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RTTP dot com turns 6 years old today

[Oct 10,2006 11:24pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Only a minivan could carry that much BR00TALITY.
[Oct 10,2006 11:27pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Minivans are what death metal bands tour in.
[Oct 10,2006 11:30pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Happy Birthday RTTP!!!!!
[Oct 11,2006 2:32am - dwellingsickness ""]
Happy B-day RTTP. May there be many more hours of music and and 100's more pages of racist threads,band bashing,nudie pics, and political bullshit rantings.
[Oct 11,2006 1:08pm - ariavette ""]
so pam you admit to being a loser
[Oct 11,2006 1:27pm - pam ""]
Yeah, like the last 50 people on here, idiot.
[Oct 11,2006 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]
what's up with people trying to get on pam's cock?
[Oct 11,2006 1:44pm - pam ""]
I don't know, man...I mean it IS pretty sensational.
[Oct 11,2006 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
its so huge that when you are within a 50 mile radius you have no choice but to be on it.
[Oct 11,2006 3:36pm - pam ""]
It's almost as big as Yeti. Almost.
[Oct 11,2006 5:09pm - Kevord ""]
ariavette said:so pam you admit to being a loser

Were all losers. If we weren't we'd find more interesting places to be than the internet. :moe:
[Oct 11,2006 5:15pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
my birthday is today... i rule... im older than rttp
[Oct 11,2006 5:28pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Happy birthday.
[Oct 11,2006 5:30pm - dwellingsickness ""]
thegreatspaldino said:my birthday is today... i rule... im older than rttp

Way to rain on Aaron's parade
[Oct 11,2006 6:16pm - anonymous  ""]
Kevord said:ariavette said:so pam you admit to being a loser

Were all losers. If we weren't we'd find more interesting places to be than the internet. :moe:

Exactly. I get called a loser on a thread full of grown adults wishing a message board on the internet 'Happy Birthday'...
[Oct 11,2006 6:23pm - pam nli  ""]
that was me
[Oct 11,2006 6:40pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:Kevord said:ariavette said:so pam you admit to being a loser

Were all losers. If we weren't we'd find more interesting places to be than the internet. :moe:

Exactly. I get called a loser on a thread full of grown adults wishing a message board on the internet 'Happy Birthday'...

[Oct 11,2006 8:34pm - retzam ""]
Rats! I missed RttP's birthday!
[Oct 11,2006 8:54pm - dreadkill ""]
rttp is hurt that you forgot about it
[Oct 13,2006 1:14pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
On this day we give thanks to The Reverand, who makes the pit possible. A sacrifice shall be made in your honor, steward of the dark throne. Your weekly giving of blood shall forever be enscribed in the halls of darkness. This cross burns in your name.


[Oct 13,2006 2:18pm - killerrrrr kadoooogan!  ""]
remember:Encuntulated Seismic MoonLight

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