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All About Records Fest!! go!! feb 21st and 22nd!

the Clark Gym, Wheaton College (Norton, Ma) - [black_my_heart][bridges_have_burned][built_to_burn][donut_patrol][draw_blood][farewell_hope][have_heart][in_pieces][junction_18][kimone][no_trigger][randomshots][shoot_to_kill][terminally_your_aborted_ghost][the_ames_curve][the_defeat][the_lido_venice][verse]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Feb 12,2004 8:33pm - ratt_mowe ""]
saturday feb 21st
@the clark gym, wheaton college, Norton, ma.
Doors at 1130 am $10.00

10:30-11:00 junction 18 (fearless records)
10:00-10:30 in pieces(escape artists records)
9:00-9:30 kimone
8:30-9:00 avoidonething
8:00-8:30 donut patrol
7:30-800 the ames curve (allaboutrecords)
6:30-7:00 time pilot(allaboutrecords)
5:30-6:00 terminally your aborted ghost
5:00-5:30 RnR
4:30-5:00 verse (contrast records)
4:00-4:30 black my heart (eulogy records)
3:30-4:00 draw blood
3:00-3:30 they came in numbers/ farewell hope (allaboutrecords)
2:30-3:00 haveXheart (think fast records)/shoot to kill
2:00-2:30 no trigger
1:30-2:00 bridges have burned
1:00-1:30 the defeat
12:30-1:00 built to burn

Sunday feb 22nd
@ the clark gym
wheaton college, Norton ma
doors at 11 am, $10.00

9:30-10:00 the lot six (tarantula records)
9:00-9:30 read yellow
8:30-9:00 lock and key (deep elm records)
8:00-8:30 querencia
7:00-7:30 calumet- hecla
6:30-7:00 myemenymyself
6:00-6:30 the cheat(allaboutrecords)
5:30-6:00 the call up
5:00-5:30 greenwell(allaboutrecords)
4:30-5:00 bluesbastard
4:00-4:30 pretty faces
3:30-4:00 the fall line
3:00-3:30 matches and heroin
2:00-2:30 sometimes she burns (allaboutrecords)
1:30-2:00 damaged goods (allaboutrecords)
1:00-1:30 actions in objects
12:30-1:00 and on and on and on
12:00-12:30 overdrive home

be there.
[Feb 12,2004 8:44pm - subjugate ""]
out of all those bands i heard of 1
[Feb 13,2004 12:16am - Terence ""]
why are you guys playing this?
[Feb 13,2004 12:25am - George ""]
i know the ames curve, their singer works at the newbury comics in needham, i saw them with my magnificent machine way back in the day.
i know black my heart, its derek's new band.
i know the lot six, i saw them with the locusts at the garmet district.
and i know querencia. its mike quinn's new band. you know, quinn, drummer from the farwell chapter, completely insane at drums.
he's wicked scene and cool now. querencia is almost dancy indi rock. 2 keyboardists i think. i saw them at some kids basement in allston not too long ago. i liked them only because i like to watch quinn play drums, but i dont like how their guitarists did more standing on the bass drum twitching instead of actually playing guitar. there's too much going on in that band anyway.

i wish quinn would play grind again. he's one of the best drummers around here.
[Feb 13,2004 3:23am - JonahBloodbath ""]
I tried to get my band on this but to no avail. Its a pretty diverse bill. not enough metal though..
[Feb 13,2004 4:13am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Terence said:why are you guys playing this?

i have no fucking idea.
[Feb 13,2004 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
actually, wasn't this the same as the iodine fest last year?
fun show... lots of bands I didn't like though...
and I've wanted to see verses.
[Feb 13,2004 11:46am - brendan  ""]
when is the new compilation coming out, my old bands song should be on it???
[Feb 13,2004 12:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
ive heard of 3 of those bands, go me!
[Feb 21,2004 12:25am - the_reverend ""]
this is tomorrow.
someone guest list me.
[Feb 21,2004 1:14am - phantos ""]
I'll G-list you.
my secret side-project is the mighty prog-rock outfit; "Donut Patrol"... not.
[Feb 21,2004 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 21,2004 5:44pm - phantos ""]
[Feb 22,2004 12:05am - HiImPaul ""]
Quinn never played grind the farewell chapter was a poor excuse for a form of music. lol and TYAG is so out of place on this bill.
[Feb 22,2004 1:23am - the_reverend ""]
actually, they weren't... I'll give you the 411 on that in my review.
I'm home and I'm working on pictures.
they should be showing up in about 20 minutes.

that was such a weird environment to shoot in. white balancing was a bitch... so I stopped stressing about it.
picture hint: blue-ish pictures are with out flash.
red-ish pictures are with flash
[Feb 22,2004 1:32am - phantos ""]
color-temp concerns are for bitches.... THIS IS ROCK-N-ROLL !!! jk
[Feb 22,2004 1:55am - the_reverend ""]
phantos, you are for bitches.
wait.. that's a complement....

pictures are uploading.
the blue ones look cool
the red ones look ok
but they look like ass when you flip between them.
[Feb 22,2004 3:32am - the_reverend ""]
WOW, the Jpeg processing on the pictures looks horrible... they look bad, but not nearly as bad as they look on the site now. I'm going to have to re-write my batch programs. they look ok to excellent on my computer, but they look like ass on other people's. oh well...

the show started a bit later than it was suppose to. I was sitting around (playing final fantasy tactics) for 2 hours before the show started. Also, both stages weren't used to the fullest. they could have moved it almost better.

built to burn: sunday real estate misxed with old bright eyes vocals. they told a story about their van blowing up. I didn't really care though.

the defeat: emo again. sort of purity's failure-ish.

haveXheart: more posi-core. This was the first band that I had to figure out movement in the crowd with. many wasted shots.

shoot to kill: even more posi-core. I swear I've seen this band before.

farewell hope: I definitly saw this band before. it was in milwuakee 2002... I knew it when I saw that amputated guitar. They were a 5 piece then, now they are a 4 piece. metalcore.

verse: first time seeing them. I was impressed. great additude. they also made fun of the basket ball players.

bridges have burned: their first show, but they have a demo? weird. semi-generic posi-core. they sounded like deathreat.

no trigger: sound like the promise ring. their sound was soooooo over blown it wasn't even funny.

draw blood: one of the bands I went for. I was let down while standing in front of them cause it sounded like ass. then I went by the drummer (mr. scottomata) and it sounded great. check out their ep and upcomoing full length on martyr records.

black my heart: they sounded so much better... (well, at least up close) than the ICC show. I thought the vocals weren't quite there, but then at this show, they were full on.

terminally your aborted ghost: holy ass... they sounded so crappy, probably the worst sounding mix they have ever been given. matt's guitar was way too loud, same with the kick drum. Seriously, anyone that knows them and their music knows they sound clear and tight and not over blown like that.

time pilot: this might be their name... I know it's not rnr. anyhow, hey terminally and draw blood, time to start a new band, their whole front row was basically girls. I only watched a minute cause it hurt my head to wonder why there were all girls in front or why there were two guys RIGHT in front. I think they were trying to be cursive-esque... not sure though.

the ames curve: I like this band so.. they sounded a lot more pop-punk than they did the last time I saw them. (before they were art-rock like the young idea) the singer looks like robin williams too.

donut patrol: whoah... phantos ain't in this band. they played rock-like music and made pb&j sandwiches which they then threw into the crowd. I woke up and went right to the show so I was wicked hungry. booo-urns to them for not giving me a sandwich. then they threw donuts... then some girl chugged a squeeze-bottle of

junction 18: I wasn't a big fan of them last time I saw them. they are sort of like stretch armstrong taken even further from what I like.

kimone: reminded me of jets to brazil sort of... with some spacey parts.

in pieces: I was so wanting to leave by the time they played (thanks to my cold/not eating all day/not sleeping much) so I only stayed for a few songs. they sounded pretty good.

I guess there is going to be a DVD from this show... er.. wel, the sound on that is not going to be the best unless it was taken from the board. they had a really cool USB mixer on the street-side stage. I was watching it and it rocked... I need one of those.
[Feb 22,2004 3:47am - JonahBloodbath ""]
Rev, I just looked at a bunch of the photos from each of these bands and your photography has gotten a lot better in the last 6 months or so..

[Feb 22,2004 4:09am - the_reverend ""]
thank you... there is still plenty I need to learn.
like white balancing... with a flash&dark it's easy (like most shows)
minus either and it's harder...

I need to learn to pre-set my white balanced when I meter. I just got a book specific to my 2 cameras... so... I'm going to learn.

actually, those shots of your indie band that you link places, I like a bunch of them.. makes me want to get the 12-24mm (I used a 17-35 there) to "get more".

at the show tonight, I realized that I busted my 17-35mm really bad when I dropped it 11/14/03... in light you can see the back focusing horribly. so I used my 24mm f1.8 for this hole show today.
kept it at 1/125 f2.8-4 with flash (-1.7-3.0) and 1/100 f2.2-2.8 with out flash.
[Feb 22,2004 4:36am - JonahBloodbath ""]
My indie band?

I dont know shit about light or flashes. I'm decent with shutter speeds and framing and timing, but I'm way beind on the technical side of photography.

I think I need a better camera..
[Feb 22,2004 4:48am - the_reverend ""]
motion sickness.
[Feb 22,2004 8:55am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Who sings to the fat kid?! I mean really...
[Feb 22,2004 12:27pm - xmikex_mobile  ""]
all about records is a joke. that is the worst lineup i've ever seen in my life.
[Feb 22,2004 1:56pm - red head dave  ""]
yeah, that "fat kid" is my boy. no need to talk shit on him. thanks.
[Feb 22,2004 3:27pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Take a joke, man.
[Feb 22,2004 3:36pm - Terence ""]
hahahahaha! serenading the fat kid!
[Feb 22,2004 3:59pm - red head dave  ""]
i just said no need to talk shit on him. i wasn't making a big deal about it. and yeah, terence, wicked cool bro. wicked.
[Feb 22,2004 5:57pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:WOW, the Jpeg processing on the pictures looks horrible... they look bad, but not nearly as bad as they look on the site now. I'm going to have to re-write my batch programs. they look ok to excellent on my computer, but they look like ass on other people's. oh well...

yep myne

[Feb 22,2004 5:57pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:built to burn: sunday real estate misxed with old bright eyes vocals. they told a story about their van blowing up. I didn't really care though.

sunny day real estate
typo nazi

[Feb 22,2004 5:59pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:
donut patrol: whoah... phantos ain't in this band. they played rock-like music and made pb&j sandwiches which they then threw into the crowd. I woke up and went right to the show so I was wicked hungry. booo-urns to them for not giving me a sandwich. then they threw donuts... then some girl chugged a squeeze-bottle of

...of jelly


[Feb 22,2004 7:58pm - Terence ""]
red head dave said:i just said no need to talk shit on him. i wasn't making a big deal about it. and yeah, terence, wicked cool bro. wicked.

I knew you would get a kick out of that one!
[Feb 22,2004 8:02pm - the_reverend ""]
someone needs to tellme what the real name of that band is.
[Feb 22,2004 8:48pm - anonymous  ""]
did anyone see avoid one thing? its the bassist of the bosstones side project.
[Feb 22,2004 8:50pm - succubus ""]
ummm aaron (the_reverend) shot all the bands that played...is that the name of the band that he labeled as r & r ? he's trying to find out their name..
[Feb 22,2004 8:53pm - succubus ""]
nope..looked at them again...no one looks familiar
[Feb 22,2004 8:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
The Mamas and the Papas
[Feb 22,2004 11:14pm - XmikeX ""]

[Feb 22,2004 11:27pm - the_reverend ""]
it's fun to hang at the YMCA...
yeah, you singer of bridges left burned in the back, you got it going on!
hey, and look at all your cute hats.
[Feb 23,2004 12:31am - jay-ganihm ""]
red bull gives you wings!
[Feb 23,2004 4:01am - anonymous  ""]
the band labeled as RnR is the lido venice
[Feb 23,2004 4:02am - anonymous  ""]
they were listed as time pilot on the show listing as kindof an inside joke that was never corrected
[Feb 23,2004 12:22pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 23,2004 12:30pm - CharlesMungus ""]
this "make a caption" dealy is fuckin sweet, rev should make it a weekly staple
[Feb 23,2004 12:52pm - the_reverend ""]
actually.. I wrote some code a long time ago...
let me see if I can dig it up again later on tonight...
[Feb 23,2004 1:23pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
"Miiiighty mouse has come to save the daaaay"
[Feb 23,2004 1:57pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Looks like some cheesy Mortal Kombat move to me. He's about to clap his hands together and shoot a canary ball at the crowd, putting their health meters down to critical.
[Feb 23,2004 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I got some advice on adjusting the color curves in my images from this show.
as soon as I get adobe photoshop to load,
I will re-do these photos and re-upload them.
[Feb 23,2004 3:34pm - deathcow  ""]





[Feb 23,2004 8:13pm - retzam ""]
deathcow said:XmikeX said:COME UP WITH A FUNNY CAPTION:






[Feb 23,2004 8:25pm - succubus ""]
i don't get it =(
care to explain?
[Feb 23,2004 8:30pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Dragonball Z thing.
[Feb 24,2004 10:00am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
deathcow said:XmikeX said:COME UP WITH A FUNNY CAPTION:






as awesome as your DBZ quote was... he looks like he is going to do a Final Flash rather than a Kamehameha.

[Feb 24,2004 10:59am - jake  ""]

as awesome as your DBZ quote was... he looks like he is going to do a Final Flash rather than a Kamehameha.

nerd haha.
[Feb 24,2004 11:00am - Chococat ""]
Chococat loves Dragon Ball Z

*Kamehameha waves* =>.@=
[Feb 24,2004 11:03am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
jake said:

nerd haha.

I know. =(
[Feb 24,2004 12:55pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
^_^ DBZ R00lZ
[Feb 25,2004 10:07pm - succubus ""]
i know it's an anime cartoon, well, at least i think so

but i've never seen it
[Feb 25,2004 10:11pm - Kalopsia ""]
DBZ is the bomb
[Feb 26,2004 2:45pm - deathcow  ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:deathcow said:XmikeX said:COME UP WITH A FUNNY CAPTION:






as awesome as your DBZ quote was... he looks like he is going to do a Final Flash rather than a Kamehameha.

Good call.

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