreed. It's like when Anthrax went rap.

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