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i fucking hate resin

[Nov 21,2004 12:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
this shit always gets in my way. all my pieces are so fucking clogged. ugh. i have to rip this shit just to clear them all out. fuck i need to start rolling more.
[Nov 21,2004 12:08pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
maybe you should stop smoking pot.

oh snap!
[Nov 21,2004 12:17pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
asking him to stop smoking pot would be like asking you to stop being black.
[Nov 21,2004 12:25pm - pessimist ""]
[Nov 21,2004 12:53pm - powerkok ""]
I hear that, but I smoke the resin before it gets too clogged
resin=rainy day weed
[Nov 21,2004 1:32pm - clitfucker  ""]
weed = sanity.
[Nov 21,2004 1:35pm - powerkok ""]
weed=less people assaulted
[Nov 21,2004 1:35pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
stop whinning just clean your pieces

boil them!

[Nov 21,2004 2:09pm - wakeoftears ""]
Clean your piece with alcohol, thats what I do. Cleans you pieces perfectly so you can legally carry them around again, anddddd you can smoke the resin if you want.
[Nov 21,2004 2:56pm - Jellyfish ""]
i like the resin.
[Nov 21,2004 3:18pm - powerkok ""]
boil them?!

u ever see a pot after u boil a pipe? its ruined.
[Nov 21,2004 3:56pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
dirtycrayon said:maybe you should stop smoking pot.

oh snap!

worst idea ever made
[Nov 21,2004 3:57pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
powerkok said:boil them?!

u ever see a pot after u boil a pipe? its ruined.

my girlfriend's mom has a special pot just for that occation.
[Nov 22,2004 9:54am - blue nli  ""]
boiling a piece just weakens a bowl that much more. soak the piece in rubbing alcohol.
[Nov 22,2004 9:58am - dreadkill ""]
i like joints better than pipes and other smoking devices, but i only smoke once in a while, so i am no expert on these matters.
[Nov 22,2004 10:43am - Christraper ""]
I like resin but only if im not planning on doing anything productive. Seems to be a different kind of high than just pot.
[Nov 22,2004 10:43am - dirtycrayon  ""]
i know nothing about pot --- my friend who is a pharmecutical salesman always boils his pieces --- seems to do him fine but then again i know nothing.
[Nov 22,2004 10:45am - Christraper ""]
A friend and I boiled all our pieces together one day and came out with a resin ball the size of a golf ball.
[Dec 15,2004 6:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
gawd damn I just sucked a huge piece that was half lit in me lungs. fuck i hate resin. that time of the week though.
[Dec 15,2004 6:46pm - suckreligionnli  ""]
powerkok said:I hear that, but I smoke the resin before it gets too clogged
resin=rainy day weed

you could not be more correct... except its not raining ... or the day time... but hey i'm fucked. yaayy resin :stupidflanders:
[Dec 15,2004 9:39pm - retzam ""]
I don't mind resin.
[Dec 15,2004 10:42pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I don't love it, but it gets me really fucking high.

It's funny though, once in awhile I'll be scraping my bowl right out into the trash and then 3-4 days later I have a weed crisis and am dying to scrape every last little smokeable bit outta my pipe to help me pass the time till I pick up, but all the good chunks are gone! Wait, that's not funny, that just sucks! ARGH
[Dec 15,2004 10:44pm - BornSoVile ""]
BestialOnslaught said:I don't love it, but it gets me really fucking high.

It's funny though, once in awhile I'll be scraping my bowl right out into the trash and then 3-4 days later I have a weed crisis and am dying to scrape every last little smokeable bit outta my pipe to help me pass the time till I pick up, but all the good chunks are gone! Wait, that's not funny, that just sucks! ARGH

aw shit guy, i hear yah!
[Dec 16,2004 2:10am - meanjean...  ""]
pot=bad jokes
pot=buying beer shirts
pot= the worst movie of all time half baked
pot=buying trippy posters at spencer gifts in the mall
pot=starting to use the words dude,man,right on, and numerous others
pot=buying a dog and naming it something stupid like marley or nugz.
[Dec 16,2004 2:21am - SacreligionNlI  ""]
pot rules

[Dec 16,2004 2:55pm - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
As far as the resin thing goes. Put all your resin into straws and put them into the freezer for awhile. Take em out and you got nice tubes of resin that aren't sticky and a lot easier to smoke
[Dec 16,2004 4:15pm - projectilevomit ""]
i love resin when its needed like when you and your frineds are dry for a week...i have gotten brutal balls of resin from scrapping every peice in the house fuckin shit lasts for days
[Dec 16,2004 4:36pm - blue ""]
i actually just partaked in some resin hits last night.....deeeelish!
[Dec 16,2004 5:52pm - Justin ACR  ""]
[Dec 16,2004 6:08pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I just posted this pic on my lj (gay I know) and noticed that the leaves look alot like pot. Tis it? I don't know much about this stuff.


btw those are the Andes in Peru.
[Dec 16,2004 6:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
swamplorddvm said:[img]

btw those are the Andes in Peru.

dude! I couldn't find grass like that anywhere in Peru, fuck!
[Dec 16,2004 6:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
So that IS "grass", right?
[Dec 16,2004 6:14pm - Blue ""]
is that stuff even ganj?
[Dec 16,2004 6:15pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
beautiful picture!
[Dec 16,2004 6:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
I don't know, a close up would be key.
[Dec 16,2004 6:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
tis lovely. Hey dirtee you said nothing when I saw you in boston!
[Dec 16,2004 6:21pm - retzam ""]
I don't know, but I have heard of a purple strain of weed, so that would fit the description.
[Dec 16,2004 6:21pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
swamplorddvm said:tis lovely. Hey dirtee you said nothing when I saw you in boston!

[Dec 16,2004 8:03pm - P A U L  ""]
Scrape that shit out of your pipe and then sprinkle it over your MJ next time you smoke, gives you a great high.
[Dec 16,2004 9:41pm - dirteecrayon ""]
someone should gather all of these tips and make a book and become the martha stewart of pot smoking etiquette and maintenance if there isnt a book out there already

i want dibs on royalities...
[Dec 22,2004 6:26pm - .b.  ""]
dirteecrayon said:someone should gather all of these tips and make a book and become the martha stewart of pot smoking etiquette and maintenance if there isnt a book out there already

i want dibs on royalities...

shut it!
[Dec 22,2004 6:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Dec 22,2004 7:30pm - retzam ""]
.b. said:

shut it!

[Dec 22,2004 7:49pm - succubus ""]
resin makes me think of fake nails
[Dec 22,2004 7:50pm - succubus ""]
i mean the word "resin"
[Dec 23,2004 8:55am - Josh_hates_you ""]
im a pot snob. i dont smoke resin.
[Dec 25,2004 1:30pm - BornSoVile ""]
hah i think i just smoked about a gram fuck.
[Dec 25,2004 1:40pm - dirteecrayon ""]
.b. said:dirteecrayon said:someone should gather all of these tips and make a book and become the martha stewart of pot smoking etiquette and maintenance if there isnt a book out there already

i want dibs on royalities...

shut it!

ummm no!
[Dec 25,2004 9:18pm - Jellyfish ""]
Josh_hates_you said:im a pot snob. i dont smoke resin.

i know what you mean. I never really have the need to smoke resin anyway. But I dont hate.
[Dec 25,2004 9:48pm - retzam ""]
Hmmm...I'm gonna smoke soon...in honor of...gifts...

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