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What are you doing this Thursday 1/4/07?

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[Jan 3,2007 3:44pm - Samantha ""]
MadOakDevin said:ANAL! WHAT ABOUT ANAL!? I'm sure i can hit the cervix from there too.

Don't you know what DP/DA is? I dare you to google it, especially if you're at work.

[Jan 3,2007 3:45pm - Anthony nli  ""]
MadOakDevin said:

ANAL! WHAT ABOUT ANAL!? I'm sure i can hit the cervix from there too.

Haaha no way dude, totally different hole. There's no such thing as a rectal cervix..

And yeah I can't even do missionary with the legs on the shoulders because of the whole cervix hitting thing. Or I can but I have to be really gentle.
[Jan 3,2007 3:46pm - MadOakDevin ""]
reversed cowgirl hurts my dick. fuck that!
[Jan 3,2007 3:47pm - MadOakDevin ""]
Anthony nli said:
Haaha no way dude, totally different hole. There's no such thing as a rectal cervix..

I'm totally fine with tearing.

[Jan 3,2007 3:47pm - Samantha ""]
Clarification: DP/DA... a.k.a.... DV/DA
[Jan 3,2007 3:48pm - sacreligion ""]
MadOakDevin said:reversed cowgirl hurts my dick. fuck that!

[Jan 3,2007 3:48pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I don't work real jobs, so i'm all good. I'm sitting here running my record label currently... Witch Trial Records supports straight anal penetration.
[Jan 3,2007 3:48pm - Anthony nli  ""]
fishcakes said:def. girl on top, reverse cowgirl=woot woot :whipper:

As much as reverse cowgirl rules.. nothing beats doggystyle.
[Jan 3,2007 3:49pm - MadOakDevin ""]
sacreligion said:MadOakDevin said:reversed cowgirl hurts my dick. fuck that!


like i'm fine with girl on top facing me. it's a cool angle. just flipping that around... there is some bending i'm not a big fan of.
[Jan 3,2007 3:50pm - Anthony nli  ""]
MadOakDevin said:Anthony nli said:
Haaha no way dude, totally different hole. There's no such thing as a rectal cervix..

I'm totally fine with tearing.

hahaha ...fucked up dude
[Jan 3,2007 3:50pm - Samantha ""]
Someone here has to know what DV/DA is.
[Jan 3,2007 3:51pm - Samantha ""]
MadOakDevin said:like i'm fine with girl on top facing me. it's a cool angle. just flipping that around... there is some bending i'm not a big fan of.

You can actually break your penis that way. It's true.

[Jan 3,2007 3:51pm - sacreligion ""]
Samantha said:Someone here has to know what DV/DA is.

i'm sure we've all seen orgazmo
[Jan 3,2007 3:52pm - sacreligion ""]
Samantha said:MadOakDevin said:like i'm fine with girl on top facing me. it's a cool angle. just flipping that around... there is some bending i'm not a big fan of.

You can actually break your penis that way. It's true.

that was the last thing i would have ever wanted to read, ever
[Jan 3,2007 3:54pm - fishcakes ""]
Anthony nli said:fishcakes said:def. girl on top, reverse cowgirl=woot woot :whipper:

As much as reverse cowgirl rules.. nothing beats doggystyle.

I just like the veiw better.
[Jan 3,2007 3:56pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Yes there is no better sex view than that I agree but I just love the power and control of doggstyle.
[Jan 3,2007 4:00pm - dreadkill ""]
MadOakDevin said:sacreligion said:MadOakDevin said:reversed cowgirl hurts my dick. fuck that!


like i'm fine with girl on top facing me. it's a cool angle. just flipping that around... there is some bending i'm not a big fan of.

that's my problem too. my ween doesn't like to bend that far.
[Jan 3,2007 4:02pm - carina @ work  ""]
an 3,2007 3:38pm - sacreligion]
carina @ work said:<<i'm going to NYC!>>

obviously you didn't get the memo that the subject of this thread was changed to sex
damn...message received!
but everything's already been said so...
[Jan 3,2007 4:05pm - Samantha ""]
sacreligion said:Samantha said:You can actually break your penis that way. It's true.

that was the last thing i would have ever wanted to read, ever


edit: another link http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1608/is_4_20/ai_114819429
[Jan 3,2007 4:23pm - sacreligion ""]
that's awful...simply awful
[Jan 3,2007 5:13pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Samantha said:Someone here has to know what DV/DA is.

that is gross actually:pukeface:
[Jan 3,2007 5:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jan 3,2007 5:36pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Flying Fish and Snake Ride are fun.
[Jan 4,2007 10:55am - Samantha ""]
Dwellingsickness said:Samantha said:Someone here has to know what DV/DA is.

that is gross actually:pukeface:

It's REALLY gross! :pukeface:
[Jan 4,2007 12:04pm - pam ""]
Wow, I love where this thread went.
[Jan 4,2007 12:08pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
DreamingInExile said:having my last wisdom tooth pulled, so I'll be on my couch perc'ed out... w00t!

I will be perc'd out on my couch as well. I have two herniated discs and I am having surgery again in a few weeks in Boston. I have a huge bottle of percs so I am pretty jacked.
[Jan 4,2007 12:16pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]

while i am a huge fan of doggystyle, girl on top is the lazy mans way of getting the job done. you just kick back and watch her work. oooooh yeah. >>


[Jan 4,2007 12:54pm - MadOakDevin ""]
[Jan 4,2007 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
fishcakes said:def. girl on top, reverse cowgirl=woot woot :whipper:

i did not know that was called a "reverse cowgirl". it does bend in an awkward position, but if you get a girl who is aware of the strength and fragility of the penis, then she can really do some work. so i can agree, i have had some fun times with the "reverse cowgirl".
[Jan 4,2007 1:15pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I can fuck on percs
[Jan 4,2007 1:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DreamingInExile said:having my last wisdom tooth pulled, so I'll be on my couch perc'ed out... w00t!

no percs... but I've got Vicadin!
[Jan 4,2007 1:25pm - pam ""]
I'm jealous of all of you. My shoulder is all fucked up and I would kill for some percs!
[Jan 4,2007 1:25pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I'll take those too!
[Jan 4,2007 2:07pm - fishcakes ""]
long live the pircocet! :spineyes:
[Jan 4,2007 2:19pm - sacreligion ""]
you losers and your pills!
[Jan 4,2007 2:20pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I'll take another pain killer to forget about you calling me a loser. LOLOL
[Jan 4,2007 2:22pm - sacreligion ""]

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