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i have the best job in the world

[May 30,2008 3:56pm - lady_czerach ""]
And you can, too!

Harmonix (developers of Guitar Hero I and II, and Rock Band) is hiring!

We're currently having a little contest here at work to see who can refer the most people, so if you think you have what it takes to work here (or simply love video games, art, music and/or coding), please send me an email with your name, your current position and best way to reach you (phone or email - though phone is better).

Someone from Harmonix will give you a call and just let you know that we're hiring and what positions are open. This is not an instant job offer - the call will be mostly informative with no commitment and no pressure. But seriously, we get free food and drinks, ride around on scooters all day and party a lot. Who wouldn't want to work here?

If you think you (or someone you know) might be interested in working for the best company ever, please, PLEASE send me an email. It doesn't even have to be for right now. We're always hiring, so if you think maybe later on in life you'd consider it, that counts, too!

Thanks! Sorry for the cheesy post - I really want to win!

jessica.smith at harmonixmusic dot com
[May 30,2008 3:57pm - W3 nli  ""]
umm are they hiring in the Bay Area
[May 30,2008 4:00pm - aril  ""]
is this for real because that would be a cool jorb
[May 30,2008 4:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sounds cool ... i dont know if i'd wanna deal with the commute to Boston though
[May 30,2008 4:01pm - W3 nli  ""]

aril said:is this for real because that would be a cool jorb

yeah its for real
[May 30,2008 4:05pm - anonymonster  ""]
Emailing when I get home. I'm sick of working temp positions.
[May 30,2008 4:06pm - xanonymousx ""]
this would be awesome!
i am looking for a new summer job!
email sent. please give me a call when you have a chance... if i dont pick up its cause im at work.
[May 30,2008 4:06pm - aril  ""]
What's the pay???
[May 30,2008 4:14pm - lady_czerach ""]

aril said:What's the pay???

Pay depends on the position and your experience. Oh, and we're in Central Square in Cambridge, right by the Middle East.

Thanks for the emails so far
[May 30,2008 4:15pm - lady_czerach ""]

W3%20nli said:umm are they hiring in the Bay Area

What the fuck are you doing out there??
[May 30,2008 4:16pm - aril  ""]
i'm interested only because i don't like my current job. but if the pay is sub 45-50k, then no thanks!
[May 30,2008 4:16pm - lady_czerach ""]

aril said:i'm interested only because i don't like my current job. but if the pay is sub 45-50k, then no thanks!

What kind of position are you looking for? Programming?
[May 30,2008 4:19pm - aril  ""]
anything, really. i briefly assisted in the design for a computer game but eventually moved over to the music part of it. i'm not a programmer though.
[May 30,2008 4:19pm - W3 nli  ""]

lady_czerach said:
W3%20nli said:umm are they hiring in the Bay Area

What the fuck are you doing out there??

living the life of traveling gypsy musician of course.

now make with the employment or the cupcake gets it.
[May 30,2008 4:28pm - lady_czerach ""]

aril said:anything, really. i briefly assisted in the design for a computer game but eventually moved over to the music part of it. i'm not a programmer though.

Design? That's awesome. We're also hiring audio engineers. I have no idea what the other departments pay, but I do know that we pay more than other gaming companies. If you want to email me your info, the person who calls you can definitely answer those questions.
[May 30,2008 4:29pm - dreadkill ""]
jess, i'm going to email you when i get home. i'm going to need a new job in a couple weeks, so i definitely want to check out harmonix.
[May 30,2008 4:32pm - RichHorror ""]
I e-mailed you even though I'm not qualified to do anything at your job.
[May 30,2008 4:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have a job right now but this does sound exciting - i will be emailing you from the address Farbeyonddrivn@yahoo.com
[May 30,2008 4:39pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
do they need sassy gamer librarians?
[May 30,2008 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
GH and RB are from the same company? i did not know that.
[May 30,2008 4:43pm - lady_czerach ""]

the_reverend said:GH and RB are from the same company? i did not know that.

Just GH I, II and "Rocks the 80s". The other GHs are from Activision.
[May 30,2008 4:53pm - sxealex ""]
they made dance dance revolution too... no?
[May 30,2008 4:57pm - lady_czerach ""]

sxealex said:they made dance dance revolution too... no?

No sir. But we made Frequency, Amplitude, Eye-Toy: Anti-Grav and Phase (for the iPod).
[May 30,2008 5:37pm - DrewBlood ""]
my friend forty works there. do you guys need any industrial engineers or supply chain managers? if so, im your guy.
[May 30,2008 5:39pm - blue ""]
in 6 months i may be interested in this.
[May 30,2008 5:42pm - succubus ""]
Go Lady C!
good luck with referrals!
[May 31,2008 1:00am - benfo ""]
Word. I need a new job.
[May 31,2008 2:03pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I sent my resume in there a couple months ago. the position I was going for may have been out of my league though. my sister's boyfriend works there. surprised to hear that you work there too!
[May 31,2008 6:31pm - ladyC  ""]
Hey Mike! What position did you apply for? And who is your sister's boyfriend?
[May 31,2008 9:42pm - christopher  ""]
there wouldn't be possible internship/part time work avaialble in the fall?

I need to get a job when I move into Boston this August.
[May 31,2008 9:59pm - ladyC  ""]
There are interns at the company but I don't know if we need more. You should email me your info anyway!
[May 31,2008 10:37pm - Joshtruction ""]
fuck me running. this sounds cool as hell. I'd do anything from audio engineering, video editing, testing, all the way down to being a janitorial engineer haha. I'll email my 100% terrible resume later.
[Jun 2,2008 5:36pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

ladyC said:Hey Mike! What position did you apply for? And who is your sister's boyfriend?

Hey Jess, I just sent you an email with the details.

And to anybody else who might be interested in reading... my sis's boyfriend is a Composer / Sound Designer there. He programs music into the games. He loves it and he says it's absolutely great company to work for. So I'd recommend people take advantage of this opportunity.

It's awesome that Jess is doing this. :bow:
[Jun 2,2008 5:54pm - aril  ""]
talk to your sis' bf for me! that would be my dream job. i've been writing videogame type music since the mid 90s and did it for an Independent Game Developer for a little while!
[Jun 3,2008 10:55am - lady_czerach ""]
So here's the deal for people sending me resumes... please apply directly through the website at http://jobs.harmonixmusic.com. They don't want me handing them resumes anymore. There's a "referred by" drop-down box where you can enter my name.

Thanks so much :D
[Jun 3,2008 11:00am - aril  ""]
would you prefer if we applied that way or was emailing you just okay? i mean, if someone contacts me, i'd send my resume no prob
[Jun 3,2008 11:40am - anonymonster  ""]

lady_czerach said:So here's the deal for people sending me resumes... please apply directly through the website at http://jobs.harmonixmusic.com. They don't want me handing them resumes anymore. There's a "referred by" drop-down box where you can enter my name.

Thanks so much :D

I figured as much so I did this yesterday. Thanks for the heads up!
[Jun 3,2008 11:47am - xmikex ""]
How flexible would you say they are on the qualifications for some of these jobs? I've got a bunch of experience in film/video editing, with motion graphics production, but no significant background in programming, or art. Is it worth sending in a resume?
[Jun 3,2008 2:32pm - lady_czerach ""]
I'd say it never hurts to apply. Those will college degrees are highly favored, but they always consider hardcore gamers and other self-taught skills as long as they're relevant. Being a musician is a definite plus, too.

Every department is hiring. There's a need for artists, game programmers, web programmers, PR/community, production, admins, IT, and game and web QA testers.

@aril: I already submitted your name so you will be receiving a phone call either way. Anyone who gave me their contact info will absolutely be contacted. I have no idea how they're handling the resume submissions, but the best bet is probably to do both.
[Jun 3,2008 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
i thought this was going to be about the Mythbusters. they definitely have the best job ever.
[Jun 3,2008 4:21pm - DYA / NLI  ""]
I probably need to think about this. So far, musician, IT d00d, gamer - checks all across the board.
[Jun 9,2008 11:46am - aril  ""]
no phone call / email yet!!!
[Jun 9,2008 11:53am - lady_czerach ""]
The contest is going until June 27th. I'm not sure when the phone calls/emails start.
[Jun 9,2008 11:56am - dreadkill ""]
i need to contact you this week about this, since my job ends this week. i've been so busy adjusting to being a dad, so i haven't done anything job search-wise.
[Jun 9,2008 11:56am - Mess ""]
i have an interview at 1pm today. i'll be loading and unloading trucks, 8 hours a day. you better believe a few of those boxes will just happen to "fall off the truck" if you know what i mean. fuck this life.
[Jun 9,2008 11:57am - aril  ""]
BIG adjustment for being a dad. I second that.
[Jun 9,2008 1:18pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
fuck it, im applying too!
[Jun 10,2008 3:08am - DOM_nli  ""]
Now if only they'll learn how to get back to people, applying might actually work!
[Jun 24,2008 10:43am - aril  ""]
need an update on this soon. i got a job interview on thursday but I don't think I'm going to get it. The contest ends this week, right?
[Jun 24,2008 11:42am - ladyC  ""]
Yes, the contest ends this Friday. But like I mentioned in the original post, this isn't a job offer. So don't turn down other opportunities while you wait for HMX to contact you. Email me if you need more info. I'm not sure what kind of update you're looking for.
[Jun 24,2008 11:55am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Amazing facilities, great staff, cool work environment. Free beverages and Friday lunches, plus you're within one block of the best coffee house around? Fuck yeah.

Too bad Eric stopped getting back to me, I could have rocked the audio department's world.
[Jun 24,2008 12:04pm - secthammer  ""]
I'm currently going to NEIA for audio production at the moment and am going to need to an internship, do you guys take interns?
[Jun 24,2008 12:19pm - ladyC  ""]
Yep! We love interns.
[Jun 24,2008 12:45pm - dreadkill ""]
i still need to get on the ball and do this. i need a job really bad. i've been so busy with my kid and not sleeping that i haven't made the time to apply for jobs. i need to get on it today.
[Jun 24,2008 12:47pm - aril  ""]
no update - just making sure this was still on!
[Jun 24,2008 3:49pm - dreadkill ""]
i just applied
[Jun 24,2008 4:03pm - aril  ""]
wait, dreadkill (ken, right?), you graduated from UMD, right? what degree, I'll see if I can get you some stuff up here in Boston.
[Jun 24,2008 4:20pm - dreadkill ""]
thanks, man. yeah, i'm ken and you are jim (if i'm not mistaken)? i have a masters in digital multimedia and a bachelor's in graphic design and digital multimedia (or electronic imaging as it was called until last year) from umd. i'd be grateful for any job leads or connections you have. i really appreciate the help.
[Jun 24,2008 4:25pm - aril  ""]
well, there's this temporary staffing firm called Manning Associates that will get your working temp ASAP (literally next day). but you'll be stuck doing something you probably won't like, like insurance or finance. as far as your field goes, I would highly recommend bbboston.org . Bookbuilders of Boston - my bud jared graduated with graphic design a few years ago and got a job asap through that page.
[Jun 24,2008 4:32pm - dreadkill ""]
awesome, thanks for that link. i'll check them out. i usually just use craigslist and creative hotlist, but i don't always get results. i'll check out manning too.
[Jun 24,2008 5:29pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Update for me: After 3 months, they finally got in touch with me for an interview. Unfortunately, that was on day 3 of my new job. LOLZ FAIL :(
[Jun 24,2008 8:07pm - hyper_sludge ""]
so everyone is still unemployed?
[Jun 24,2008 8:37pm - ladyC  ""]
Oh noes! You should come in for the interview anyway!
[Jun 24,2008 8:40pm - xanonymousx ""]

secthammer said:I'm currently going to NEIA for audio production at the moment and am going to need to an internship, do you guys take interns?

i was going to go there but the guy who interviewed me turned me off, and told me to go to a school like umass lowell instead.
[Jun 25,2008 12:38am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

ladyC said:Oh noes! You should come in for the interview anyway!

I know, I tried to coordinate something but I couldn't get the time off from my new job. I didn't want to jeopardize my new gig. SUCKS. :(
[Jun 25,2008 7:16am - secthammer  ""]

ladyC said:Yep! We love interns.

What information would you guys like for such interns?
[Jun 25,2008 9:14am - ladyC  ""]

secthammer said:
ladyC said:Yep! We love interns.

What information would you guys like for such interns?

You'll need to apply through the website with a resume and cover letter. Just specify that you're looking for an internship.

[Jun 25,2008 12:38pm - ladyC  ""]
By the way, is there anyone here who has never played Rock Band (or can only play on easy)? We're looking for playtesters to come in during the evening to eat pizza and give us feedback.
[Jun 25,2008 12:50pm - the_reverend ""]
i have never touched it. played GH3 twice and sucked.
[Jun 25,2008 12:52pm - ladyC  ""]
Do you want to come in? It's pretty much any night after 6pm.
[Jun 25,2008 1:01pm - ladyC  ""]
actually i just made a new thread. i guess these things start at 4.
[Jun 30,2008 12:22pm - aril  ""]
okay, cool.
the competition should be over now.
still waiting to be contacted. should I send my resume to double-it-up?
[Jun 30,2008 12:38pm - lady_czerach ""]
Definitely send your resume if you're serious about a job. Just put my name in the "referred by" field.
[Jul 3,2008 2:58am - ernie  ""]
i need a job. a blow job. you ladies can send your resume in person at my place for a garanteed insta-job. this call will be mostly informative with no commitment and no pressure. call me 518 743 9678
[Jul 14,2008 11:05pm - xanonymousx ""]
hey i'm just wondering if they started to call people yet?
[Jul 15,2008 12:03am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
They contacted me, but I put my resume in in early march.
[Jul 15,2008 12:06am - xanonymousx ""]
hmmmm yeah i know i may not get a call i'm just wondering.

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