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you're right, paganmegan

[Jul 27,2005 3:24pm - litacore ""]
I'm not quick enough
[Jul 27,2005 3:24pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I absolutely loathed Mythic, one of the most boring bands I've ever heard. Demonic Christ is a lot better but I'm still not impressed.

Jesus Slaves is right though, Runhild kicks ass!
[Jul 27,2005 3:25pm - paganmegan ""]
repulsion covers rule on a side note
[Jul 27,2005 3:25pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hekseri has girls in it?!?
[Jul 27,2005 3:26pm - paganmegan ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I absolutely loathed Mythic, one of the most boring bands I've ever heard. Demonic Christ is a lot better but I'm still not impressed.

Jesus Slaves is right though, Runhild kicks ass!

Mythic were alright, but I agree a bit boring.
Their songs were like the slow bits mortician does and nothing else
[Jul 27,2005 3:26pm - paganmegan ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Hekseri has girls in it?!?

ba dum pish
[Jul 27,2005 3:26pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
mortuary hacking session are all chicks, ive been so fucking into that lately...
[Jul 27,2005 3:26pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
What is that black metal band from Greece? Astarte? I think that is half or all-female, they rock pretty well.
[Jul 27,2005 3:27pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
paganmegan said:DrinkHardThrashHard said:Hekseri has girls in it?!?

ba dum pish

I am no :yoda:
[Jul 27,2005 3:28pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
imagine fucking Runhild, i would make her growl in my face. that would rule.
[Jul 27,2005 3:29pm - paganmegan ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:What is that black metal band from Greece? Astarte? I think that is half or all-female, they rock pretty well.

oh yes, astarte are pretty good. They have one album that rules, rules rules. Larissa knows which one I mean, I can't palce the title...
[Jul 27,2005 3:29pm - dreadkill ""]
if it sounds nu-metal, the amott brothers would be more at fault because they write the music.
[Jul 27,2005 3:31pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Jesus_Slaves said:imagine fucking Runhild, i would make her growl in my face. that would rule.

I dunno, I think she'd be the one fucking you, and I'm not sure you'd have to make her growl...
[Jul 27,2005 3:32pm - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:DrinkHardThrashHard said:What is that black metal band from Greece? Astarte? I think that is half or all-female, they rock pretty well.

oh yes, astarte are pretty good. They have one album that rules, rules rules. Larissa knows which one I mean, I can't palce the title...

Rise From Within and Sirens are the Astarte CDs to get

that 'Doomed Dark Years' disc is also ok, in a 'Diabolic Fullmoon Mysticism' context, but not essential

[Jul 27,2005 3:32pm - paganmegan ""]
dan_bloodblister said:mortuary hacking session are all chicks, ive been so fucking into that lately...

I need to check them out
[Jul 27,2005 3:32pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I won't even get into Yellow Machinegun, who rule completely.
[Jul 27,2005 3:33pm - paganmegan ""]
Yes, rise from within by astarte is their best

sirens is okay

and I think diabolic fullmoon... is one of immortals best records
[Jul 27,2005 3:33pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
their weird as fuck, theres this one song that incoporates a jack in the box noise..i know that sounds like it could be kind of gay but its one of the coolest things ive ever heard. their awesome. i guess they broke up and that chick is in decomposing serenity with her husband, who i think are fucking terrible.
[Jul 27,2005 3:34pm - litacore ""]

except the latest, Paramount Evil. I ebayed mine, but that's just because I'm so used to their old black thrash style
[Jul 27,2005 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 27,2005 3:34pm - dan_bloodblister ""]

that chick that was in COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS

wasnt she from boston? she had my favorite voice out of every member ever..wicked high pitched shriek..fucking awesome!
[Jul 27,2005 3:35pm - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:Yes, rise from within by astarte is their best

sirens is okay

and I think diabolic fullmoon... is one of immortals best records

Rise from Within IS their best
[Jul 27,2005 3:35pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
litacore said:oh, while I'm at it, EVERYBODY NEEDS TO GET or SNAG A BURN OF EVERY IMPIETY CD

except the latest, Paramount Evil. I ebayed mine, but that's just because I'm so used to their old black thrash style

SKULLFUCKING ARMAGEDDON! If I'm not mistaken, the dude in RAKUN I know said something about covering Impiety.
[Jul 27,2005 3:35pm - litacore ""]
the_reverend said:[img]

[Jul 27,2005 3:37pm - the_reverend ""]
a mouse?
[Jul 27,2005 3:37pm - Anthony nli  ""]
paganmegan said:Yes, rise from within by astarte is their best

sirens is okay

and I think diabolic fullmoon... is one of immortals best records


yes, but also I like diabolic alot too. come to think of it, i think every record they put out is great
[Jul 27,2005 3:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yeah, it was hard to go wrong with Immortal.
[Jul 27,2005 3:39pm - paganmegan ""]
pure holocaust is amazing, blizzard beasts is great,

I'm with you on that one, anthony,I like all immortal
[Jul 27,2005 3:39pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
the best immortal record is pure holocaust. <-- that was a period at the end of that sentence!
[Jul 27,2005 3:40pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
'Damned in Black' surprisingly I listen to that a lot...thematically it was the most 'different' Immortal
[Jul 27,2005 3:40pm - litacore ""]
the_reverend said:a mouse?

no, Aaron a scary-as-hell costume! where's that dude from, THE SHINING?!?
[Jul 27,2005 3:42pm - Anthony nli  ""]
paganmegan said:pure holocaust is amazing, blizzard beasts is great,

I'm with you on that one, anthony,I like all immortal

word. yeah i was gonna say my second favorite is pure holocaust.
[Jul 28,2005 12:49pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i'll have to agree with Immortals best being Pure Holocaust. i love "The Sun No Longer Rises" that crazy vocal effect "i believe, in desecration" they rule.
[Jul 28,2005 12:57pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
yes, immortal is awesome. the best immortal story ive ever heard was a few years ago they were playing in philly and my friend kelly was there...they had some technical difficulties and right in the middle of the song they stopped playing and in their spooky voices said 'WE ARE VERY SORRY BUT...WE ARE HAVING SOME TECHNICAL WAAGGHHWAA DIFFICULTIES!' and then took all their gear off, fixed their shit...and picked up right where they left off in the song hahahaha
[Jul 28,2005 12:59pm - paganmegan ""]

[Jul 28,2005 1:03pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
also...that old black metal compilation...im sure alot of you have seen it...the one with ihsan interviews and the whole varg/euronymous thing and the road to isa bay video....they interview immortal and abbath says the best thing ever.....'i dont like religion...its styoopid..its for styoopid people hoo dunt belev in themself'....and the interviewer just pauses and immortal stands there trying to look evil with their corny sunglasses...oh man immortal rules so hard hahah
[Jul 28,2005 1:06pm - paganmegan ""]
They are very photoshoppable

And someone really needs to manufacture immortal action figures
[Jul 28,2005 1:08pm - litacore ""]

don't forget the witch hat and cape

you'd also have to make sure Abbath has bendable knees
[Jul 28,2005 1:09pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i have a pure holocaust hoodie and one time and devon were on the train and some guy turned to me and said...you know, when people were being taken to concentration camps they were told they were going into police protection...kind of makes you think, eh? and i was like..no. why are you talking to me. and he thought i was a nazi because of the shirt. which made devon laugh right in this guys face and the dude got pissed off and got off at the next stop calling us fuckups and saying he hoped we were killed
immortal has provided me with such entertainment over the years haha
[Jul 28,2005 1:11pm - litacore ""]
I love ignorance

you should've played it up, like "well, there was a lot of CENSORSHIP during the Nazi era"
[Jul 28,2005 1:13pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i should have showed him the 18 swastika tattoos i have.....

just kidding

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