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New slayer songs

[Jun 6,2006 7:17pm - sinistas ""]
this new song isn't too bad, but not too great
[Jun 6,2006 8:41pm - BlackoutRick ""]
This is all Blasphemy!!!! Slayer still kicks ass!!
[Jun 6,2006 8:45pm - pam ""]
I'll always love slayer
[Jun 6,2006 8:52pm - sever ""]
dwellingsickness said:The new slayer stuff was not to impressive, BUT on the other hand the 2 new deicide songs released are KILLER

where can I find the deicide songs?
[Jun 6,2006 8:58pm - Jugulator ""]
I love old school Slayer(everything up to Divine Intervention).But the last 2 albums have sucked and the punk covers album was lame.I wont buy anything else from them again.I heard a sample of Cult.Just google it and you will find it.It BLOWS!!! Got that jump da fuck up feeling to it like the middle part of the song Payback does.
[Jun 6,2006 9:06pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No one mentions Hell Awaits in this thread?!
[Jun 6,2006 9:48pm - dwellingsickness ""]
sever said:dwellingsickness said:The new slayer stuff was not to impressive, BUT on the other hand the 2 new deicide songs released are KILLER

where can I find the deicide songs?

It is a Download-Only 2 song EP available from I-Tunes
[Jun 7,2006 12:27am - Jugulator ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:No one mentions Hell Awaits in this thread?!

HELL AWAITS!!!!!!!!!!:satancross:
[Jun 7,2006 12:28am - Jugulator ""]
Anthony nli said:RichHorror said:Like I said, if you listen to Slayer post-Seasons in the Abyss... you're already half a queer.

Divine Intervention is just as good as Seasons. And the hardcore covers CD was cool. But I see your point.

DI blows away Seasons in my opinion

[Jul 2,2006 3:33pm - slayerfan06  ""]
damn all you motherfuckers sure do talk a bunch of shit about one of the greatest thrash metal bands in the fucking world. and when any of you recieve 5 gold records let me know about it. do you any thing else to do besides talk shit.
[Jul 2,2006 4:02pm - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
yeah. make fun of you and your awesomely bad grammar skills.
[Jul 2,2006 4:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
the new song aint bad, they are all like what 40's? much better than other crap they have done. and they were pissa live the other night.
i honestly haven't been a fan since seasons, but it's not bad. jesus, everyone has a quick mind to condemn them i must say.
at least they aren't releasing reload or some shit.

production is awesome by the way!

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