Now Find a show to go to! Jul 15 (Tue) - MONSTROSITY(FL), SOURVEIN(ex Buzzoven/Bongzilla), RAWRADARWAR, SLUGPUNCHER, OLD PEOPLE - Great Scott's (Allston, MA) 7/15 MONSTROSITY(FL),SOURVEIN(GA-ex BONGZILLA/BUZZOV-EN),RAWRADARWAR(ex OLW),SLUGPUNCHER(ex GRIEF/DISRUPT),OLD PEOPLE @ Great Scott[views:12964][posts:64]Great Scott's (Allston, MA) - [monstrosity][randomshots][raw_radar_war][slugpuncher][sourvein] [show listing] _____________________________________ [Jul 15,2008 12:23pm - RichHorror ""] I'll be there, possibly with other people in my band. |
________________________________ [Jul 15,2008 3:09pm - RobinG ""] Sick would be great to see you! |
____________________________________ [Jul 15,2008 3:52pm - RichHorror ""] And I got a few other people coming out from me posting this on MySpace. Should be a HAPPENING. |
______________________________________ [Jul 15,2008 6:47pm - Hungtableed ""] Hell fuckin' yeah, Monstrosity. I'm leavin in a few minutes after I wash the stink off myself. |
______________________________________ [Jul 15,2008 7:47pm - the_reverend ""] I'm leaving now. stink and all. |
______________________________________ [Jul 15,2008 9:21pm - the_reverend ""] walking up to the club now. |
________________________________________ [Jul 15,2008 10:43pm - thuringwethil ""] I wanted to go but am broke and got out of work late call the waaaambulance |
_______________________________________ [Jul 15,2008 11:50pm - the_reverend ""] missed old peeeeeople. fudge. slug punch took a really long time to get going and by that time for a couple songs. |
______________________________________ [Jul 16,2008 2:38am - the_reverend ""] pictures |
_______________________________ [Jul 16,2008 11:14am - guy ""] slugpuncher and sourvein fuckin ruled last night |
_____________________________ [Jul 16,2008 2:52pm - POB ""] fucking awesome show. |
______________________________________ [Jul 17,2008 7:45pm - goatcatalyst ""] no reviews, rev? |
______________________________________ [Jul 17,2008 7:50pm - the_reverend ""] I started writing them and then got side tracked. God, please add more hours to my day. |
______________________________________ [Jul 17,2008 7:53pm - the_reverend ""] raw radar war would have stolen the show if they had played longer. their set seemed way too short. It was awesome. a mix of obituary, napalm death, and this very Godflesh sounding bass. it was great. sourvein was ok. I would have liked them more if their whole thing wasn't turned to eleven with the vocals set to 6. monstrosity was.. monstrosity. there is nothing more to say about them. If you haven't seen them in the past decade, you owe it to yourself to see them. much like fellow metalheads cannibal corpse, they have just gotten better and tighter over the decade(s). |
__________________________________ [Jul 18,2008 3:20pm - MaNoWaR ""] Having seen Monstrosity twice within the last 4 months I feel almost spoiled. They closed out the performace with "AngelsVenom" (from InDarkPurity) which was the same one they closed with back in late March at middle-east. An average song at best. Would've been better if they closed with their rendition of Slayer's "AngelOfDeath". That would've gotten a great crowd response (always works for Vader). Oh well I shouldn't complain too much. At least they were able to squeeze one last song when it was clear GreatScotts wanted them finished. |