Occupy Boston, general assembly (not the actual occupation) sept 27th[views:49582][posts:221]___________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 9:32am - Boozegood ""] Disorganized, whiny, douchebag, annoying, Starbucks drinking/corporation hating, doo doo heads. For ever one person with a legitimate argument, there are 50(bajillion) others that are just whining about there own stupid mistakes that got them into debt. I'm sorry that your student loans that you used to pay for your degree in woman's-studies didn't pan out in the real world. It's just the fucking tea-party with smelly dreadlocks and much more ganja. (I agree with exposing shady corporate practices and cheating wall-street pigs...if only that is what this stupid 'occupy' events actually did). |
___________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 9:46am - FuckIsMySignature ""] all this adversity to the protests makes me feel better about the impending financial/economic apocalypse. |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 10:11am - arktouros ""] "I agree with what the protests are about, I just don't like the protesters because the news told me they are liberals." AWESOME ATTITUDE BRO. |
____________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 10:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""] makes a good point about the SEC what dismantling the FED would do capital markets... bennyhillifier |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 11:39am - Boozegood ""] arktouros said:"I agree with what the protests are about, I just don't like the protesters because the news told me they are liberals." AWESOME ATTITUDE BRO. The news didn't, they themselves did. And I don't care if they are liberals/conservatives, I just wouldn't want to associate myself with 99% (lulz) of the people involved. And LOLOLOL at thinking these protests are actually about anything in particular. It's about people wanting to expose corporate/wall street bullshit, yes, but it's about them doing so by applying it to their own personal agendas. One example: "YES, so we agree, tax the rich!" "Wait what, I thought this was about being anti-bailouts/anti wall-street corruption/etc. etc." "WELL YES, BUT ALSO THOSE SAME RICH FOLKS SHOULD BE PENALIZED FOR BEING RICH!" "pokerface.jpg" |
____________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""] THERE ARE MANY FUCKING PROBLEMS. PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING MORE THAN ONE THING AT ONCE jesus christ why is that so hard for people to understand. |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 11:44am - Boozegood ""] arktouros said: ernie said:stop using credit cards, taking out loans, using banks all together and see how much any of this really affects you and you might understand why i could have such a who gives a fuck attitude.. hey did you know your taxes are paying for $122 billion in subsidies to Exxon and Chevron, after they're posting record profits left and right? i'm glad you're ok with that. congress is really going to bat for you on this. Solution: MOAARRR TAXES! Of course. W0t? |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 11:54am - arktouros ""] we've had the wealthy tax discussion on here before. regardless, i pay enough taxes, the government makes enough in tax revenue either way. the problem is where the tax money goes. |
____________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 12:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] Blame Mark Railroading Richards |
_____________________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 12:21pm - RustyPS should be working ""] FuckIsMySignature said:Blame Mark Railroading RichardsHE IS THE AMTRAK% |
_______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 12:46pm - Yeti ""] COOL BROTEST, PRO |
_______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:09pm - ernie ""] arktouros said: ernie said:stop using credit cards, taking out loans, using banks all together and see how much any of this really affects you and you might understand why i could have such a who gives a fuck attitude.. hey did you know your taxes are paying for $122 billion in subsidies to Exxon and Chevron, after they're posting record profits left and right? i'm glad you're ok with that. congress is really going to bat for you on this.. LOL no, YOUR taxes are paying for that.. I've decided to be invisible years ago.. I don't have anything of substantial value to show for my work, but I sure as shit aren't contributing to any of that.. |
___________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 2:42pm - Boozegood ""] FuckIsMySignature said:THERE ARE MANY FUCKING PROBLEMS. PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING MORE THAN ONE THING AT ONCE jesus christ why is that so hard for people to understand. Nobody is confused by it. It's easy to understand. It's just a fucking stupid thing too do. It's not even 'more than one thing' that fit together in any sort of way. Yes it's a tired fucking cliche, but it's true: don't start a war on two (or three, or four, or five, or...) and expect to win. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 3:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] Not everything in life fits together in a neat little pattern. People are pissed off that their government no longer represents them and protesting about it. If you think that is stupid then I feel sorry for you. |
___________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 3:19pm - Boozegood ""] FuckIsMySignature said:Not everything in life fits together in a neat little pattern. People are pissed off that their government no longer represents them and protesting about it. If you think that is stupid then I feel sorry for you. It's not stupid if you mean that it is lethargic for them. It is stupid if they think the way they are going about it is going to accomplish anything. Protests aren't stupid. THIS protest is stupid. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 3:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] Its fucking something man. its better than sitting by and letting shit happen without voicing your concerns. |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 3:32pm - Yeti ""] CoccupyVagina |
___________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 4:26pm - Boozegood ""] FuckIsMySignature said:Its fucking something man. its better than sitting by and letting shit happen without voicing your concerns. Well, that all depends on the outcome. Right now it seems to be setting their cause back because of the way they present themselves, thus 'doing nothing' would have been more useful. I thought the idea was pretty nifty at first, than i saw footage of the protests, heard them talk, read their signs, etc. and that changed my whole outlook on OWS. I know my opinion really doesn't matter, but it's just one example. I'm sure I'm not the only person that this happened too. |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 4:30pm - Lamp ""] ernie said: arktouros said: ernie said:stop using credit cards, taking out loans, using banks all together and see how much any of this really affects you and you might understand why i could have such a who gives a fuck attitude.. hey did you know your taxes are paying for $122 billion in subsidies to Exxon and Chevron, after they're posting record profits left and right? i'm glad you're ok with that. congress is really going to bat for you on this.. LOL no, YOUR taxes are paying for that.. I've decided to be invisible years ago.. I don't have anything of substantial value to show for my work, but I sure as shit aren't contributing to any of that.. Are you trying to tell me that you never buy anything? Don't have a job? Are homeless? |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 4:51pm - ark ""] Boozegood said:I thought the idea was pretty nifty at first, than i saw footage of the protests, heard them talk, read their signs, etc. and that changed my whole outlook on OWS. i don't know man, that's kind of a shame, making it sound like you would protest too only if everyone looked and talked a certain way. i don't know if you formed your opinion from MSM, but of course they'll show a bunch of crusty hippies. there's people i don't care to associate myself with either but the true demographic of the activists stretch far beyond that representation, especially considering the same protests are going on globally. |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 4:54pm - ark ""] meh, people will see what they want to see. even at the tipping point there will always be people saying "well this isn't the revolution i wanted, i will continue to do nothing" |
_______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:02pm - eddie ""] Boozegood said: FuckIsMySignature said:Its fucking something man. its better than sitting by and letting shit happen without voicing your concerns. Well, that all depends on the outcome. Right now it seems to be setting their cause back because of the way they present themselves, thus 'doing nothing' would have been more useful. I thought the idea was pretty nifty at first, than i saw footage of the protests, heard them talk, read their signs, etc. and that changed my whole outlook on OWS. I know my opinion really doesn't matter, but it's just one example. I'm sure I'm not the only person that this happened too. did you ever give up on metal because you went to a show full of fags? |
______________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:07pm - the_reverend ""] hopefully I can one day be in the 1% so that I wouldn't have to hear about these stupid white kids anymore. |
_______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:16pm - eddie ""] Boozegood said:Disorganized, whiny, douchebag, annoying, Starbucks drinking/corporation hating, doo doo heads. For ever one person with a legitimate argument, there are 50(bajillion) others that are just whining about there own stupid mistakes that got them into debt. legitimate arguments dont matter when there are 50(bajillion) other shitty arguments? your not thinking. Its just popular where ever you are to bash these people because they look like hippies, and smell like hippies, so they must be hippies. let me give you a history lesson so that you can understand this isn't the 60s and this isn't going to stop. 1. 60s hippies were mostly uppermiddle class (think fake poor crusty). Occupiers while yes have uppermiddle class, also has the working class. you know people that have to work there asses off, and don't expect anything. 2. hippies eventually grew up went to the suburbs and got jobs. there are no jobs right now for occupiers to go to. even shitty ones. |
_______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:17pm - eddie ""] the_reverend said:hopefully I can one day be in the 1% so that I wouldn't have to hear about these stupid white kids anymore. have fun in west egg |
___________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:19pm - Boozegood ""] eddie said: Boozegood said: FuckIsMySignature said:Its fucking something man. its better than sitting by and letting shit happen without voicing your concerns. Well, that all depends on the outcome. Right now it seems to be setting their cause back because of the way they present themselves, thus 'doing nothing' would have been more useful. I thought the idea was pretty nifty at first, than i saw footage of the protests, heard them talk, read their signs, etc. and that changed my whole outlook on OWS. I know my opinion really doesn't matter, but it's just one example. I'm sure I'm not the only person that this happened too. did you ever give up on metal because you went to a show full of fags? Crap analogy. I go to metal shows to enjoy metal music. Protests are just a way to accomplish something. So yes, if I go to one and feel that it isn't accomplishing anything I will find another means. Protests aren't the goal, they are supposed to be a way towards a goal, and they are one of the crappiest ways to get there. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] So what's your plan then? If you are so sure this plan of attack sucks, you must have a better idea? |
________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] when will the Occupy This Thread movement fizzle out, is what I'd like to know. |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:24pm - Yeti ""] i'm only interested in an Occupy Toilet movement. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] END THE THREAD |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:25pm - Yeti ""] FuckIsMySignature said:END THE THREAD |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:25pm - Yeti ""] aw damn it. |
_______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:29pm - eddie ""] Boozegood said: eddie said: Boozegood said: FuckIsMySignature said:Its fucking something man. its better than sitting by and letting shit happen without voicing your concerns. Well, that all depends on the outcome. Right now it seems to be setting their cause back because of the way they present themselves, thus 'doing nothing' would have been more useful. I thought the idea was pretty nifty at first, than i saw footage of the protests, heard them talk, read their signs, etc. and that changed my whole outlook on OWS. I know my opinion really doesn't matter, but it's just one example. I'm sure I'm not the only person that this happened too. did you ever give up on metal because you went to a show full of fags? Crap analogy. I go to metal shows to enjoy metal music. Protests are just a way to accomplish something. So yes, if I go to one and feel that it isn't accomplishing anything I will find another means. Protests aren't the goal, they are supposed to be a way towards a goal, and they are one of the crappiest ways to get there. history tells me otherwise. |
_______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 5:31pm - eddie ""] FuckIsMySignature said:So what's your plan then? If you are so sure this plan of attack sucks, you must have a better idea? maybe he thinks voting works. |
___________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 6:30pm - Boozegood ""] NINJAAAA EDIT |
___________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 6:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] only voting with a bullet is real |
___________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 6:33pm - Boozegood ""] NINJA EDIT |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 7:22pm - ark ""] Boozegood said:they are supposed to be a way towards a goal, and they are one of the crappiest ways to get there. ooooooooofffff. dude ya killin me. |
____________________________________ [Oct 24,2011 8:32am - arilliusbm ""] just walked by some fat fuck in a lawn chair with flab hanging out the side. He was holding a "STOP OCCUPYING YOUR COUCH AND DO SOMETHING" sign, all while eating donut holes from Dunkin Donuts. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 26,2011 2:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] bennyhillifier shits gettin srs in oakland. |
______________________________________ [Oct 26,2011 4:59pm - Garth Algar ""] [QUOTE=" donut holes from Dunkin Donuts. You know damn well they're called Munchkins. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 26,2011 5:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] they prefer to be called "little donuts" |
______________________________ [Oct 26,2011 5:07pm - Lamp ""] Maybe it's just because I've only seen it at night, but Occupy Providence seems really easy to ignore. There's a bunch of tents and signs and what not at Burnside Park, yeah... the cops don't seem to give a shit. Are they actually doing anything during the day? It would be pretty cool to see them make a mess out of traffic in the circle where the big skyscrapers are, especially considering not too far from that is the Bank of America building around 3-5pm... maybe they're doing that already? |
___________________________________ [Oct 26,2011 5:09pm - arktouros ""] i know it's a thing with the occupiers to try and avoid outright traffic blocking, so they don't piss off the general public. |
______________________________ [Oct 26,2011 5:17pm - Lamp ""] Well then I hope they're at least standing on the sidewalks holding signs and handing out pamphlets and shit in the middle of the day, but I've heard no reports of this whatsoever. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 26,2011 5:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] Gonna be occupying my hood tomorrow I guess. Too bad I'll be at work or else I would go hang out and support. Boo. https://www.facebook.com/OccupyClark?sk=info |
___________________________________ [Oct 26,2011 5:48pm - arktouros ""] http://occupyworcester.com/ |
___________________________________ [Oct 26,2011 5:50pm - arktouros ""] if i can work out timing with my rent check, i'll be doing the bank transfer day on the 5th. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 26,2011 5:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] arktouros said:if i can work out timing with my rent check, i'll be doing the bank transfer day on the 5th. Credit Union or GFTO |