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[Oct 18,2005 6:41pm - falsecathedrals ""]
sass! there's gonna be so much sass!
[Oct 18,2005 8:44pm - shrapnel !  ""]
tomorrow !!!!!
[Oct 18,2005 11:53pm - diamond_dave ""]
brendan, are you still going to do the show or no?
[Oct 18,2005 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
yes I believe he is with a new headliner
[Oct 19,2005 12:00am - falsecathedrals ""]
yeh, i'm talking with some peoples now. see if it'll happen. but the show is still on. and OROKU is still awesome. check them out on myspace.
[Oct 19,2005 12:38am - greggdeadface ""]
what the fuk what happend to the show????
[Oct 19,2005 12:57am - KeithMutiny ""]
never the less, i am looking forward to playing in providence tomorrow
[Oct 19,2005 1:05am - falsecathedrals ""]
this is how it's most likely gonna be

late night prayers
throwing shrapnel
dave n steve

still gonna be at 8. still donations (which essentially means free, but throw some money for gas money please). still at the grow room on OKIE street.
[Oct 19,2005 2:11pm - shrapnel !  ""]
tops !
[Oct 19,2005 4:34pm - shrapnel !  ""]
rev, you coming might be a big surprise guest playing tonight
[Oct 19,2005 5:38pm - shrapnel !  ""]
leaving now !
[Oct 20,2005 4:21am - shrapnel !  ""]
this show was amazing, best time we've had playing PVD...tightest set we've played some of the coolest and best bands we've had the chance to play with as well...and hey it didnt hurt getting to hang out with Dave and Skinny all night. Brendan, thank you, thank you, thank you for letting play this show.

Oroku was an amazing band, for anyone who missed it, well you really missed out. the only way i can explain it would be add a lil more grind to older Isis and mix it with Neurosis's Sovereign softer parts either way great stuff.
[Oct 20,2005 6:27am - Patnomalous  ""]
I was at practice til 12:00. Sorry about the miss. I see you guys are playing in Nov. in Poor-tucket, I 'll be there.
[Oct 20,2005 1:03pm - greggdeadface ""]
Patnomalous said:I was at practice til 12:00. Sorry about the miss. I see you guys are playing in Nov. in Poor-tucket, I 'll be there.

thats no excuse nomalous!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was there in spirt did ya smell the hint of blunts in the air hahhaahahahah...
[Oct 20,2005 1:06pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
I did lots of em
[Oct 20,2005 1:11pm - greggdeadface ""]
i was talkin to pat thank u
[Oct 20,2005 4:59pm - shrapnel !  ""]
can't we all jus get along, love people love grind + doom = love
[Oct 21,2005 12:38am - greggdeadface ""]
shrapnel ! said:can't we all jus get along, love people love grind + doom = love

fuck you hahahahahah fukn hippie
[Oct 21,2005 12:41am - shrapnel !  ""]
it's true, it's so true i cant hide it anymore.....but i learned it all from you masta yoda !
[Oct 21,2005 1:10am - falsecathedrals ""]
yeh, sean was kinda touchy feely last night.

...i liked it ;)
[Oct 21,2005 1:40am - shrapnel !  ""]
falsecathedrals said:yeh, sean was kinda touchy feely last night.

...i liked it ;)

well you got mantitties
[Oct 21,2005 6:47am - Patnomalous  ""]
.....Put the fucking loation in the basket.

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