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Jul 11 (Sat) - BRO DOWN FEST! Goaltender, Hivesmasher, The Nasty, Drive-By Bukkake, and more! - Rocko's Bar (Manchester, NH) +

July 11th. Dude man brodown fest fest

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Jun 8,2009 3:29pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jun 8,2009 3:31pm - Sacreligion ""]
dickisbro fest.
[Jun 8,2009 3:37pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jun 8,2009 3:38pm - RichHorror ""]
Repost Fest
[Jun 8,2009 3:39pm - Eli_hhcb ""]

This one has classy black and white pictures of gangstaz
[Jun 12,2009 2:15pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jun 16,2009 8:01pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jun 16,2009 11:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
This show is lacking Saint to Sinner ... therefor it sucks.
[Jun 29,2009 1:03pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
fest fest
[Jun 29,2009 2:24pm - joeycobra ""]
This line-up is actually pretty nice...I hope to be at this one.

I'm working that day though and wouldn't be able to make it up there untill roughly 8pm....anyone know the set times???
[Jun 29,2009 2:24pm - aaron_michael ""]
this show is gonna be off da hook!
[Jun 29,2009 4:37pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Jun 29,2009 7:48pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jun 29,2009 8:00pm - immortal13 ""]
I don't see how Blackout Frenzy fits on this show at all, but either way I'll be there.
[Jun 29,2009 8:02pm - John Aubrey wont sign up  ""]
i dont see how us or goaltender make any sense on this show... variety is the spice of life young man
[Jun 29,2009 8:18pm - reimroc ""]
goaltender works
[Jun 29,2009 9:26pm - John Aubrey wont sign up  ""]
this is a clusterfuck of bands that dont sound the same
[Jun 29,2009 9:38pm - BrianDBB ""]
Yeah this shit is definitely weird... but there IS a sweet bar downstairs and a bunch of solid dudes throughout. This could turn into BOOZEDOWNFEST in no time
[Jun 29,2009 9:47pm - NateTheWar nli blip blip  ""]
Yup. Drink beer
[Jun 29,2009 9:48pm - John Aubrey wont sign up  ""]
i plan on it...as you know
[Jun 29,2009 9:48pm - NateTheWar nli blip blip  ""]
Dont take my Botch cds.
[Jun 29,2009 10:00pm - John Aubrey wont sign up  ""]
i cant be held accountable if i dont remember
[Jun 30,2009 8:22pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Again, fest fest.
[Jun 30,2009 8:24pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jun 30,2009 10:44pm - Mattkings ""]
I'll be there in true asshole form.
[Jul 1,2009 1:14pm - aaron_michael ""]
fuck yeah @ Chewed Out
[Jul 2,2009 10:52am - BrianDBB ""]
Next weekend!
[Jul 2,2009 11:25am - joeycobra ""]
anyone have set times yet?? Seriously want to be there after work
[Jul 2,2009 11:35am - Rocko‘s - NH  ""]
Here u go:
1. 3:00pm-3:25pm - ( Open )
2. 3:35pm-4:00pm - Blackout Frenzy
3. 4:10pm-4:35pm - The Force Of Five Lions
4. 4:50pm-5:15pm - Chewed Out
5. 5:25pm-5:50pm - Pirates
6. 6:10pm-6:35pm - Pangea
7. 6:45pm-7:10pm - The Nasty
8. 7:20pm-7:45pm - Hive Smasher
9. 8:00pm-8:25pm - HalfHearted Comeback
10. 840pm-9:10pm - Legions
11. 9:30pm-10:00pm - Drive-By Bukkake
12. 10:15pm-10:45pm - Goaltender
[Jul 2,2009 11:37am - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jul 2,2009 11:38am - Rocko‘s - NH  ""]
Was it not what you expected?
[Jul 2,2009 11:44am - Eli_hhcb ""]
No worries mate! I was just glad to see show times.
[Jul 2,2009 11:49am - Rocko‘s - NH  ""]
[Jul 2,2009 3:08pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Great. First.
[Jul 3,2009 1:41pm - immortal13 ""]
Holy lot of bands.
[Jul 6,2009 9:18am - BrianDBB ""]
[Jul 6,2009 10:27am - joeycobra ""]

Rocko‘s%20-%20NH said:Here u go:
1. 3:00pm-3:25pm - ( Open )
2. 3:35pm-4:00pm - Blackout Frenzy
3. 4:10pm-4:35pm - The Force Of Five Lions
4. 4:50pm-5:15pm - Chewed Out
5. 5:25pm-5:50pm - Pirates
6. 6:10pm-6:35pm - Pangea
7. 6:45pm-7:10pm - The Nasty
8. 7:20pm-7:45pm - Hive Smasher
9. 8:00pm-8:25pm - HalfHearted Comeback
10. 840pm-9:10pm - Legions
11. 9:30pm-10:00pm - Drive-By Bukkake
12. 10:15pm-10:45pm - Goaltender


looks like I would miss The Nasty and Hivesmasher.....damnit
[Jul 6,2009 12:02pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
show fest bro show fest fest
[Jul 7,2009 11:58am - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 7,2009 12:34pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jul 8,2009 9:49am - BrianDBB ""]
[Jul 8,2009 5:38pm - immortal13 ""]
Will be on time for last 3 bands. Depressing, but what can ya do?
[Jul 9,2009 3:19am - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
This, is, PASTA
[Jul 9,2009 9:26am - Eli_hhcb ""]
crazzzzzy nooodles
[Jul 9,2009 10:38pm - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
2 days
[Jul 10,2009 9:38am - BrianDBB ""]
[Jul 10,2009 12:28pm - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
Almost time to fuuuuucckkk
[Jul 11,2009 2:00am - BrianDBB ""]
[Jul 11,2009 9:57am - aaron_michael ""]
let's do this manchestah
[Jul 11,2009 11:21am - BrianDBB ""]
If you're not drinking with us right when the show starts all the way to Goaltender you're definitely a PUSSY
[Jul 11,2009 12:12pm - Rocko‘s - NH  ""]
Updated lineup, The Nasty unfortunately cancelled due to their singer working from 2pm-12pm.

32 OZ. Drafts only $3.75 ALL NIGHT LONG!! , Cheapest place in Manchester.

3. 5:40PM-6:05PM - CHEWED OUT
4. 6:20PM-6:45PM - PIRATES

5. 7:05PM-7:30PM - PANGEA
6. 7:40PM-8:05PM - HIVE SMASHER
8. 8:50PM-9:15PM - LEGIONS

9. 9:35PM-10:00PM - DRIVE BY BUKKAKE
10. 10:15PM-10:30PM - GOALTENDER

And if you come to this show and you purchase an EMMURE ticket for Monday @ Rocko's we will give you a free ticket to see THE ACACIA STRAIN , EVERGREEN TERRACE , CRUEL HAND , UNHOLY , ABACCAB and Only Blood Will Tell on Thursday July 30th. Tickets for Emmure in advance are $10.00 and at the door they are $14.00

[Jul 11,2009 1:58pm - mattkings ""]

BrianDBB said:If you're not drinking with us right when the show starts all the way to Goaltender you're definitely a PUSSY

haha yep
[Jul 11,2009 4:55pm - immortal13 ""]
So he's working a 22 hour shift? Goddamn.
[Jul 11,2009 5:04pm - the_reverend ""]
I would be there already, but I still can't stand up for that long.
[Jul 11,2009 5:14pm - immortal13 ""]
[Jul 11,2009 5:14pm - the_reverend ""]
old pussy,
[Jul 11,2009 5:31pm - immortal13 ""]
[Jul 12,2009 8:48am - John Aubrey  ""]
chewed out is frigging awesome
[Jul 12,2009 9:38am - Rocko‘s - NH  ""]
This was an awesome show for everyone that came, Not too many people showed up, but who cares... Thanks for all the bands that played. Unfortunately we had three bands drop off the bill before the show started. Force of five lions did not even show up or bother to call us, pirates broke up when they arrived to the venue and The Nasty had work issues..Oh and Blackout frenzy used the venue to practice ( since they are without a practice space ) and then bailed...Thats awesome!

Anyway good show!
[Jul 12,2009 10:47am - BrianDBB ""]
Yes this was really fun! I wouldn't complain about the turnout at all. Good friends good drinks fun times!

Goaltender was a blast!
Hivesmasher dominated as usual
Chewed Out was bitchin
and the other bands on the show weren't that bad either, from what I saw.

We definitely need this lineup of bands on more shows, such a blast.
[Jul 12,2009 10:57am - BrianDBB ""]
And yeah bands that leave before the end of the show without a legit reason are useless. They are simply wasting ours and everyone elses time. Don't be an asshole, we sat through your shit too.
[Jul 12,2009 11:53am - SteveSummoned ""]
We never leave early for any show. We don't use the "I have to work early tomorrow" we instead go into work sleep deprived. You wanna support the scene? Support your fellow bands by sticking around and helping them in the future, that's what we do. When a band asks to be on one of our shows and they leave right after their set without a LEGIT reason we wont help them out in the future. We scratch your back and you scratch ours.
[Jul 12,2009 12:12pm - Rocko‘s - NH  ""]
I agree with the above. This band brought one person, Their guest. Played for 30 minutes, packed up and left....Why bother even showing up? I probably wont book them again.

Regardless everyone else was amazing, This was a good show and we will be doing it again soon.
[Jul 12,2009 12:27pm - mattkings ""]
I was drunk
[Jul 12,2009 12:35pm - aaron_michael ""]
BroFest was a pretty appropriate title for this show. It was great just hanging out with pals, having a few drinks, and throwing chicken wings at each other.
Chewed Out- HUGE sound! They're definitely going to go places with their brand of angry(go figure), not your average hardcore.
Us- I have a cold so I was spewing mucus all over the place and sounding not unlike a cat in a dryer machine. Kids still acted a fool though so that made up for my shortcomings.
Half Hearted Comeback- The soundboarddudeguy gave them attitude over the PA when they asked him to turn their vocals up. I dig where they're going with their music. Kinda ETID-esque with HBheavy parts, and a wacky drummer.
Drive-By Bukkake- What can you say about this band? Definite stars of the night. Matt Kings was terrorizing the crowd, kids big and small were banging their heads, and I had a boner.
Goaltendahhhhhh- I'll go as far as to say this band is a "supergroup". Below the Rise, Kings, ...Swis, Deadwater Drowning/TTEOTD/Since the Flood/Burnt By The Sun/Ratt. Fun hardcore that doesn't give you that feeling like the singer is just pissed off at their parents. I got beat on by all my friends the entire set, only to have my foot stomped on by one of the guys in HHCB at the end. Oh well, c'est lavie!

Thanks to Dave Thirsty/Rockos for putting us on this and all the friends I got to see last night!
Oh, if someone doesn't claim that bass head on top of the right monitor, I want it!
[Jul 12,2009 1:04pm - John Aubrey  ""]
i almost hit enter on the post saying "who in golatender was in kings".... fuck im retarded
[Jul 12,2009 1:06pm - John Aubrey  ""]
also theres some dudes in blackout who are ok guys,but yea. they find themselves on shows where they dont fit alot.
[Jul 12,2009 1:24pm - immortal13 ""]
I'm gonna keep my mouth shut on the whole bands leaving early thing, just because you all feel the same as I do so there really isn't anything more that needs be said.

With that said, I show up in the middle of DBB's set, thanks to my mom's 50th bday party (and I had no idea my parents party like that) but needless to say, the last two bands on the show were still a lot of fucking fun. Aaron, thanks for the ticket and cd bro. Listening to it now, it fucking kills.
[Jul 12,2009 1:34pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jul 12,2009 11:00pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, just saw this now. Sorry about leaving early. I have a lab pup at home and she was in the crate for 3 hrs before I got home. She was probably about to explode. Wife was working so she couldnt do it. People who know us know we're not like that. We really wanted to stay for DBB (awesome name) cuz we havent seen them yet. we also wanted to stay for Nates other band. So, sorry again fellas.
[Jul 12,2009 11:03pm - BlackoutRick ""]
If we leave early there's usually a good reason. I can't give the "got work tomorrow" schpiel. I've been laid off for 4 months so..........
[Jul 13,2009 8:32pm - BlackoutRick ""]
I new there'd be no response. So I'll still asume it's all cool.........
[Jul 13,2009 10:31pm - immortal13 ""]
[Jul 14,2009 12:39am - Rocko‘s - NH  ""]
Bummer your out of work bro. Hope it gets better...
[Jul 14,2009 1:52pm - BlackoutRick ""]

immortal13 said:Excuses.

Iwouldn't expect you to talk shit. Unless you're kidding there.
[Jul 14,2009 5:25pm - immortal13 ""]
Definitely kidding. I understand bro.
[Jul 14,2009 10:04pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Oh. Got me. Lol

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