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Pam appreciation thread

[Aug 13,2006 8:02pm - seveninchtongue  ""]
I'd eat that ass like it was made outta bubblegum...
[Aug 13,2006 8:06pm - RichHorror ""]
It is.
[Aug 13,2006 8:07pm - pam ""]
[Aug 13,2006 8:09pm - RichHorror ""]
We can rebuild her ass, we have the technology.
[Aug 13,2006 8:11pm - pam ""]
This thread is out of control.
[Aug 13,2006 8:13pm - RichHorror ""]
This whole courtroom is out of order!
[Aug 14,2006 12:55am - Dankill  ""]
I'm going to be a gentleman and say, "I'd hit it." and leave it at that. No need to get graphic and tasteless.
I save that for the deserving ones.

Rich, do you know the penal codes of this court? ::waves a dildo::
[Aug 14,2006 2:16am - ct borderpatrol  ""]
you said penal
[Aug 14,2006 3:05am - RichHorror ""]
Dankill said:Rich, do you know the penal codes of this court? ::waves a dildo::

I know what it means to be fat, but not what it means to be touched by a woman. Does that count?
[Aug 14,2006 8:16am - pam ""]
I love that "I'd hit it" constitutes as a gentlemanly comment on this board.
[Aug 14,2006 9:21am - anonymous  ""]
i'd give her a big wet one and i'd grab her b00bs!
or wait..i've already done both!
go me!!

[Aug 14,2006 11:48am - pam ""]
[Aug 14,2006 11:49am - RichHorror ""]
Pam is my personal ball washer. I'm an important CEO and it's essential that my testicles are clean at all times.
[Aug 14,2006 11:50am - Hooker nli  ""]
she has two dicks, and one ball
[Aug 14,2006 12:02pm - fishcakes ""]
[Aug 14,2006 12:03pm - Hooker nli  ""]
[Aug 14,2006 12:04pm - RichHorror ""]
Wow, this just turned into an AOL group.
[Aug 14,2006 12:09pm - fishcakes ""]
I have no skill's
[Aug 14,2006 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:[img]

she reminds me of the dude from the movie "Mask"
[Aug 14,2006 12:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Rocky Dennis.
[Aug 14,2006 12:52pm - pam ""]
[Aug 14,2006 1:05pm - RichHorror ""]
I've seen pictures of Pam with a very similar makeup job.
[Aug 14,2006 1:12pm - pam ""]
Hey now! The ball washer thing I will stand for, but I don't wear black fucking lipstick!

Eyeliner on the other hand, is awesome.
[Aug 14,2006 1:14pm - RichHorror ""]
Correction, you don't ANYMORE.

You can throw away your Marylin Manson shirt, but never the fashion crimes of the past.
[Aug 14,2006 1:16pm - pam ""]
Wrong. I wore very dark red lipstick. NOT black. And I still have my marilyn manson shirt, thankyouverymuch.
[Aug 14,2006 1:17pm - RichHorror ""]
You still looked like a skinner version of that gaytard. I long for pictures of John Moran with mime makeup.
[Aug 14,2006 1:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I didn't want to be left out in the fun.. so I google'd for pam.
[Aug 14,2006 1:19pm - RichHorror ""]
She wishes.
[Aug 14,2006 1:21pm - pam ""]
By that google search it appears people named pam are uniformly blonde haired or black skinned.
[Aug 14,2006 1:22pm - the_reverend ""]
in my book, pam is one of the worst sounding names. I'm convinced that any second, I'm going to see this pam again and she's going to look like a grandma over night.
[Aug 14,2006 1:23pm - RichHorror ""]
She already does. Lucky for her I like my pussy aged like a fine wine.
[Aug 14,2006 1:25pm - pam ""]
Says two guys with receding hairlines...aren't you both like 35?
[Aug 14,2006 1:26pm - RichHorror ""]
Aren't you poor?
[Aug 14,2006 1:27pm - hoser ""]
Bah....her name sounds bad??? What about Rev.....that sounds like something I do to the engine in my Iroc Z just before a race down Long Swamp Rd.

Ha....and you're making fun of her name.....pffffft.
[Aug 14,2006 1:28pm - the_reverend ""]
rich, like good olde pam always says "you ain't p'or if'n ya gotz goburnment cheese."
[Aug 14,2006 1:28pm - pam ""]
I wish. I could get fucking health insurance if I was.
[Aug 14,2006 1:30pm - hoser ""]
Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.
[Aug 14,2006 1:31pm - sacreligion ""]
pam said:Says two guys with receding hairlines

you got a problem with that, buddy? :nuke:
[Aug 14,2006 1:31pm - Yeti ""]
Italian Retard Out Cruising
[Aug 14,2006 1:31pm - hoser ""]
ok so I don't REALLY have an Iroc....but that would be so badass if I did. I would grow a mullet just to spite you all.
[Aug 14,2006 1:31pm - sacreligion ""]
hoser said:Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.

you could have a dodge omni and it'd be the baddest ass car in all of maine because it'd be one of 4 registered cars up there
[Aug 14,2006 1:32pm - hoser ""]
and I would wear one of those Italian Horn necklaces. I would be so fucking hot. I'd wanna fuck me.
[Aug 14,2006 1:33pm - pam ""]
hoser said:Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.

Happy late birthday. And I'm more of a classic car kinda gal.
[Aug 14,2006 1:33pm - hoser ""]
sacreligion said:hoser said:Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.

you could have a dodge omni and it'd be the baddest ass car in all of maine because it'd be one of 4 registered cars up there

Whatever....you probably wear one of those Italian Horn necklaces.
[Aug 14,2006 1:35pm - hoser ""]
pam said:hoser said:Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.

Happy late birthday. And I'm more of a classic car kinda gal.

My dear, I was only kidding. I am 31, and I drive a 1946 Studabaker (my truck), and a 1967 Chevy Camaro SS, and a 1968 Dodge Dart, and a 1955 Ford Fairlane that I'm not done with yet.
[Aug 14,2006 1:36pm - RichHorror ""]
Pam's too busy washing people's windshields on route 6 to go on dates.
[Aug 14,2006 1:36pm - hoser ""]
Ok....I was lying about all of those classic cars. I really drive a 1996 Chevy K1500 Siverado. It's a great truck.
[Aug 14,2006 1:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard pam's going to need knee surgery after so many people on rt6 asked for their windshield washing with a happy ending.
[Aug 14,2006 1:39pm - hoser ""]
hoser said:Ok....I was lying about all of those classic cars. I really drive a 1996 Chevy K1500 Siverado. It's a great truck.


There's my baby now!!!
[Aug 14,2006 1:41pm - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:I heard pam's going to need knee surgery after so many people on rt6 asked for their windshield washing with a happy ending.

'Less talk, more suck.'.

She ties her Black Dahlia Murder shirt up to expose her midriff. Making her put it back down is extra.

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