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Doro Pesch Appreciation

[Oct 6,2006 2:25am - Allah That  ""]
Thanks powerkok. I'm an ex-marathon runner.
[Oct 6,2006 8:56am - anonymous  ""]
I see you people like Glam Metal too
[Oct 6,2006 9:41am - paganmegan ""]
warlock isn't glam really
[Oct 6,2006 9:53am - anonymous  ""]
I saw one of Warlock's videos on that lame Metal Mania show.They look like Glam to me.That MM is a JOKE!! I watched it once and I'll never watch it again.In a whole hour they played one good video and that Overkill "Hello from the Gutter".
[Oct 6,2006 10:04am - paganmegan ""]
there's a difference between "looking" and "sounding" and Warlock sound like straight up heavy metal, with some thrashy parts.

[Oct 6,2006 10:06am - anonymous  ""]
Idk if I should ask or not but Im gonna anyways.You going to the SFU show tomorow night? Im hoping your not in league with the other SFU haters here
[Oct 6,2006 10:09am - RichHorror ""]
Evil In League With SFU Haters.
[Oct 6,2006 10:10am - paganmegan ""]
[Oct 6,2006 10:38am - anonymous  ""]
paganmegan said:heh

I take that u wont be at the show tomorow night then
[Oct 6,2006 10:53am - paganmegan ""]
What show ?
[Oct 6,2006 1:33pm - anonymous  ""]
paganmegan said:What show ?

Six Feet Under at Marks Showplace.Downfall,Krisiun,Abysmal Dawn and Decapitated are opening.I forget who else is playing.Show starts at 5pm I believe.

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