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That blonde girl "Coco" that goes to a lot of shows is a nazi, fuck her

[Aug 8,2014 6:11pm - anonymous  ""]
If you ever see a blonde girl at shows named "Coco" she is a nazi and must be stopped. What a douche bag bitch
[Aug 8,2014 6:32pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Pics or fag.
[Aug 8,2014 10:47pm - BREAK DOWN AND CRY FAGGOT  ""]
awww, some widdle guy got wejected. his widdle feewings got hurt. Boo fuckin hoo.
[Aug 8,2014 11:45pm - xmikex ""]
[Aug 9,2014 12:08am - MotleyGrue ""]

largefreakatzero said:Pics or fag.

Yeah what raw beef lover said!!!
[Aug 9,2014 12:29am - you are gay  ""]
[Aug 9,2014 8:11am - interested party  ""]

anonymous said:If you ever see a blonde girl at shows named "Coco" she is a nazi and must be stopped. What a douche bag bitch

Sounds intriguing, tell me more?
[Aug 9,2014 3:20pm - coco  ""]
LOL I'm not a fucking nazi. I posted a picture of ryan gosling as a skinhead from the movie The Believer because I thought it was funny and in turn I blew up the internet. Just because I'm tall and blonde and white doesn't mean I'm a fucking nazi you racist fucks. Find me at a show and ask me to my face instead of threatening me on the internet. Thankfully I have friends who have my back or else I never would have seen this pathetic thread.
[Aug 9,2014 3:26pm - JEREMY CHAVEZ  ""]
I fully back this Aryan queen 14/88 RID US OF THE JEWSCUM
[Aug 9,2014 4:14pm - coco  ""]
[Aug 9,2014 4:49pm - caca  ""]
[Aug 9,2014 5:02pm - MotleyGrue ""]

coco said:LOL I'm not a fucking nazi. I posted a picture of ryan gosling as a skinhead from the movie The Believer because I thought it was funny and in turn I blew up the internet. Just because I'm tall and blonde and white doesn't mean I'm a fucking nazi you racist fucks. Find me at a show and ask me to my face instead of threatening me on the internet. Thankfully I have friends who have my back or else I never would have seen this pathetic thread.

Tell us what said show you will attend please, and I will help you prove you are indeed not a Nazi if you catch my drift, heh. Guys help me here prove she is NOT a Nazi, pics or false.
[Aug 9,2014 5:45pm - guy incognito  ""]
Nazi or not, if you're tall and blonde, let me know if you'd like me to help you procreate the master race
[Aug 9,2014 6:39pm - coco  ""]
Im not sure what show I will attend next but feel free to add me on Facebook guys https://www.facebook.com/msanthrope666
[Aug 9,2014 8:06pm - anti-nazi punker  ""]
F*** that, I met the chick this week, she's a fuckin' sweetheart, far from being a nazi. Get ur panties out of a know ya fuckin' cunt (poster of the thread, most likely a jealous bitch)
[Aug 9,2014 9:40pm - coco  ""]
aw omg <3
[Aug 10,2014 12:09am - coco  ""]
[Aug 10,2014 12:10am - coco  ""]
[Aug 10,2014 2:03am - goatcatalyst ""]
heil tits. post them or sandwich.
[Aug 10,2014 11:03am - guy incognito  ""]
saw pics, changed mind. Would not use as vessel for my spawn.
[Aug 10,2014 11:20am - she was great in pootie tang  ""]
[Aug 10,2014 11:35am - Known Associate  ""]
Usual trolls picking on a really nice girl. Most definitely not a nazi, she's good people. Most of the time I'm 100% behind the choice of target for the on-line bullying but not this time. Not your finest work gentlemen.
[Aug 10,2014 5:13pm - Naziguys  ""]
She's not a nazi she's just an Instagram kvlt girl overnighter
[Aug 11,2014 4:09pm - scott connor  ""]
I dated her once. ONCE.
[Aug 11,2014 8:15pm - this is a fact...  ""]
...is the hilarious part.

scott%20connor said:I dated her once. ONCE.
[Aug 12,2014 7:38am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
The only fact here is that Tim Riley owes me $18!!!
[Aug 12,2014 12:38pm - scott connor  ""]
I dated her once. ONCE.
[Aug 12,2014 1:57pm - Jealous RonGSS is Jealous  ""]
[Aug 15,2014 10:47am - Real talk  ""]

Known%20Associate said:Usual trolls picking on a really nice girl. Most of the time I'm 100% behind the choice of target for the on-line bullying.
[Aug 15,2014 12:24pm - nice girl? lol  ""]
She has banged 23 people in 2months
[Aug 15,2014 12:47pm - Casual Observer  ""]
notice how she is not hot at all.

[Aug 15,2014 12:48pm - Casual Observer  ""]
i believe that cage was designed in the 1400's to house people with syphilis.
[Aug 15,2014 1:33pm - you ass  ""]
She's smoking hot. You're probably just gay.
[Aug 15,2014 1:42pm - anonymous  ""]
definitely NOT coco
[Aug 15,2014 3:23pm - Casual Observer  ""]
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's definitely her. It was her profile pic less than a year ago.
[Aug 15,2014 6:28pm - the original Casual Observer above  ""]
Casual Observer (OFFICIAL) above me is telling the TROOTH
[Aug 15,2014 9:20pm - coco  ""]
yeah that was me. I am not a very good picture taker and I have lost a ton of weight since then. as usual trolls picking the worst picture of me possible. find me at a show and tell me I'm ugly to my face please. and yeah totally have banged 23 dudes in 2 months..... i haven't even seen 23 dudes in 2 months.
[Aug 15,2014 9:24pm - coco  ""]
[Aug 15,2014 9:30pm - coco  ""]
also I love how every insult from a girl always has to be "she's a slut" at least get creative with your insults. besides I had a boyfriend for the past 2 months....
[Aug 15,2014 10:14pm - Shutup__Fagget  ""]

coco said:yeah that was me. I am not a very good picture taker and I have lost a ton of weight since then. as usual trolls picking the worst picture of me possible. find me at a show and tell me I'm ugly to my face please. and yeah totally have banged 23 dudes in 2 months..... i haven't even seen 23 dudes in 2 months.

[Aug 15,2014 10:14pm - Pray4WeightLoss  ""]
Go to that *sick* metal show tomorrow in CT. i'm sure you'll get lots of compliments there.
[Aug 15,2014 10:40pm - coco  ""]
I'm going to dc tomorrow the next show I'm going to is witch king at dusk i think.
[Aug 15,2014 10:52pm - secret admirer  ""]
see you there. wink wink ;)
[Aug 15,2014 10:56pm - coco  ""]
jk its a house show next weekend in providence. witch king is playing though.
[Aug 15,2014 11:33pm - secret admirer  ""]
i know. i'll be there.
[Feb 12,2015 9:09am - anonymous  ""]
My friend is telling me that this girl has been bragging about how she is only northern European and German... Yea OK.. Not a nazi? Go Fuck yourself.
[Feb 12,2015 9:53am - anti-antifa  ""]
how does that make her a nazi? typical witch hunt bull shit.
[Feb 12,2015 10:13am - squarehead  ""]
you know how many metal losers claim to have European heritage after getting into some cheesedick blackmetal/viking gayness? you're all a bunch of fucking Amcericans. You have no history, you have no culture. Accept it and fuck off.
[Feb 12,2015 10:20am - ORIGINAL GANGSTA  ""]
[Feb 12,2015 10:44am - YUP  ""]

squarehead said:you know how many metal losers claim to have European heritage after getting into some cheesedick blackmetal/viking gayness? you're all a bunch of fucking Amcericans. You have no history, you have no culture. Accept it and fuck off.

[Feb 12,2015 12:15pm - Crypter  ""]

squarehead said:you know how many metal losers claim to have European heritage after getting into some cheesedick blackmetal/viking gayness? you're all a bunch of fucking Amcericans. You have no history, you have no culture. Accept it and fuck off.

We're Native Americans
[Feb 12,2015 1:58pm - john dwyer  ""]
i'm white too. we can be white together and rebuild newport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 12,2015 2:03pm - anonymous  ""]

squarehead said:you know how many metal losers claim to have European heritage after getting into some cheesedick blackmetal/viking gayness? you're all a bunch of fucking Amcericans. You have no history, you have no culture. Accept it and fuck off.

[Feb 14,2015 11:56am - Da  ""]

YUP said:
squarehead said:you know how many metal losers claim to have European heritage after getting into some cheesedick blackmetal/viking gayness? you're all a bunch of fucking Amcericans. You have no history, you have no culture. Accept it and fuck off.


Da! Hamchiki!
[Feb 14,2015 2:03pm - One problem  ""]
I don't see a whole lot of metalheads around here, douches or not, who are *not* of some European bloodline... Unless perhaps you're going to link me to those legions of Native American metalheads. Like all 14 of them.
[Feb 14,2015 8:36pm - mohahahahamed  ""]
[Feb 14,2015 11:07pm - Whoop-dee-doo  ""]

mohahahahamed said:[img]

Sure see a lot of them thar towelheads at shows in Massachusetts.
[Feb 14,2015 11:07pm - Or  ""]
Perhaps sand nigger is more accurate.
[Feb 15,2015 12:53pm - truth  ""]
Hung out with her once. Not a nazi.

Source: I'm black.
[Feb 15,2015 1:18pm - the truth is opinion  ""]

truth said:Hung out with her once. Not a nazi.

Source: I'm black.

that's fuckin' racist, bro. we are ALL one people.

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