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transition progress part 3

[Feb 18,2020 9:33pm - Bad Gums  ""]
She is Catholic. I used to see her at church.
[Feb 18,2020 10:56pm - Obvious  ""]
I got $40 that says grandma puts a gun in their mouth by the end of the year
[Feb 18,2020 11:05pm - grandmotherweb ""]
if you actually bothered to do any research, you'd find that both of the churches that my family attended during my lifetime were protestant.

but then, you also said that I have an Adam's apple, so we all know just how full of shit you really are.
[Feb 19,2020 7:49am - Bad Gums  ""]

grandmotherweb said:if you actually bothered to do any research, you'd find that both of the churches that my family attended during my lifetime were protestant.

but then, you also said that I have an Adam's apple, so we all know just how full of shit you really are.

Then explain this....

[Feb 19,2020 12:58pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you found that random image on Google
[Feb 19,2020 5:17pm - Bad Gums  ""]
No, you claimed that it was your ancestors.
[Feb 19,2020 6:20pm - grandmotherweb ""]
no, you made that up for attention, just like the whole Adam's apple thing
[Feb 20,2020 7:05am - Bad Gums  ""]
I'm an anonymous poster...which in and of itself says quite blatantly, that you don't want attention. So, that being said, why would I "make something up for attention"? You're the one who posted a picture of your "ancestors". And, like everything else you do; for attention.
[Feb 20,2020 11:31am - grandmotherweb ""]
you found that random image on Google. I am not related to those people.

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:your name is Steven Marchand from Kenner, LA.

your ass is grass.

[Feb 20,2020 11:59am - Darth Vader  ""]
Join me Charlotte. And we can rule the galaxy as father and son.
[Feb 20,2020 12:21pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I can rule the galaxy just fine by myself
[Feb 20,2020 2:26pm - Darth Vader  ""]
Don't make me destroy you.
[Feb 20,2020 2:44pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you can't destroy me. you just make up stupid lies about me for attention, because that's all you have.
[Feb 20,2020 3:59pm - Darth Vader  ""]
Don't let yourself be destroyed as King Thunderstool did.
[Feb 20,2020 4:23pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you're the one trolling this forum anonymously like a coward
[Feb 20,2020 4:39pm - Darth Vader  ""]
Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father!
[Feb 20,2020 4:45pm - grandmothęrweb  ""]
proud of my ancestral heritage

[Feb 20,2020 5:12pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:hello, DTX. did VampireJesus kick you off of his blog yet?

grandmotherweb said:

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:https://grandmotherweb.tumblr.com/post/190296186598/grandmotherweb


[Feb 20,2020 5:39pm - THUNDERBUTT  ""]
These are your ancestors? Now we know why you want to transition.

[Feb 20,2020 5:45pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you can't prove that they're my ancestors, because you just found that random image on Google
[Feb 20,2020 6:12pm - King Grandmawebstool  ""]

[Feb 20,2020 6:17pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you sure are. say hi to Scott Willey for me.
[Feb 20,2020 11:36pm - MA Grandmafaggotry  ""]
You owe me $18 you dumb bitch!
[Feb 21,2020 5:44am - Saxophone Hornet  ""]
Are these your great-grandparents? Is that lady who you're named after?

[Feb 21,2020 9:50am - grandmotherweb ""]
I have no idea who those people are. which one of them is your mom?
[Feb 21,2020 10:06am - Saxophone Hornet  ""]
I was just asking.because I guess you posted something about them being your ancestors. Did they do something bad that made you disown them or something? Not trying to be nosey...just wondering.
[Feb 21,2020 10:43am - grandmotherweb ""]
I never posted that picture. you're thinking of your mom.
[Feb 21,2020 10:44am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:hello, DTX. did VampireJesus kick you off of his blog yet?

grandmotherweb said:

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:https://grandmotherweb.tumblr.com/post/190296186598/grandmotherweb


I'm going to start posting contact information for your parents, sister, neighbors, and known associates.
[Feb 21,2020 11:51am - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF $18  ""]
Cough it up, miss web!
[Feb 21,2020 12:13pm - grandmotherweb ""]
your sister is an alcoholic who drives while drunk and hurts innocent people in the process.
you wake up every morning, shoot meth into your veins, and plot to murder me by trolling me on this forum.

grandmotherweb said:

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:your name is Steven Marchand from Kenner, LA.

your ass is grass.

[Feb 21,2020 5:33pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF METH ADDICTS  ""]
And you don't shoot meth into your veins? Your nonsensical posts say otherwise.
[Feb 21,2020 7:00pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I do not now nor have I ever shot meth
[Feb 21,2020 8:57pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF METH ADDICTS  ""]
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
[Feb 21,2020 9:39pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I admitted that I have a trolling problem long ago

when are you gonna get help for your meth addiction
[Feb 21,2020 11:50pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF METH ADDICTS  ""]
Ain't no meth addiction here, honey!

You should get help for your delusions.
[Feb 22,2020 8:52am - Saxophone Hornet  ""]
She plots to kill people by trolling this forum.
[Feb 22,2020 8:53am - grandmotherweb ""]
you are on so much meth right now, you have no idea what's going on
[Feb 22,2020 6:57pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF METH ADDICTS  ""]

grandmotherweb said:you are on so much meth right now, you have no idea what's going on

Another meth-induced delusion.
[Feb 22,2020 7:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you have a lot of those
[Feb 23,2020 7:06am - Saxophone Hornet  ""]
I is pignose
[Feb 23,2020 10:43am - grandmotherweb ""]

Saxophone%20Hornet said:I is dtx120, AKA Steven Marchand from Nowheresville, LA
[Feb 23,2020 3:48pm - Saxophone Hornet  ""]
Guess again.
[Feb 23,2020 6:56pm - grandmotherweb ""]
check out incel dtx talking about how he can't get laid:
[Feb 23,2020 7:02pm - same shit different vagina  ""]
Shut up cunt
[Feb 23,2020 7:09pm - grandmotherweb ""]
get off this forum, poser
[Feb 23,2020 9:23pm - #Facts  ""]

grandmotherweb said: to murder me by trolling me on this forum.

[Feb 23,2020 10:21pm - Saxophone Hornet  ""]

grandmotherweb said: to murder me by trolling me on this forum.


Nobody ever said any of that. Charlotte makes shit up for attention....according to the courts.
[Feb 25,2020 1:02am - hard cocks, loose cunts  ""]
my vagina would be super pissed at me if I decided to not let it get fucked all the time by hard cocks.

but I don't have a vagina so I'm NOT a women.
[Apr 27,2020 9:54am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:I love my vagina. I call it Charnobyl.

and my g-spot is named AZ-5

my clit has a name now, too:

it's called Three Mile Island
[Apr 27,2020 11:02am - Saxophone Hornet  ""]

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