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ATTN:Aril or anyone looking for halfstack

[Oct 24,2008 8:55am - brian_dc ""]
gotta be proactive, man
[Oct 24,2008 9:07am - aril  ""]
tried calling ouchdrummer last night but no answer. oh well! grizloch, enjoy!
[Oct 24,2008 9:16am - brian_dc ""]
*waves at grizloch*

*creates grizloch voodoo doll with other hand*

[Oct 24,2008 9:19am - aril  ""]
haha, i wouldn't do that to grizloch. he's cool and thinks aliens don't exist. gotta argue with somebody!
[Oct 24,2008 11:12am - ouchdrummer ""]
wait a minute, aril if you called, you DIDNT leave a message. I got a new phone and lost all my numbers, call me again and leave a message this time. I ain't saving the amp for anyone, my friend wants to sell it asap, so call me first and you can have it, or i should say, make arrangements to come and get it first and you can have it. (or i guess i should say, make arrangements for us to drop it off... and have all your money ready. ) This baby is goin soon though, act fast.
[Oct 24,2008 11:16am - aril  ""]
wait, same number?
grizloch can take it. I really appreciate your offer though, seriously. but yea, grizloch, you can have it!
[Oct 24,2008 12:14pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow aril, you suck... and yes same number, but you gotta leave a message.
[Oct 24,2008 12:16pm - McGunk.  ""]
i used to be in this band 13 Winters and they are really boring and terrible now. They probably only got a guitarist just to to be able to say they have one, as they make him play the same simple power chord in all the songs because the keyboardist wants to get all the attention. Either that or he just can't really play. I saw some of the clips from the AS220 show and it was really, really boring and I couldn't even watch it was so annoying. The vocals suck bad now just a big whining jerkface and the stage setup was same ol same old and the costume the singer wore was embarassing and retarded! really sad. But whatever, I guess they are only doing it because they like it so I just say let em' if it makes them so happy.
[Oct 24,2008 12:17pm - aril  ""]
? i suck? it's getting sold?
[Oct 24,2008 12:20pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i said you suck cause i want someone to buy my buds amp. I was kidding really, but someone should buy it. You don't suck... wanna kiss?
[Oct 24,2008 12:22pm - McGunk.  ""]
i used to suck and buy amps and i used to kiss ouchdrummer but his fecal matter pays my taxes on neptune during the winter with the fungus from the amazaon that eats little kids hearts from kenya
[Oct 24,2008 1:40pm - grizloch ""]
word up, if you still have it by thursday (as Im out of Albany) I'll shoot over to wherever it is and check it out

and while I dont support aliens, I fully support voodoo, SHITS INTENSE
[Oct 24,2008 1:43pm - obama  ""]
Grizloch is in trouble with the law for filming shows without a license. Please, think twice about this transaction.
[Oct 24,2008 1:56pm - grizloch ""]

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