Anyone know anyone going to Steven Wilson/Opeth in Albany NY?[views:13737][posts:57]________________________________ [Apr 24,2013 6:22pm - Spence ""] A friend of mine from there has a few extra tickets, and she's willing to give them away for free and let me/anyone else crash at her place. Just looking for a ride there, so if anyone knows anyone - let me know kthxbai. (I love Storm Corrosion, and they're going to do a Storm Corrosion encore - and i'm a hipster fag so I want to see that shit) |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2013 5:11pm - ShadowSD ""] Surprised you don't have any takers on this, free tickets and a place to crash in exchange for a ride is a good deal. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 25,2013 5:26pm - boblovesmusic ""] It is tempting but don't think I can do it |
______________________________ [Apr 25,2013 5:30pm - Yeti ""] gah, this would have been unbelievable in like 01. fuck off nowadays Opeth and Steven Wilson. |
____________________________________ [Apr 25,2013 5:33pm - arilliusbm ""] No takers, just a bunch of fakers. |
_______________________________ [Apr 26,2013 9:32am - Hoser ""] If I didn't have to work, I'd do it. Steven Wilson is the shit. |
___________________________________________ [Apr 26,2013 11:32am - largefreakatzero ""] Post pics of your little girlfriend and we'll get back to you. |
____________________________________________ [Apr 26,2013 12:24pm - Associate Poster ""] Free tickets and a chance to nail some young poontang? STILL not worth the price of a road trip with Spence. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 26,2013 4:29pm - Spence NLI ""] I think it's hilarious when people hate on Heritage and Watershed, when those albums are a million times better than Blackwater Park or Deliverance will ever be. As for Steven Wilson, I do think his recent album was quite terribly mediocre, but Grace for Drowning is probably my favorite album of this decade so far. Anyway, no big deal. I'm just staying home, she's just going to sell the tickets for profit at the show since it's sold out. |
____________________________________ [Apr 26,2013 5:05pm - arilliusbm ""] Heritage is fucking awful. |
______________________________ [Apr 26,2013 5:19pm - Yeti ""] Spence%20NLI said:I think it's hilarious when people hate on Heritage and Watershed, when those albums are a million times better than Blackwater Park or Deliverance will ever be. now i know you are just starting shit because Heritage fucking sucks ass. Watershed had its moments, there are some really good tracks on it like "Hessian Peel", and even though Deliverance isn't as stellar as it could have been, it destroys the shit out of those two. Heritage is one of the weakest piles of wanna-be prog bullshit around today. i'm one of the biggest Opeth fanboys alive but when Martin Lopez and Peter Lindgren left, that band collapsed in on Akerfeldt's ego. |
______________________________ [Apr 26,2013 5:20pm - Yeti ""] and i refuse to accept any dissent towards Blackwater Park, especially from someone who thinks the snoozefest Grace For Drowning serves any more purpose than a drink coaster. |
______________________________ [Apr 26,2013 5:21pm - Yeti ""] better pucker up that asshole, because i'm joining Ryan's parade. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 26,2013 5:24pm - boblovesmusic ""] Deliverance and Blackwater Park are among my all time favs |
___________________________________ [Apr 26,2013 9:00pm - goatrider ""] largefreakatzero said:Post pics of your little girlfriend and we'll get back to you. Unless she's a relative of his or something, I'd approach with extreme caution. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 26,2013 9:37pm - Spence NLI ""] I don't hate BWP or Deliverance, I just think they are HIGHLY overrated albums. Both albums have one great song each(Bleak, A Fair Judgment) and the rest of each is decent or mediocre. I'm sorry but if you'd rather listen to Harvest live instead of Nepenthe, or that The Drapery Falls is AWESOME-THEY-SHOULD-CLOSE-EVERY-SHOW-WITH-THIS whereas Heir Apparent isn't then you are just wrong. BWP and Deliverance are the most generic and uninspired Opeth albums easily, besides arguably Heritage - depending whether you think majorly boring prog metal or cookie cutter risk-free prog rock is more generic. As a whole, I rank the Opeth albums like this: Super amazing - Still Life, MAYH Pretty fucking great - Orchid, MR, Damnation, Watershed Good - Ghost Reveries, Heritage Decent - BWP, Deliverance The point is, Opeth isn't a LOL OLDSCHOOL IS AMAZING AND NEWSCHOOL SUCKS kind of band. Damnation and Watershed are both quite amazing albums despite being later in their career, and I find BWP to be one of the most overrated metal albums of all time despite it being "earlier". As to the lineup, that's all up to debate. As awesome as Peter Lindgren is, for instance, every live video i've seen of him is just him standing there being bored as fuck and butchering his solos - whereas the newer lead guitarist at least plays the stuff accurately live, and doesn't appear to be as bored. I've actually QUITE enjoyed Opeth every time i've seen them live, the exception being the Opeth/Mastodon/Ghost show last year - which I all around regret wasting money on. Opeth was BRILLIANT in 2011 when they did their all-clean-vocals set(despite the whining of people on Facebook) and I felt Opeth were great the other day at NEMAHF. Oh yeah, last note about Heritage: all the songs are hit or miss for me. The songs I like I LOVE, the songs I dislike I can't stand. As to grace for Drowning. Don't know what to tell you. I listen to music for atmosphere and for the emotional value usually, and so I find it very moving. It's the same reason I love MOST Porcupine Tree, but hate songs like Blackest Eyes despite it being one of their most popular songs. |
______________________________________ [Apr 26,2013 11:37pm - Longdeadgod ""] I know all music taste is subjective and whatnot, but to call an album that has been highly regarded by most of the metal community, which is a very jaded and hate filled community, since its release "overrated" is a joke. You don't like it, but a solid majority of others do. I don't like lobster, but a many other folks do, does that make it an overrated food? |
____________________________________ [Apr 27,2013 12:09pm - dreadkill ""] The only opeth album I dislike is heritage. The only album after bwp that is on par with the earlier stuff is damnation. The only Wilson solo album worth owning is the new one. Grace for drowning had some decent moments and insurgentes had one good Song and the rest sucked. Storm corrosion is a boring piece of crap. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 27,2013 2:42pm - Spence NLI ""] Whether you like BWP or not, it's definitely overrated. You can like Slayer and Pantera, but they're still overrated bands. Same thing goes for Opeth's BWP. That's just the way I see it, anyway. I actually can't stand the new Steven Wilson album. Super technical wankery and songs that are purposefully drawn on for over 10 minutes each when each song could easily be done in three minutes. The reason I love Grace for Drowning so much is there is NO technical wankery on it in the slightest and because everything feels perfect to me, pacing and songlength wise. I only wish the bonus tracks were on the vinyl too, because Home in Negative is a fucking gorgeous song. Storm Corrosion is great if you're into more that ambient and darknoise kind of stuff. If you dislike Storm Corrosion, then you most likely dislike a lot of Porcupine Tree's more obscure material and probably wouldn't stand their earliest albums. People who dislike Storm Corrosion are the same people who DESPISE The Incident, even though that album is much closer to PT's roots than any of their other 00's albums. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 12:36pm - The_reverend ""] Black water park is one of my favorite albums |
________________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 12:55pm - boblovesmusic ""] Only Steel is real |
__________________________________________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 1:23pm - Mikael Akerfeldt is posting in a thread ""] meeeehhhh mah meeh meeeeeeeeeeehhhh MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR MOOOR RRRRRRRRRRRRRR memememe ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR *dun dun dun* |
_______________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 1:24pm - rest of band ""] *diddly diddly meedly 7/8 stop playing for 5 minutes for acoustic part* |
___________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 2:31pm - dreadkill ""] Overrated = anything spence doesn't like that much |
________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 2:55pm - Spence ""] I like plenty of music that is overrated. I'm listening to Pink Floyd right now, who are definitely overrated. Don't know what you're smokin bro. If I dislike a band, I dislike a band - I don't say they're overrated just if I don't care for them. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 3:46pm - boblovesmusic ""] Yay a music discussion! |
______________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 4:12pm - The_reverend ""] Heh. |
____________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 4:21pm - arilliusbm ""] BWP is the album that put Opeth on the map in America. Before BWP came out, Opeth's shows had people talking during their songs and no one really cared much about them. They picked up a lot of attention for BWP. Also, Opeth was not the same band after Peter and Lopez left. |
________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 4:52pm - Spence ""] arilliusbm said:Opeth's shows had people talking during their songs This is STILL true. I just find the album horribly boring and drawn out in comparison to their previous works, and just because an album puts a band on the scene, doesn't negate it's averageness. |
___________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 5:03pm - dreadkill ""] Just because you think it's average doesn't mean it's average. You're not the ultimate judge and jury. |
________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 5:12pm - Spence ""] Never said I was? Pretty sure any and all music related discussion is subjective by default and therefore doesn't require "in my opinion" after every statement. |
______________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 5:27pm - The_reverend ""] Their recordings before bwp were awful. Not the music so much but the recording quality. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 8:00pm - Longdeadgod ""] I don't know, I think still life sounds as good as bwp, but thats just me, I really enjoy alot of 90's production over the modern cleaner stuff. |
___________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 9:31pm - Czarnobog ""] never listened to opeth i don't think. always figured it sounded like dimmu borgir based on the kids i see wearing the shirts, never bothered to confirm. |
________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 9:35pm - Spence ""] Comparing Opeth to Dimmu Borgir is like comparing Iron Maiden to Motley Crue. But yes, Opeth fans are obnoxious. Myself included. |
___________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 9:46pm - Czarnobog ""] Spence said:Comparing Opeth to Dimmu Borgir is like comparing Iron Maiden to Motley Crue. which one's motley crue? |
________________________________ [Apr 28,2013 9:56pm - Spence ""] Dimmu. |
______________________________ [Apr 29,2013 7:29am - Lamp ""] Czarnobog said:never listened to opeth i don't think. always figured it sounded like dimmu borgir based on the kids i see wearing the shirts, never bothered to confirm. Don't bother. I've only heard Blackwater Park and I'm sitting here scratching my head trying to figure out why people here like it so much. But then again, I don't like that kind of metal at all. |
______________________________ [Apr 29,2013 8:39am - Yeti ""] Czarnobog said:never listened to opeth i don't think. always figured it sounded like dimmu borgir based on the kids i see wearing the shirts, never bothered to confirm. Opeth isn't for everyone, but everyone seems to be into Opeth. their first two are very different from everything else, they have a much more raw and vicious sound. the "popular" sound of Opeth started with My Arms, Your Hearse. which is a sloppy, poorly recorded, uninhibited masterpiece. |
______________________________ [Apr 29,2013 8:41am - Yeti ""] they as a group were exceptionally talented, but the douchey fans like them because they are accessible and girlfriendy. it really overshadows their musicianship. |
________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 8:42am - KEVORD ""] Slayer and Pantera are overrated bands but Anthrax isn't? |
________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 8:47am - KEVORD ""] Opeth is for pretentious faggets anyway. I saw them twice on the Black Water Park tour. So boring. |
___________________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 9:25am - mikeofdecrepitude ""] Spence%20NLI said:I think it's hilarious when people hate on Heritage and Watershed, when those albums are a million times better than Blackwater Park or Deliverance will ever be. LOL. I don't even know if I can respond with anything else past that but I'll try. Blackwater Park > most bands albums, and Deliverance trumps Watershed and Heritage with Master's Apprentices alone. I don't know what they (he) was even going for with Watershed. It started off fantastic with Heir Apparent and then the rest of the album was a jumbled mess. In fact, Heir Apparent is one of the best songs Opeth has ever written, so for that album to be such a huge disappointment, with such a strong opening song, was really baffling to me. As far as Heritage is concerned, it's pretty weak. There's just nothing else to say about it. The true Opeth sound is contained in the first 6 albums, but specifically the first 5. I still consider Opeth one of my favorite bands and would still deal with the multitude of faggots that flock to their shows just to hear them play the songs that made them (him) great. However, I can't justify liking the newer albums just because I hold the earlier albums in high regard. |
__________________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 9:27am - largefreakatzero ""] KEVORD said:Opeth is for pretentious faggets anyway. Accurate analysis is accurate. |
___________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 9:29am - dreadkill ""] Mike nails it |
________________________________________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 9:53am - Robin Williams in Good Spence Hunting ""] I can't learn anything from you, I can't read in some fuckin' book. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 10:02am - goatcatalyst ""] Yeti said:better pucker up that asshole, because i'm joining Ryan's parade. Careful, bub! I'm COO of Sweet Spence's leather Cheerio. Perhaps I'll relinquish the key to his chastity belt after a few libations at Armsby if you can make it down Thursday. |
________________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 10:06am - ATTN FANBOYS ""] There apparently was excellent accoustic set from this band in Leomister's Newbury Comics a couple weeks ago. theres videos from it somewhere. Reminds me of the Damnation tour. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 10:12am - goatcatalyst ""] Also... this thread makes me BRICK Spence's Rectum, My Chattel. |
________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 1:17pm - Spence ""] See, when I think of "brilliant Opeth", I think of the first four albums, Damnation and Watershed - whereas everything else(BWP, Deliverance, Ghost Reveries, Heritage) kind of comes off as unnecessary. I like those albums still, but they aren't as mandatory listening IMO. As to the person who heard BWP and hated it, and the person who saw them on the BWP tour and hated it, that goes back to my original point: Most of the songs on that album are drawn out, boring and rather uninspired when compared to the four albums before it. As to Deliverance, I relistened to it last night, and you know - my main problem is just with the first track. The rest of the album isn't as mediocre as I remember it. A Fair Judgment will always be awesome. (fuck the first track though) As for the Newbury Comics thing, they did a free 30 minute set and meet n' greet the morning before NEMAHF. It's pretty cool: bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier |
_________________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 1:18pm - scottfromzircon ""] I'm going! |
________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 1:21pm - Spence ""] KEVORD said:Slayer and Pantera are overrated bands but Anthrax isn't? Just because I enjoy the early Anthrax albums and think Anthrax is great live now that Joey's back in the band, doesn't mean I don't find them overrated. |
______________________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 3:21pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] Robin%20Williams%20in%20Good%20Spence%20Hunting said:I can't learn anything from you, I can't read on fuckin' Metal Archives. fixed |
_______________________________ [Apr 29,2013 6:28pm - GTFO ""] Using the word "overrated" so much as a descriptive word for subjective stances on music is overtly pretentious in itself. And makes you sound like an elitist douche. Who are the ones rating it? What are these ratings based on? Do you have charts and graphs for this all- inclusive rating system? Listen and like music or don’t. Oh and go fuck yourself. |
____________________________________________ [Apr 29,2013 7:30pm - King Thunderstool ""] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!! |
______________________________ [Apr 30,2013 8:36am - Yeti ""] goatcatalyst said: Yeti said:better pucker up that asshole, because i'm joining Ryan's parade. Careful, bub! I'm COO of Sweet Spence's leather Cheerio. Perhaps I'll relinquish the key to his chastity belt after a few libations at Armsby if you can make it down Thursday. i will be there. if Spence is anywhere near Worcester the shockwaves alone will split that rectum right in two. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 30,2013 7:02pm - boblovesmusic ""] this thread inspired me to listen to Deliverance again. Album still rules. |
____________________________________________________________ [May 2,2013 1:28pm - DYA is SPONSORED BY THE JERK STORE ""] Thread needs more Conservationist. |