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[Nov 4,2008 6:47pm - Lamp ""]
Precincts have started reporting. I am hitting refresh fairly regularly.

[Nov 4,2008 7:20pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Is CNN using a "hologram" right now?
[Nov 4,2008 7:22pm - archaeon ""]
I hope McCain wins just for the lolz.
[Nov 4,2008 7:23pm - archaeon ""]

SacreligionNLI said:Is CNN using a "hologram" right now?

ahahaha that was the gayest thing ever.

CNN needs to stop being revolutionary, they are failing.
[Nov 4,2008 7:30pm - the_reverend ""]
there is already an official thread about this. Are you going rogue?
[Nov 4,2008 7:46pm - Lamp ""]

archaeon said:I hope McCain wins just for the lolz.

Yeah dude, that'd be real funny. About as funny is breaking a glass in my face and shoving it into my ass right after diarrhea.

I forgot about the other thread, sorry. I just wanted to make sure the fact that it started had been brought attention to.
[Nov 4,2008 7:50pm - mortalis ""]

the_reverend said:rogue?

[Nov 4,2008 8:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I just explained the electoral college to my gf.
[Nov 4,2008 8:15pm - W3 nli  ""]

the_reverend said:I just explained the electoral college to my gf.

dont you mean wife?
[Nov 4,2008 8:31pm - pam ""]
MA ballot results: NO on 1, YES on 2, YES on 3
[Nov 4,2008 8:36pm - Lamp ""]
Kay Hagan beat Elizabeth Dole!
[Nov 4,2008 8:41pm - pam ""]
Fuck off, Liz!

Obama beat the snot out of McCain and we scooped up a senate seat in NH too, awesome.
[Nov 4,2008 8:45pm - Hoser ""]
You're a Masshole...what does NH matter to you?

Except that you'll have free reign to clog every highway in NE with your pollution and rude bahavior.
[Nov 4,2008 8:48pm - pam ""]
Why do I care that we got a senate seat? Derrrrrrr.

And I don't drive. If I did, I wouldn't go anywhere near NH. So shove in your bum.
[Nov 4,2008 8:51pm - Lamp ""]
I may be able to say I'm driving in a blue state again soon, Obama is ahead in North Carolina, holy shit this RULES!
[Nov 4,2008 8:58pm - the_reverend ""]
obama just won penn. that means mccain basically can't win.
[Nov 4,2008 8:59pm - Lamp ""]
Kerry got PA last time too though, looks like Florida will go blue though.
[Nov 4,2008 8:59pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

Lamp said:I may be able to say I'm driving in a blue state again soon, Obama is ahead in North Carolina, holy shit this RULES!

Yeah but you'll still be in North Carolina. FROWNY FACE EMOTICON
[Nov 4,2008 9:02pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Kool-Aid futures at an all time high
[Nov 4,2008 9:04pm - the_reverend ""]
105 away! gobama
[Nov 4,2008 9:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I just realized you could mouse over
[Nov 4,2008 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
175! wow... this could be over before the election special on Comedy Central
[Nov 4,2008 9:10pm - Lamp ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:
Lamp said:I may be able to say I'm driving in a blue state again soon, Obama is ahead in North Carolina, holy shit this RULES!

Yeah but you'll still be in North Carolina. FROWNY FACE EMOTICON

It's not all bad.

Wake County(Raleigh) is going blue and it's usually conservative. Fuck yes.
[Nov 4,2008 9:14pm - the_reverend ""]
look at NY
[Nov 4,2008 9:19pm - the_reverend ""]
with california going to obama and possibly ohio going obama...
[Nov 4,2008 9:19pm - Lamp ""]
Jesse Helms is rolling over in his grave.
[Nov 4,2008 9:21pm - pam ""]
[Nov 4,2008 9:23pm - Lamp ""]
Obama got Ohio!
[Nov 4,2008 9:23pm - pam ""]
[Nov 4,2008 9:26pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 4,2008 9:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wait a minute
[Nov 4,2008 9:30pm - Murph ""]

Yeah guys, only a few states even have more than 50% of their polls in.

Ohio has only 15% in as I write this.

"Everybody chill out. Just chill out. CHILL OUT!"
[Nov 4,2008 9:30pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the results have yet to come in from the most conservative parts of the country, i'm holding my breath.
[Nov 4,2008 9:34pm - pam ""]
Obama is taking New Mexico, one more red turned blue. omg.
[Nov 4,2008 9:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

politix is raviolios
[Nov 4,2008 9:35pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
if you pay attention to that map, mccain is winning in all the states that are about to close there stations....

i'm betting on a mccain turn around.
[Nov 4,2008 9:40pm - the_reverend ""]
you would lose that bet. California+Ohio go for obama. Right now if he also gets florida, then he more than wins.
[Nov 4,2008 9:43pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
i'm hoping he does.

but i'm holding my breath, the republicans stole the last two elections, they'll steal this one. or try
[Nov 4,2008 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]
they didn't steal the last one. And 2000 wasn't so much "stolen" as gotten through an abuse of the system. if the dems weren't idiots, they wouldn't have lost.
[Nov 4,2008 9:46pm - the_reverend ""]
and obama just took ohio like I said. he will also get california.
[Nov 4,2008 9:47pm - samYam ""]
It is impossible at this point for McCain to "comeback". Don't be surprised if he concedes within the next two hours.
[Nov 4,2008 9:49pm - the_reverend ""]
mccain had to win penn to win
[Nov 4,2008 9:50pm - pam ""]
His concession speech is going to be sexually exciting for me.
[Nov 4,2008 9:50pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I'm drinking vodka to the black man, he better give us that tax thing and the healthcare thing he was yapping about or imma be pissed.
[Nov 4,2008 9:52pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
note: every red state should be bombed by obama after the election, they all suck anyways.

thank cthulhu nh didn't let me down.
[Nov 4,2008 9:53pm - Lamp ""]
I may have to pack the one-hitter again before the end of the night.
[Nov 4,2008 9:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:note: every red state should be bombed by obama after the election, they all suck anyways.

thank cthulhu nh didn't let me down.

it kan be New England secession time nao? LOL
[Nov 4,2008 9:55pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]


I just gained a lot of respect for john mccain after watching this.

he must realize by now the only votes he is getting are from ignorant folk
[Nov 4,2008 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm drinking white russias
[Nov 4,2008 9:59pm - pam ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:I'm drinking vodka to the black man, he better give us that tax thing and the healthcare thing he was yapping about or imma be pissed.

Nancy Pelosi is about to become the most powerful woman in the country, consider it done.

Besides if he doesn't deliver we'll be red again in 4 years. Guaranteed.

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