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Who should be killed next?

[Dec 9,2004 9:05am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I nominate Nothingface
[Dec 9,2004 9:07am - subjugate ""]
[Dec 9,2004 9:07am - Christraper ""]
Fred Durst or however you spell that assholes name
[Dec 9,2004 9:07am - largefreakatzero ""]
The Disturbed
[Dec 9,2004 9:08am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Dec 9,2004 9:09am - Sx  ""]
How about everyone posting in this thread that people should die?
[Dec 9,2004 9:10am - suckreligion ""]
it sickens me that you people are making a mockery of this.
[Dec 9,2004 9:10am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Sx said:How about everyone posting in this thread that people should die?

Thats just heartless and mean.
[Dec 9,2004 9:13am - subjugate ""]
Sx said:How about everyone posting in this thread that people should die?

pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
pick me
[Dec 9,2004 9:49am - paganmegan ""]

its really not funny but


slipknot, fred durst, disturbed all of 'em
[Dec 9,2004 9:51am - Christraper ""]
Whyd it have to be someone who actually KNOWS how to play guitar? Pantera sales are gonna skyrocket now.
[Dec 9,2004 9:54am - paganmegan ""]
Christraper said:Whyd it have to be someone who actually KNOWS how to play guitar? Pantera sales are gonna skyrocket now.

He is definitely up for martyr status now

they're probably gonna be more popular in death
[Dec 9,2004 9:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]

its really not funny but


slipknot, fred durst, disturbed all of 'em

i fail to see how it's not funny...
[Dec 9,2004 10:02am - largefreakatzero ""]
paganmegan said:Christraper said:Whyd it have to be someone who actually KNOWS how to play guitar? Pantera sales are gonna skyrocket now.

He is definitely up for martyr status now

they're probably gonna be more popular in death

Hmmm...good points. Perhaps at practice tonight we'll draw straws and see which one of us will take one for the Life at Zero cause. Bands always seem to do better with at least one dead member.
[Dec 9,2004 10:04am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
largefreakatzero said:paganmegan said:Christraper said:Whyd it have to be someone who actually KNOWS how to play guitar? Pantera sales are gonna skyrocket now.

He is definitely up for martyr status now

they're probably gonna be more popular in death

Hmmm...good points. Perhaps at practice tonight we'll draw straws and see which one of us will take one for the Life at Zero cause. Bands always seem to do better with at least one dead member.

You should exclude your drummer from that lottery, he will be hard to replace, even in stardom!
[Dec 9,2004 10:04am - paganmegan ""]
Yeah, off a guitarist to even out the ratio a little
[Dec 9,2004 10:09am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, the kid's really good. And I write all the riffs. And our bass player can learn/remember riffs like a bastard. That leaves Mike (singer) for martydom. Him and I will have to have a little talk...
[Dec 9,2004 10:12am - Christraper ""]
Theres no telling whos gonna die first in my band. It seems inevitable though.
[Dec 9,2004 10:12am - Christraper ""]
Probably me or Satan John
[Dec 9,2004 10:27am - dreadkill ""]
chester bigglesworth from linkin park
[Dec 9,2004 10:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
dreadkill said:chester bigglesworth from linkin park

haha is that someone's real name? he should never die if that is his real name
[Dec 9,2004 10:44am - subjugate ""]
i think when we start doing shows again i will wear a bullet proff vest insted of a shirt
[Dec 9,2004 10:45am - dan.  ""]
wear kneepads and bermuda shorts too
[Dec 9,2004 10:50am - subjugate ""]
will do
[Dec 9,2004 11:08am - dreadkill ""]
i think his real last name is bennigan or bennington or something, but i always call him bigglesworth when i make fun of that band.
[Dec 9,2004 12:36pm - armageddonday ""]
Christraper said:Probably me or Satan John

Satan John...you know it.
[Dec 9,2004 12:45pm - the_reverend ""]
tu pac
[Dec 9,2004 12:46pm - Christraper ""]
armageddonday said:Christraper said:Probably me or Satan John

Satan John...you know it.

yea....ive definitely got WAY more common sense than that kid....

[Dec 9,2004 1:04pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I nominate Nothingface

nothingface broke up a long time ago.
[Dec 9,2004 1:09pm - dreadkill ""]
there was some band in the building we practice at that sounded like nothingface. i didn't know their name, so i called them nut on face
[Dec 9,2004 3:49pm - Big ballz  ""]
i nominate joe and the rest of his bands
[Dec 9,2004 3:53pm - swamplorddvm ""]
him (she)
[Dec 9,2004 4:26pm - Mike Proteus  ""]
Big ballz said:i nominate joe and the rest of his bands

[Dec 9,2004 6:11pm - Kalopsia ""]
suckreligion said:it sickens me that you people are making a mockery of this.

well said
[Dec 9,2004 6:19pm - Justin ACR  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:dreadkill said:chester bigglesworth from linkin park

haha is that someone's real name? he should never die if that is his real name

HAHAHAHA, bigglesworth???? what?
[Dec 9,2004 7:03pm - josiah_the_black ""]
i nominate sx
[Dec 9,2004 7:11pm - assuck ""]
Big ballz said:i nominate joe and the rest of his bands

all but abhorred, because we all grew up on pantera
[Dec 9,2004 8:10pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i think i, alone, should have supreme authority on population control... the most common excuse for extermination = stupidity.
[Dec 9,2004 8:16pm - NotBlue ""]
I say it fucking blows big dirty cock that Dimebag is dead. He was one of my heros dammit!!! He's a guitar legend!!! Some asshole is like...you know, I think I'm just gonna kill Dimebag tonight.

I don't agree with nominating people for being shot...it's not cool...

...however, I did agree with Fred Durst...now I feel conflicted inside. I might as well just go cry somemore...whatever
[Dec 9,2004 8:25pm - notcommom  ""]
I nominate the fuckwad who started this thread.....fuck you!
[Dec 9,2004 8:26pm - numbness  ""]
A post like this should be deleted. This guy who started this is obviously an attention whore and likes to say things to get a rise out of people. I guarantee that he does not really believe in what he says, himself, or anything he affiliates these kind of words with. People stop feeding in to his self-indulged comments, he wants the attention on him. Pathetic and useless, more than likely a child who tried to fit in when he was young and is now a bitter waste product. You are real respected guy!!! And I am sure whatever band you are in, or your affiliation for even being on this board is an absolute waste of human skin.
[Dec 9,2004 8:32pm - powerkok ""]
John Dwyer.
[Dec 9,2004 8:38pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Dec 9,2004 8:40pm - ayin ""]
numbness said:A post like this should be deleted. This guy who started this is obviously an attention whore and likes to say things to get a rise out of people. I guarantee that he does not really believe in what he says, himself, or anything he affiliates these kind of words with. People stop feeding in to his self-indulged comments, he wants the attention on him. Pathetic and useless, more than likely a child who tried to fit in when he was young and is now a bitter waste product. You are real respected guy!!! And I am sure whatever band you are in, or your affiliation for even being on this board is an absolute waste of human skin.

[Dec 9,2004 9:23pm - lady_czerach ""]
I agree. This thread was fucking dumb.
[Dec 9,2004 10:26pm - retzam ""]
lady_czerach said:I agree. This thread was fucking dumb.

Yeah, it sucks.
[Dec 9,2004 11:29pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
delete it.
[Dec 9,2004 11:36pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
retzam said:lady_czerach said:I agree. This thread was fucking dumb.

Yeah, it sucks.

you are both idiots anyway
[Dec 9,2004 11:37pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
dugoxistance said:Joe/NotCommon said:I nominate Nothingface

nothingface broke up a long time ago.

in that case, Drew Carey
[Dec 9,2004 11:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
powerkok said:John Dwyer.

I agree, kill me.

[Dec 9,2004 11:50pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I love this thread.
[Dec 9,2004 11:55pm - retzam ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:retzam said:lady_czerach said:I agree. This thread was fucking dumb.

Yeah, it sucks.

you are both idiots anyway

I <3 Joe
[Dec 9,2004 11:55pm - retzam ""]
__THeMoor__ said:delete it.

The Rev only deletes child porn. He has his reasons.
[Dec 9,2004 11:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will be back in a few days, well relaxed and as good as new. Maybe some more anonymous metalcore people can write long winded paragraphs about how I seek attention because I post on a message board.
[Dec 10,2004 4:19pm - numbness  ""]
Who the fuck cares when you will be back! You will not be missed, that's for sure.
[Dec 10,2004 8:40pm - josiah_the_black ""]
retzam said:

The Rev only deletes child porn. He has his reasons.

if by delete you mean stashes away for personal use
[Dec 10,2004 9:42pm - Dissector ""]
numbness said:Who the fuck cares when you will be back! You will not be missed, that's for sure.

I'll miss you Joe!!

You people need to calm down. Its not like you knew Dimebag personally and we're just here fucking around. If we actually went out and started shooting people it would be different but I see no problem in joking about it.

Now that that's said, I nominate Jamie Jasta.

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