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cambridge elks- converge, 108, pulling teeth + more

Cambridge Elk's (Cambridge, MA) - [108][converge][new_lows][pulling_teeth][randomshots][trash_talk][wasteland]
[show listing]  _____________________________________________
[Nov 23,2007 11:19pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
ive never understood why at a place where there is a curfew, they need to have five opening bands..........
[Nov 23,2007 11:23pm - the_reverend ""]
you CAN do J oening bands if you keep things on time and be an asshole about it. unfortunately, everyone that would be an asshole is too busy with other jobs. the just need to get on it with timing.
[Nov 23,2007 11:36pm - d_blumpkin nli  ""]
maybe if they didnt waste time with the raffle or the large amounts of other bands converge could have played a full set... this show was very disappointing. converge put on a good show except for the fact that they played like 5 songs....

Fuck curfews
[Nov 23,2007 11:48pm - CMTAIB ""]
the_reverend said:show stopped no cmtaib

thats more like it rev.
[Nov 24,2007 12:29am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading now.
[Nov 24,2007 12:39am - Afriken  ""]
It was a decent show, but it fucking sucks that they ran out of time.

And for some reason it was more humid in there then usual.
[Nov 24,2007 12:39am - bradmann ""]
good time. trash talk was nasty, converge shoulda played longer.

did not care about hatebreed one bit. not disappointed in the slightest.
[Nov 24,2007 12:40am - Northern Frost  ""]
Oh my god it was hot. And yeah, they wasted a lot of time. Who books 5 fucking bands at a venue with a curfew? They didn't start on time, either. Plus the raffle took like 20 minutes.
[Nov 24,2007 10:05am - xanonymousx ""]
i heard this was the first of many benefit shows that converge will do so there will be more.
[Nov 24,2007 11:34am - Armageddon ""]
the show was sick,
especially Converge.

the raffle took up some of Converge's set time
I was fucking pissed they didn't get to play the saddest day.

oh well I heard all my other favorites.
and despite the fact hatebreed was going to play,
some drunk guy tried getting everyone to my house
"somewhere in MA"

thing is, the bands probaly would have done it to.

all in all,
Converge put on the most amazing live set I've ever seen.
and the place was hot as hell.
[Nov 24,2007 11:35am - watchmaker666 ""]
awww converge is giving back to the kids
[Nov 24,2007 11:44am - the_reverend ""]
converge wouldn't have played the saddest day.
[Nov 24,2007 2:07pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
Armageddon said:
some drunk guy tried getting everyone to my house
"somewhere in MA"

i think that was me.
[Nov 24,2007 2:24pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, you were trying to get hatebreed to play my place in NH or someone's house cause his parents were gone.
[Nov 24,2007 4:44pm - xanonymousx ""]
i doubt that hatebreed would have even played even if the show was running "on time".
have you ever seen this band the two or three times i saw them it took them over an hour after all their gear was set up.
[Nov 24,2007 4:51pm - revamous  ""]

Jake said:
To clarify some "internet fact":
The scheduled special guest was Frank 3Gun and Jamey playing Hatebreed songs w/ Converge as the backing band. We've done this only one time before in LA, and it was a great experience. We will do it again one day...


[Nov 24,2007 8:59pm - the_reverend ""]

pulling teeth: when I heard about these guys, I thought it was going to be another set of young kids looking all ultra cool and trendy. Then I saw a picture of them and realized that im a f'n moron. They were the first band that had all their stuff outside. That meant it was soaking wet when they were setting it up. I thought their set was going to be a bit more intense than it was. Maybe it was just the insanity of the trash talk set that made this seem as if it wasn't so crazy. I figure my pictures will be better at the walfare records show.
[Nov 25,2007 7:08pm - the_reverend ""]
108: funny that im finally getting to see one of the bands that stems from the vishnu days of hardcore. Honestly, I only listened to the newest CD. They obviously have some opuses that I need to check out. The guitarist was the best part of the band. He show boated so much. Good stuff. He went through all the photographers on his side of the stage to grab a kid and getting him to stum his guitar, but the kid flipped and looked like a rabbit caught in a leg trap trying to get away. He then turned to the photoghers and banged his guitar on someone's camera. To mke a long story short, yeah, I jammed with him. First time I think I have ever touched a guitar on stage. We got a CD coming out on deathwish pretty soon now. Look for it after christmas at newbury comics. Question, am I a pussy cause my fingers hurt afterwards? They ended when you knew they could have kept playing for another 30 minutes. Always leave them wanting more I guess.
[Nov 28,2007 9:41pm - the_reverend ""]
converge: yeah, it was pretty depressing that the show ended early. Converge always brings such amazing energy with their set. Funny how positive it really is when the lyrics are so jaded and/or dystopian. Just when the wave of crowd surfers, stage divers, sing alongs, and temperature was coming to a boiling point, the show came to a dead stop. Kurt's gear started cutting out right at the beginning of the set. A couple songs passed that, the elk's member who was running the place came to he stage and said it was over. Jake said "if this doesn't end the way it's suppose to, there are going to be a lot of disappointed kids." which of course the guy said that was a threat and then said there would be no more hardcore shows here if they played another song. Apologies all around and promises of another time around for this.

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