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Siqqq fagcore tour

[Feb 16,2010 4:09am - beelze ""]

[Feb 16,2010 4:12am - josh_hates_you ""]
yay. nazis. song is kinda singy songy. kinda reminds me of music from the movie nightmare before christmas.
[Feb 16,2010 4:13am - beelze ""]

[Feb 16,2010 4:15am - beelze ""]

[Feb 16,2010 4:17am - josh_hates_you ""]
so he tries again after his epic nightmare before christmas sounding like fail.........lets see how this goes.

I hear ghosts chanting or something. spooky. chamber music. scarey. organs. I'm sure this is true kvlt and all but seriously.....how the fuck is this music any good? wow the last 5 seconds of fadeout with the keys was neat.....till that homo ruined it with the retardo scream.
[Feb 16,2010 4:19am - beelze ""]
I don't like music that people consider good.
[Feb 16,2010 4:20am - josh_hates_you ""]
whoa one video at a time cowboy....

silencer has terrible vocals. i mean fucking terrible. sad cause the music isn't terrible.
[Feb 16,2010 4:21am - beelze ""]
Yeah a lot of people hate their vocals...

alright searching for next one
[Feb 16,2010 4:22am - beelze ""]

the intro is like a minute and a half
[Feb 16,2010 4:23am - josh_hates_you ""]

beelze said:I don't like music that people consider good.

You just like being an elitist dickhole for no reason. Even trv kvlt bm dorks think you suck. and no one actually gives a shit what you like. It's 4:22 am and I can't sleep.
[Feb 16,2010 4:24am - beelze ""]
who's trv kvlt? lol
[Feb 16,2010 4:28am - josh_hates_you ""]
lots of this bm you post like basaat is all in 4/4. i think of 3's when i think of bm. from 5:30 till like 6:30 its cool. then goes right back into 4/4 blasts.

post something in 3/4 6/8 or all in triplets
[Feb 16,2010 4:32am - josh_hates_you ""]

beelze said:who's trv kvlt? lol

[Feb 16,2010 4:35am - beelze ""]

[Feb 16,2010 4:41am - josh_hates_you ""]
did i mention black metal was gay? im going to bed now.
[Feb 16,2010 4:44am - beelze ""]
haha later dude
[Feb 16,2010 7:03am - aaron_michael ""]
[Feb 16,2010 7:18am - reimroc ""]
well at least this tour has set your goals and title fight.
[Feb 16,2010 8:04am - arilliusbm ""]

josh_hates_you said:
beelze said:who's trv kvlt? lol


I'm trv kvlt?
[Feb 16,2010 8:06am - beelze ""]
Yeah man according to the dude that hates bm
[Feb 16,2010 11:13am - goatcatalyst ""]
This thread is grand.
[Feb 16,2010 11:15am - ouchdrummer ""]
don't know any of these bands.
[Feb 16,2010 11:15am - RichHorror ""]
I'd like to steer the conversation back to half nigger babies dying in the womb, please.
[Feb 16,2010 11:17am - goatcatalyst ""]
Get out of my head!!!
[Feb 16,2010 11:18am - beelze ""]
I'd like to slice your juggular open and drink your blood as it gushes out of your neck like a firehose
[Feb 16,2010 11:19am - Martins ""]
[Feb 16,2010 11:19am - RichHorror ""]
That would get in the way of hearing Xasthur for the first time last week. Also it's been covered that you are a spineless pussy.
[Feb 16,2010 11:20am - beelze ""]
Fuck Xasthur and fuck you you ugly piece of faggot
[Feb 16,2010 11:21am - RichHorror ""]
You're the twelfth grimmest guy in your yuppie college town.
[Feb 16,2010 11:22am - ouchdrummer ""]
[Feb 16,2010 11:30am - mattkings ""]

RichHorror said:[img]

And this is you pretending to like black metal, you softcore pussy.

hahahahaha wooaaahhh scary
[Feb 16,2010 11:31am - arilliusbm ""]
Spine of the Boat
[Feb 16,2010 11:37am - beelze ""]
[Feb 16,2010 11:39am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

josh_hates_you said:silencer has terrible vocals.

Niche appeal. They get a thumbs up from all of those who enjoy Bethlehem, Deinonychus, early Burzum and the like.
[Feb 16,2010 11:42am - xgodzillax ""]

beelze said:[img]

sick battle of the bands picture, faggot
[Feb 16,2010 11:43am - beelze ""]
hahahahhahahahahahahahaha....faggot shit from a faggot that tried calling me a faggot....die FAGGOT!
[Feb 16,2010 11:44am - xgodzillax ""]
sick life guy
[Feb 16,2010 11:44am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
ITT: "Faggot".
[Feb 16,2010 11:45am - beelze ""]

xgodzillax said:sick life guy

Better than yours I'd blow my brains out with that gun you're holding by now if I was you
[Feb 16,2010 11:46am - SW  ""]
I wonder if people who wear bullets as decorations have ever fired a real gun?
[Feb 16,2010 11:47am - beelze ""]
I wonder if you can actually post with a real name you shallow fuck
[Feb 16,2010 11:48am - ouchdrummer ""]
angry thread is angry.
[Feb 16,2010 11:50am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
This thread was bound to happen sooner or later.
[Feb 16,2010 11:50am - SW  ""]
what like "beelze"? how about "ouchdrummer" or "goatcatalyst"? i'm sure i can look those up in the phone book if i wanted to hunt them down and slap them with my bullet belt.
[Feb 16,2010 11:51am - beelze ""]

[Feb 16,2010 11:53am - ouchdrummer ""]

SW said:what like "beelze"? how about "ouchdrummer" or "goatcatalyst"? i'm sure i can look those up in the phone book if i wanted to hunt them down and slap them with my bullet belt.

wait wait wait.. i wasn't part of any fight here. And for the record, my name is James Michael Fitzpatrick of South Boston. I love everyone.
[Feb 16,2010 11:54am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea.. You had a craigslist ad about you
[Feb 16,2010 11:54am - SW  ""]
haha i wasn't talking bad about you guys. i was referring to pseudonyms people use here.
[Feb 16,2010 11:56am - ouchdrummer ""]
i know. i just like stating my full name, then proceeding to say that i love everyone. I do it hourly.
[Feb 16,2010 11:58am - beelze ""]


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