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rttp i am drrrrunkz!!

[Jan 25,2009 10:40am - moenli  ""]
The days of getting drunk on Friday and Saturday are over for me. I work @ 7:30 on Sat and 9 on Sun. But technically, I can get drunk every other night. Problem is, no one else can haha.
[Jan 25,2009 12:09pm - Dankill  ""]
I ate a lot
[Jan 25,2009 1:34pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I drink any night of the week when i feel like it Moe.
[Jan 25,2009 1:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we had some driiiink we drunk emm we druuunk
[Jan 25,2009 1:37pm - W3 nli  ""]

ouchdrummer said:haha. Just woke up. still kinda drunk.

jim what time you guys practicing today
[Jan 25,2009 1:59pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Nowish. you comin? we'll be playing to about 5.
[Jan 25,2009 2:01pm - W3 nli  ""]
im gonna see about it, im trying to hit up that rampant decay show so i gotta make my way in sooner or later.
[Jan 25,2009 3:34pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
im probably gonna have some beers at my other band's practice tonight. so we can keep this thing going.

yeah i tossed and turned til 4:15 a.m. then slept for 45 minutes then went to work at 5 a.m. im surprised i could actually function. multi-tasked like a bastard too. my manager was having a horrible day, so he left me with all his work. the bastard.
[Jan 25,2009 4:43pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i drank Sams and Bud Lights last night, then fucked the wife all night. MESS, which one, the Dunks on 3A? I stopped going to all Dunks 6 months before I moved, fucking brazilians can't do ANYTHING right, I don't think they clean the coffe machines either, my gut would churn so loud after just one sip of an iced coffee. JUST ONE SIP
[Jan 25,2009 4:55pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Feeling good right now on 4 percocets.
[Jan 25,2009 7:01pm - ouchdrummer ""]
today we (useful idiot) have to have a "band meeting" about our horrible performance on Thursday, so i am already starting to drink... Matt-Fucking-Richards left almost a full case of Killian in my fridge, so that's what it will be.
[Jan 26,2009 6:40pm - Mess ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:i drank Sams and Bud Lights last night, then fucked the wife all night. MESS, which one, the Dunks on 3A? I stopped going to all Dunks 6 months before I moved, fucking brazilians can't do ANYTHING right, I don't think they clean the coffe machines either, my gut would churn so loud after just one sip of an iced coffee. JUST ONE SIP

exactly. the one on 3A. i usually drink my free coffee at work though.

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