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Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [defcon_4][destruction][hekseri][into_eternity][municipal_waste][randomshots]
[show listing]  ________________________________
[Feb 4,2007 12:25pm - Kevord ""]
DREADkill said:Kevord said:Steak and bacon

i want steakon!

Then go to Fire + Ice nigga.
[Feb 4,2007 12:25pm - RichHorror ""]
You should go to good shows like this, instead of the awful ones you usually go to.
[Feb 4,2007 12:26pm - pam ""]
Ken, pick me up...we'll rob some old bitch...and get steakon and thrash.
[Feb 4,2007 12:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Ken has more fat chicks to rail now that he's single again.
[Feb 4,2007 12:27pm - Kevord ""]
pam said:Ken, pick me up...we'll rob some old bitch...and get steakon and thrash.

Do it! Cause me and Rich going to dinner together does seem creepy and gay.
[Feb 4,2007 12:28pm - RichHorror ""]
I will be creepy and gay no matter how many other people are present.
[Feb 4,2007 12:29pm - DREADkill ""]
pam said:Ken, pick me up...we'll rob some old bitch...and get steakon and thrash.

i'm not in the new bedford/fall river area today. i'm up in the boston area. :(
[Feb 4,2007 12:30pm - DREADkill ""]
RichHorror said:Ken has more fat chicks to rail now that he's single again.

i'm going to mix in a few anorexic broads to keep things interesting.
[Feb 4,2007 12:31pm - DREADkill ""]
Kevord said:pam said:Ken, pick me up...we'll rob some old bitch...and get steakon and thrash.

Do it! Cause me and Rich going to dinner together does seem creepy and gay.

save a seat for me at the table.
[Feb 4,2007 12:32pm - RichHorror ""]
Just ask for the table with the skinhead and his lumberjack boyfriend.
[Feb 4,2007 12:32pm - pam ""]
DREADkill said:pam said:Ken, pick me up...we'll rob some old bitch...and get steakon and thrash.

i'm not in the new bedford/fall river area today. i'm up in the boston area. :(

[Feb 4,2007 12:33pm - Kevord ""]
I'll save you a seat on Rich's lap.
[Feb 4,2007 12:35pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 4,2007 12:36pm - pam ""]
I can.
[Feb 4,2007 12:37pm - RichHorror ""]
You're too busy hiding from your husband's monster johnson.
[Feb 4,2007 12:57pm - the_reverend ""]
it puts my name on the list with a photopass or it gets the hose again.
[Feb 4,2007 12:58pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll let them know.
[Feb 4,2007 3:35pm - DREADkill ""]
what time are you buggars going to fire and ice?
[Feb 4,2007 3:36pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 4,2007 3:43pm - DREADkill ""]
thanks for the info
[Feb 4,2007 3:56pm - todayistheday ""]
what are the chances of this selling out?
[Feb 4,2007 4:04pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Not bloody likely.
[Feb 4,2007 4:47pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]

jews killed jesus, christs slaughtered jews
millions die for their faith
each religion prays that killing is a sin
how stupid logic can be

curse the gods
too many people have died
curse the gods
that fools have died for a lie
[Feb 4,2007 4:50pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving in 2 hours!
[Feb 4,2007 4:50pm - todayistheday ""]
doors at 8?
[Feb 4,2007 4:58pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I'm guessing the first band is on around 8:20 since there are a bunch of bands and destruction is planning on playing for a million hours.
[Feb 4,2007 4:59pm - RichHorror ""]
Get there early. I saw Defcon 4 practice this week and it ripped.
[Feb 4,2007 5:07pm - the_reverend ""]
they always rip it up... but I'm always expecting someone to do a shotglass of diarrhea.
[Feb 4,2007 5:17pm - badsneakers ""]
so defcon is on first, 8:20 you think...
[Feb 4,2007 5:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm guessing 8:15 or 8:20 start for them.
and if you still have that phoenix...
[Feb 4,2007 5:19pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, if anyone sees a copy of wednesday's phoenix, I would love a copy of that.
[Feb 4,2007 5:26pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i heard Hekseri was opening?
[Feb 4,2007 5:31pm - badsneakers ""]
I'm pretty sure I have the one you asked me to save...I wont come across another tonight though..

I need to get food shopping and hopefully to this early in case it sells out
[Feb 4,2007 5:35pm - todayistheday ""]
hows the parking?
[Feb 4,2007 5:35pm - todayistheday ""]
ugh..im in the mood to watch the superbowl
[Feb 4,2007 5:39pm - badsneakers ""]
parking is fine

football sucks

guitars are better
[Feb 4,2007 5:41pm - the_reverend ""]
you can watch the super bowl there.
[Feb 4,2007 5:41pm - todayistheday ""]
well im leaving at 7:30 if i go
[Feb 4,2007 5:51pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I'll be watching the game at the Middle east, rooting for bad calls and career ending injuries.
[Feb 4,2007 6:01pm - todayistheday ""]
badsneakers said:parking is fine

football sucks

guitars are better

parking on the street? its not all parking meters is it?
[Feb 4,2007 6:02pm - the_reverend ""]
no meters on the weekend...
[Feb 4,2007 6:29pm - DomesticTerror ""]
today, this game is officially retarded. what was that, like 14 seconds?
[Feb 4,2007 6:35pm - the_reverend ""]
packing up now.
[Feb 4,2007 7:01pm - badsneakers ""]
todayistheday said:badsneakers said:parking is fine

football sucks

guitars are better

parking on the street? its not all parking meters is it?

meters are not on now

there is a lot behind Mc Donalds

[Feb 4,2007 7:07pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Leaving in an hour...

1. shower
2. get drugs
3. get drunk
4. thrash!
[Feb 4,2007 7:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This better not be fucking sold out... I'm leaving a perfectly good party with a keg of Sam Adams and a bar that I built for das thrash metal - don't make me sorry, Middle East. I'll fucking cut you.
[Feb 4,2007 8:40pm - the_reverend ""]
huuuuuge line outside... I'm waiting for RH to come get me outback.
[Feb 4,2007 8:46pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Robin Hood?

Oh... Mr. Horror.
[Feb 4,2007 10:59pm - the_reverend ""]
hekseri: I walked in thinking "who is this male fronted CD they are playing." and then I looked at the stage. Oopies... they sounded awesome on the stage through the PA. When I got to the stage, it sounded sort of off through the cabs on the stage. Not sure why. I got a shot of seth that screams "myspace profile" or if he is ever in a book, that picture will be in it. I have no clue what the cover they did was, but megan told the crowd to fuck themselves.
[Feb 4,2007 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
defcon 4: they sort of got screwed. Their set was maybe 5-6 songs... That sucked. the vocals were weird at the beginning. Sounded more like AC than D4. There were no feces shots. I did notice a bunch of fries on the stage. That migt give someone diarrhea... Maybe..

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