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[Aug 26,2004 3:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 26,2004 3:24pm - assuck ""]
wolverine is one of the most bad ass motherfuckers EVER

gambit was pretty cool, too.

i always wanted to bang jean grey
[Aug 26,2004 3:25pm - assuck ""]
that was her name right? it doesnt look right to me now
[Aug 26,2004 3:27pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I always wanted to "make sweet love" to Rouge. Gambit was the shit. For TWO raesons.1: He is bad ass. 2: He Rouge was his ho.
[Aug 26,2004 3:28pm - assuck ""]
thats true. beast was one crazy nerd though. he was one smart mutant
[Aug 26,2004 3:29pm - assuck ""]
SABRETOOTH too. i had the action figure where you pressed a button and his stomach would look like it healed, and wolverine with retractable titanium (plastic) claws.

this thread is bringin back memories.
[Aug 26,2004 3:31pm - deathamphetamine  ""]
[Aug 26,2004 3:31pm - Hooker ""]
I was Wolverine for Halloween last year. That's why my hair still looks all fucked up in these shots. I passed out with a full can of hairspray in my hair and woke up about an hour before we had to play this show.

[Aug 26,2004 3:31pm - Abbath ""]
ask any question about xmen and i will answer it making your fond memories much more enjoyable...

my first crush on a girl ever was Psylock hahahahahahahaha
[Aug 26,2004 3:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I watch and read tons of these...
from like 200 to 300 of the uncanny xman.
I also read most of the new mutants
1-75 wolverines
20-something xfactor
1-something excalibur
and a few more.
nothing compares to the story lines in that Inferno Saga or Gensha saga...
[Aug 26,2004 3:32pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah... *sigh*

The fucking theme music RULED!!!

You know it goes like : Dadadadadadada, dadadadadadada, dadadadadadada, dada, DA!!!
[Aug 26,2004 3:33pm - Hooker ""]
I liked when Whilce Portacio was drawing the Uncanny X-men. The whole Bishop series was cool. Great sub plots and shit.
[Aug 26,2004 3:33pm - the_reverend ""]
everyone always brings up the dark pheonix saga.. good story,
but the drawings were too vintage..
granted I got chills at the end of Xmen2 seeing the phoenix.
[Aug 26,2004 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
bishop was just long shot redone with a french accent and all his fingers.
[Aug 26,2004 3:34pm - swamplorddvm ""]
The savege lands. I liked those.
[Aug 26,2004 3:35pm - Hooker ""]
The xmen movies were the best comic adaptations I've ever seen hollywood do. There was only a couple things that pissed me off about them total. One was Colossus not having a Russian accent for the few lines he spoke. Couldn't get the kid some speech classes?
[Aug 26,2004 3:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]
This may not be X-men but I find it kinda funny that Steve Castles killed NIck Fury. Tee he he he
[Aug 26,2004 3:36pm - Abbath ""]
well the whole pheonix saga in general was amazing, it was one of the first epic stories where you see so much emotion from the characters
i mean who can forget when logan fucked up the hellfire club, classics man
"e is for extinction" is one of my top favorite saga's anything that grant morrison touches is gold for me
[Aug 26,2004 3:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
OOH OOH I know! I'm gonna post some drawings of some of my own characters that I've created. I had afew cool one. You may do the same if you wish.
[Aug 26,2004 3:40pm - Abbath ""]
swamplorddvm said:This may not be X-men but I find it kinda funny that Steve Castles killed NIck Fury. Tee he he he

nick fury is alive and well sucka and in two different dimenisons too :bartmoon:
[Aug 26,2004 3:43pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah I wonder why he didnt die. Frank oops I got my old teacher STEVE castles mixed up with Frank hahahahahahaha anyways. FRANK got fried for "killing" him.
[Aug 26,2004 3:59pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
and what about the original x-factor.......being the original 5 x-men.

why did they have to make so many mutants that they had to seperate them into like 5 comics? they did that to the avengers and look how gay they are. WTF. giant size x-men was lame. when the executioners song or saga or whatever came out was about the time i stopped reading comics.
[Aug 26,2004 6:01pm - intricateprocess ""]
isnt there a fantastic four movie coming out as well?
[Aug 26,2004 9:26pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
the most bad ass x men by far was omega red

hey swampster can you draw me a pic of omega red????????????
[Aug 26,2004 9:31pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]


[Aug 26,2004 9:46pm - eddie ""]
are great, comic books were great, the x-men tv shows were great( the first two, x-men evolution was just retarded), the 2 movies were great, the classic arcade game was great(nightcrawler was the best), the action figures were fun. and i've played only a handful of the x men games , but what i've played most were good, except that spiderman /x-man one, that game pissed me off, probably because i couldn't beat it.
[Aug 26,2004 9:58pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Psylock is the love of my life
[Aug 26,2004 10:01pm - eddie ""]
I forget is that the chick with the sword? she's the hottest one.
[Aug 26,2004 10:04pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
she has purple hair and great legs, sometimes carries a sword. She could create a psychic knife which devastated peoples minds.
[Aug 26,2004 10:05pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Aug 27,2004 12:26am - Abbath ""]
yup that's my very first love of my life
espeacially when jim lee drew her
[Aug 27,2004 12:38am - eddie ""]
asian psylock is hotter than the white psylock!!!- anyone who knows what i'm talking about is a true x-man fan, or geek in this matter.
[Aug 27,2004 12:47am - Abbath ""]
haahah you know it sucka
she wasn't even hot as a brit anyways
[Aug 27,2004 9:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
remember when her clone showed up? imagine a 3some with 2 psylocks!
[Aug 27,2004 9:54am - RustedAngel ""]
Hooker said:I was Wolverine for Halloween last year. That's why my hair still looks all fucked up in these shots. I passed out with a full can of hairspray in my hair and woke up about an hour before we had to play this show.


does having a marshall 100w head hooked up to 2 cabs drain the head of sound? the last time I hooked up 2 cabs to my dsl100 it sounded kinda muddy. but it wasn't the same type of cab.....
[Aug 27,2004 10:34am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Yeah actually it did. I always thought it sounded better through one cab but I thought it was my ears fucking with me. And whenever I went to record with it it never sounded like the amp does live. I ended up trading it in for a Mesa DC 5 amp. It sounds way better.
[Aug 27,2004 11:40am - Abbath ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:remember when her clone showed up? imagine a 3some with 2 psylocks!

ya that was a pretty crazy story line
it's too bad they killed of Psylock a couple years ago, sad day RIP
[Aug 27,2004 1:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]
My_Dying_Bride said:the most bad ass x men by far was omega red

hey swampster can you draw me a pic of omega red????????????

It's been a while, but I'll try.
[Aug 27,2004 2:49pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i remember learning how to play the x-men adventures theme song in guitar lessons years back. best song ever. then (uh oh, classified information!!!) i switched around the parts, changed a few things and added some shit to make a solo in one of the songs from my old band Upon Crimson Wings. now slash AND marvel comics are going to sue me. :(
[Aug 27,2004 3:04pm - the_reverend ""]
not the cardonidum synthesizer!
[Aug 27,2004 3:10pm - succubus ""]
Hooker said:I was Wolverine for Halloween last year. [img]

that's my peecture!
i like thw skintones in that photo
[Aug 27,2004 4:05pm - the_reverend ""]
looking at another man's skintone?
that's give me free reign to make all the "push in your stool" jokes I want.
[Aug 27,2004 4:09pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:looking at another man's skintone?
that's give me free reign to make all the "push in your stool" jokes I want.

what? you don't think the skintones are nice?

[Aug 27,2004 4:10pm - Blue ""]
WhyamIandasshole said:Yeah actually it did. I always thought it sounded better through one cab but I thought it was my ears fucking with me. And whenever I went to record with it it never sounded like the amp does live. I ended up trading it in for a Mesa DC 5 amp. It sounds way better.

yeah. that dc5 sounds frigging great. once again proving my point: older mesas rule.
[Aug 27,2004 10:27pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
swamplorddvm said:My_Dying_Bride said:the most bad ass x men by far was omega red

hey swampster can you draw me a pic of omega red????????????

It's been a while, but I'll try.

ya that would be tits, cause you got that unique artistic style that makes me engorged. youre my hero dude.
[Aug 28,2004 12:02am - boobtoucher ""]
wolverine was and is the sickest. omega red was so fucking bad ass i forgot about him. I think Magneto's just fucking awesome. Cyclops was ALWAYS fag. Remember that crap with Cable being cyclops' dad or son or some crap? and my god all the chicks were so hot.

was anyone as pathetic as me and bought the swimsuit issue of x-chicks? 100% hot hot hot!
[Aug 28,2004 12:38am - El Justin  ""]
i heard x-men is coming out with an RPG...looks awesome
[Sep 11,2004 2:19pm - Abbath ""]
this is for my boy joe, i already pleased my self with it you can have her now:NEWHORNS:
[Sep 11,2004 2:32pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm going to masturbate now.
[Sep 11,2004 3:03pm - ExHuMeD4DeAtH ""]
xmen deff had the most baddas bad guys, what about juggernaut and collosus?
[Sep 13,2004 1:51am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
WhyamIandasshole said:Yeah actually it did. I always thought it sounded better through one cab but I thought it was my ears fucking with me. And whenever I went to record with it it never sounded like the amp does live. I ended up trading it in for a Mesa DC 5 amp. It sounds way better.

Did you change the ohmage on the head when adding a cab? I've made some nasty mud by having mine set on the wrong ohmage for the cab setup.

P.S. X-men rule. Best cartoon series ever (early 90s). 8-bit Nintendo game was absolutely dreadful. First X-Men game for Sega Genesis was awesome.

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