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Nov 12 (Fri) - MT Booking Presents: Fires of Old, Faces of Bayon, Despoilment, Sauriel & Orim - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

Friday, November 12th @ Ralph's - MT Booking Presents: Fires of Old, Faces of Bayon, Despoilment, Sauriel & Orim 21+ $7

Ralph's (Worcester, MA) - [despoilment][faces_of_bayon][fires_of_old][orim][randomshots][sauriel]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Nov 15,2010 3:02pm - the_reverend ""]

arilliusbm said:
the_reverend said: I also posted aril's IP IRL.

Wait, what?

[Nov 15,2010 3:16pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:Who? The woman that was in Sister Act and Hocus Pocus?

i thought she looked like the lost sister of Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum.
[Nov 17,2010 12:13pm - Jon_Sauriel  ""]

Yeti said:

Sauriel sounded infinitely better than the last few times i've seen them, including the vocals, but i think that Jon needs to either practice more or really take the time to learn his limits, by the 3rd song his voice was gone and it went flat for the rest of the set. however the improvements are very noticeable.

i thought i did pretty good vocally for having a chest cold!
[Nov 17,2010 5:01pm - Allan_Sauriel  ""]
I thought that our sound was way off compared to our last performances, but then again it happens when no sound check was ever done. Sounded like some cut outs and I had trouble hearing the guitars and bass. In Jon's defense, he's been battling that chest cold or a little bit.
[Nov 25,2010 1:47am - the_reverend ""]

[Nov 25,2010 9:10am - MetalThursday ""]
Awesome, thanks Rev!
[Nov 25,2010 7:24pm - the_reverend ""]

[Nov 25,2010 7:25pm - the_reverend ""]

[Nov 25,2010 7:25pm - the_reverend ""]


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