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having the scoots depreciation thread

[Dec 30,2006 11:19pm - brian_dc ""]
I puked so hard one time that my lunch splashed out of the water and I had to clean it before my mother's cat tried to eat it. Always a good time.
[Dec 30,2006 11:20pm - RichHorror ""]
Since being sick I haven't been able to puke, despite trying really hard to do so. The closest I got was spitting up some blood.
[Dec 30,2006 11:47pm - the_reverend ""]
BDC, let's leave a shitstreak from my place to your place.
[Dec 31,2006 1:28am - Mess  ""]
everybody's got this shit.

it's the fucking chinks trying out new diseases on us.
why don't you people fucking see?
[Dec 31,2006 1:39am - brian_dc ""]
sounds good. I'm going to play it smart though and fill it in a bucket and slowly leak it from the bottom of my car.

Though scootching my ass along the pavement for a month kinda sounds fun.
[Dec 31,2006 1:46am - yummy ""]
Death to scootchie!!!
[Dec 31,2006 1:47am - the_reverend ""]
if I ever got giardia... I would have to get a bronze anus.
I have one friend who had beaver fever... he shat constantly for 4 weeks. and then had 6 months of a "twinge" a couple times an hour and it would have 20 seconds to get to the bathroom. I think his funniest comment was "I shouldn't have worn white to that dance"
[Dec 31,2006 1:49am - KeithMutiny ""]
is it even possible to consume enough to shit that much?
[Dec 31,2006 1:49am - yummy ""]
wow this has really got to you if you took the time to study. That does sound awful tho.
[Dec 31,2006 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
first day in probably 5 years that I didn't drink coffee.
[Dec 31,2006 10:56am - KeithMutiny ""]
i stopped drinking coffee 2 years ago, come on dude, get with the times.
[Dec 31,2006 11:09am - the_reverend ""]
what do you do now, mainline amphetamies?
[Dec 31,2006 11:12am - KeithMutiny ""]
cocaine, its much better than coffee, for that morning boost.

coffee is just too unhealthy at this point, and cocaine makes you famous.
[Dec 31,2006 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I've been looking to be more famous too.
[Dec 31,2006 12:18pm - retzam ""]
Cocaine is so 1983. I switched to crystal meth years ago.
[Dec 31,2006 12:23pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hey now, cocaines making a comeback, its the new E
[Dec 31,2006 12:43pm - DwellingSickness ""]
I can't function without coffee, I have a 4-5 a day habit at Dunkins, 1 of my xmas gifts was a $100 gift card for there
[Dec 31,2006 2:16pm - retzam ""]
ahhh I love coffee. Caffeine just may be my favorite drug.
[Dec 31,2006 2:43pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i can drink all the coffee in the world but it doesn't give me any "boost" for some weird reason
[Dec 31,2006 2:44pm - the_reverend ""]
now, it's when I don't drink it that I feel terrible.
[Dec 31,2006 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and my shit's solid again! horray!
[Dec 31,2006 3:00pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:first day in probably 5 years that I didn't drink coffee.

[Jan 3,2007 11:25am - Mess  ""]
i would love to pork that little red head in the arss after she dumps. you know the one in the commercial there?
[Jan 3,2007 11:36am - mOe @ work  ""]
i had a steak over christmas vacation for the first time years...2 days later i shit several tennis ball turds
[Jan 3,2007 12:29pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I shit myself yesterday. Not bad, but enough that I had to change my boxers. It came on super-fast and I thought I made it, but I looked down and there was a nasty little skid mark. And the wiping was so bad, that I gave up and took a shower. Luckily I was at home.
[Jan 3,2007 5:50pm - hungtableed  ""]
funny...I have mudd right now, as we speak. In fact, I'm gonna go unload again. It was all the J&B scotch I had new years
[Jan 3,2007 6:09pm - the_reverend ""]
you need a laptop and wireless so you can do a double download.
[Jan 4,2007 8:45am - aztec12  ""]
damn, respect the dude's beliefs for not eating meat.
[Jan 4,2007 9:38am - anonymous  ""]
i got that evil fucking stomache virus and was out of commision for 2 days...brutal

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