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Apartment For Rent in WEYMOUTH!

[Feb 6,2009 1:12pm - Mess ""]
cheap cheap cheap!
i'm trying to help my landlord look for a good tennant that will be on time with rent and is not afraid to pick up a fucking shovel once in a while you lazy assholes.
it's a small 1 bedroom (when i say small, i mean small).

$600 a month
all utils included

it's got a small living room (i fit a full size couch in there some how) and it's got a small kitchen with a small oven perfect for z jews. it's also got a small bathroom with a stand up shower.
it's right on the bus line also. the porch is huge for all you monkies.
the girl upstairs is very quiet and the neighbors are awesome. the dude straight up gave me a line 6 POD for free. he's got a wife and two small kids. they are also very quiet.

[Feb 6,2009 1:16pm - your average jew  ""]
post pics so i can see the oven
[Feb 6,2009 1:19pm - W3 nli  ""]
wow that sounds so awesome 600 a month to live in awesome and exciting weymouth, man ive been waiting for a dream situation like this since fuck i can remember.
[Feb 6,2009 1:19pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
And the shower.
[Feb 6,2009 1:24pm - your average jew  ""]
post pics of the oven, damnit
[Feb 6,2009 1:30pm - Mess ""]
hold on
[Feb 6,2009 1:31pm - your average jew  ""]
you should know that jews cant hold on

i need these now
[Feb 6,2009 1:32pm - Mess ""]
i hunt squirrels from my porch if the neighbor isn't around
[Feb 6,2009 1:33pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Feb 6,2009 1:34pm - your average jew  ""]
is the quiet girl up stairs hot??????
[Feb 6,2009 1:36pm - Mess ""]
she's a teacher. she's a skinny little thing but bangable. she told me she only dated cops it seems. that's when i turned my back to her and farted.
[Feb 6,2009 1:38pm - your average jew  ""]
only dates cops??? what the hell? good lucking finding someone for this apartment if theres gonna be some sknny chick banging cops all day. fuck that shit. i want to blow my cracksmoke out the window but noooooo BAM a fucking cop is right upstairs.
[Feb 6,2009 1:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This thread went places, fast. Solid effort.
[Feb 6,2009 1:49pm - Mess ""]
[Feb 6,2009 1:50pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Feb 6,2009 1:51pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Now, are the Jews provided by the landlord, or is there a delivery service of some sort? What are the fees like? Can I deduct this from my taxes?
[Feb 6,2009 2:03pm - Mess ""]

your%20average%20jew said:only dates cops??? what the hell? good lucking finding someone for this apartment if theres gonna be some sknny chick banging cops all day. fuck that shit. i want to blow my cracksmoke out the window but noooooo BAM a fucking cop is right upstairs.

you can do it any way you want. nobody bothers you here. it's fucking WEYMOUTHROCK!!!!!
[Feb 6,2009 2:04pm - Mess ""]
you havey to find z jews and bake them zourzelf yah?
tax deductible fo sho
[Feb 6,2009 2:14pm - Mess ""]
ahhhhhhhhhh that felt good
[Feb 6,2009 2:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
so can we please get back to talking about StarWars and tits.
[Feb 6,2009 2:22pm - Mess ""]
no, here's a picture of my dog
[Feb 6,2009 2:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Feb 6,2009 2:24pm - Seth  ""]
i am a jew and weymouth is not jewish friendly and I woul dnot live in a place that I cannot stand my ten food minorah! OK.. soo not me dude! Also no valet parking hah?
[Feb 6,2009 2:24pm - Mess ""]
i know these girls. they come with the apartment. they come over atleast 4 times a week no matter who lives here.
[Feb 6,2009 2:25pm - pam ""]
Hahah you came HERE for a respectable human being?
[Feb 6,2009 2:25pm - Mess ""]
parking is a bitch here. but you get your own spot. it's on a gravel hill with a wall. i heard a story about the girl that lived here before me. she came home shitfaced and went over the wall so half her car was 4 feet dangling from the wall and the other half was on the driveway.
[Feb 6,2009 2:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
that poor girl is gonna have back problems later in life, oh and def gonna get raped.
[Feb 6,2009 2:27pm - Mess ""]

pam said:Hahah you came HERE for a respectable human being?

no, not respectable. i'm not respectable. i do drugs but i do pay my rent on time. mostly did it for a laugh. and that's what i got. keep it going!
[Feb 6,2009 2:28pm - Mess ""]
Seth: weymouth loves z jew. there's a bagel shop down z street too!
[Feb 6,2009 2:30pm - Mess ""]
SHITTY. now i have to get ready for work. working nights has been killing me lately. i will be moving out this weekend though. can't wait.

but seriously, this landlord here is great if anyone is interested? he is not z jew.
[Feb 6,2009 2:34pm - Mess ""]
W3: this happened in my backyard yesterday so i had to take a pic. srsly.
[Feb 6,2009 2:37pm - Mess ""]
[Feb 6,2009 2:38pm - Mess ""]
this is mah cat
[Feb 6,2009 2:41pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Her tits would take an incredible amount of time to burn up in the oven.
[Feb 6,2009 2:41pm - Mess ""]
this is mah squirrel
[Feb 6,2009 2:42pm - Mess ""]
these WERE mah drugzzz
[Feb 6,2009 2:49pm - deadlikemurf ""]
posting in an epic 1bed.
[Feb 6,2009 3:01pm - SkinSandwich ""]

Mess said:W3: this happened in my backyard yesterday so i had to take a pic. srsly.

Wow, you guys got a lot of snow! How long did it take to dig out your Imperial Walker? I only have the 2 footed one, so it was easier.

[Feb 6,2009 3:41pm - xmikex ""]
I can't explain it, but I just knew that an apartment for rent in weymouth thread was going to be worth reading.
[Feb 6,2009 3:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 6,2009 4:03pm - Mess ""]
haha DICKS!
[Feb 6,2009 4:22pm - JDDomnli  ""]
Where in Weymouth is this? I live in Weymouth. What street and which side of town? I might be interested.
[Feb 6,2009 4:32pm - Mess ""]
north weymouth near 3A and lowe's
[Feb 6,2009 5:15pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
wow, you actually made your place look smaller than it is!
Where are you moving to?
I'm paying 625 for a 3 bedroom house khed, yeah, I said it
[Feb 6,2009 5:19pm - Mess ""]
yeah, i shrunk thep pics but that made it look smaller heh.
i'm moving to quincy to a bigger place. it's got a jacuzzi yo.
[Feb 6,2009 5:24pm - Lamp nli  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:I'm paying 625 for a 3 bedroom house khed, yeah, I said it

So do you live like, 20 minutes outside the city limits of your town or what?
[Feb 6,2009 5:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Lamp rent that place and move back to new england
[Feb 6,2009 7:18pm - Mess ""]
bump for weymouth titties
[Feb 7,2009 10:35am - Mess ""]
15 minute ride to Boston from here

JDOM: you can come see the place today if you'd like? huh? huh? huh?
[Feb 7,2009 11:28am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Lamp%20nli said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:I'm paying 625 for a 3 bedroom house khed, yeah, I said it

So do you live like, 20 minutes outside the city limits of your town or what?

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl *edit*link no work

i think that'll work. i live in the middle of a grid surrounded by bars, fast food, bars, supermarkets and car dealers. and bars

just type in 1500 chestnut street quincy IL 62301 and you can see for yourself.

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