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Mass. pot smokers who vote!!!

[Sep 9,2008 10:34am - Josh_Martin ""]
If you didn't already know, a question whether to decriminalize weed or not will be on the ballot this Nov. If it passes, getting caught with an ounce or less of weed will be like getting a speeding ticket. You get a ticket for $100 and you're on your way, instead of the $500+ fine plus up to 6 months in jail, plus losing your license for a year that we get today.

It's worth getting off your ass and voting this year.

[Sep 9,2008 10:38am - Yeti ""]
i was reading this article about how all 11 DA's from MA put up 2000 dollars to fight this bill, called "Coalition to Save Our Streets". the article said that the 27,000 raised for this cause is dwarfed by the 675,000 that the Sensible Marijuana Policy has going for it. awesome. i know its really a stretch to think this will actually pass, but what an incredible move it would be.
[Sep 9,2008 10:38am - Yeti ""]
and definitely worth the triple post.
[Sep 9,2008 10:40am - Conservationist ""]

Josh_Martin said:If you didn't already know, a question whether to decriminalize weed or not will be on the ballot this Nov.

All good conservatives should vote for this.

All good conservatives should also vote for zero (0) funding for drug treatment programs.

Let nature sort 'em out.
[Sep 9,2008 10:41am - Conservationist ""]

Yeti said:i was reading this article about how all 11 DA's from MA put up 2000 dollars to fight this bill, called "Coalition to Save Our Streets". the article said that the 27,000 raised for this cause is dwarfed by the 675,000 that the Sensible Marijuana Policy has going for it. awesome. i know its really a stretch to think this will actually pass, but what an incredible move it would be.

It's happened in the past: Ann Arbor, Alaska, and de facto San Francisco.
[Sep 9,2008 10:47am - Josh_Martin ""]

Yeti said:i was reading this article about how all 11 DA's from MA put up 2000 dollars to fight this bill, called "Coalition to Save Our Streets". the article said that the 27,000 raised for this cause is dwarfed by the 675,000 that the Sensible Marijuana Policy has going for it. awesome. i know its really a stretch to think this will actually pass, but what an incredible move it would be.

That same article said 72% are in favor of it. All the other times it failed was because lawmakers attached some other crap to it (rehab for drug dealers, shit like that) this time its just a straight decrim bill. It should fucking pass. If it doesn't, this state fucking sucks.
[Sep 9,2008 10:47am - Josh_Martin ""]
[Sep 9,2008 10:47am - Josh_Martin ""]
[Sep 9,2008 10:48am - aril  ""]
Weed has been illegal since 1937, correct?
All that anti-marihuana propaganda from the 30s and 40s... haha. So lop-sided and untrue.
The fact remains, whether or not you're an advocate for the reformation of marijuana laws or not, weed is much safer than alcohol. This comes from a person who loves drinking beer.
Being stoned doesn't compare to being drunk - two different things - but being drunk is much more dangerous than being high.
It's absolutely ludicrous that alcohol is legal, and pot is not.
More people are killed by alcohol-related deaths than marijuana-related ones.
I smoked pot all throughout college and my grades never dropped and I got better as a musician. Pisses me off so much that it's still heavily regarded as the "devil's plant" today.
[Sep 9,2008 10:51am - Josh_Martin ""]

Conservationist said:
Yeti said:i was reading this article about how all 11 DA's from MA put up 2000 dollars to fight this bill, called "Coalition to Save Our Streets". the article said that the 27,000 raised for this cause is dwarfed by the 675,000 that the Sensible Marijuana Policy has going for it. awesome. i know its really a stretch to think this will actually pass, but what an incredible move it would be.

It's happened in the past: Ann Arbor, Alaska, and de facto San Francisco.

13 states have done it already. CA, VT, CO, OR, can't remember 'em all
[Sep 9,2008 10:51am - Josh_Martin ""]
[Sep 9,2008 10:51am - Josh_Martin ""]
[Sep 9,2008 10:51am - Yeti ""]

Josh_Martin said:That same article said 72% are in favor of it. All the other times it failed was because lawmakers attached some other crap to it (rehab for drug dealers, shit like that) this time its just a straight decrim bill. It should fucking pass. If it doesn't, this state fucking sucks.

thats what i fear will happen at the last second, there will be something attached to it that will turn the tides. but with MA changing around other taboo things like tattooing and same-sex marriage, there is a much bigger chance. i really hope this happens.
[Sep 9,2008 11:19am - xanonymousx ""]
I do not smoke weed, but i will be voting for this...
[Sep 9,2008 11:27am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
awesome news... got my vote fo sho
[Sep 9,2008 12:43pm - Conservationist ""]

xanonymousx said:I do not smoke weed, but i will be voting for this...

No shit.

Eliminating the drug war would force our society to view its actual crime problem.

You have to be careful though or they're going to saddle you with a huge bill for ineffective treatment programs.

The reason marijuana is illegal, in my view: it creates an alternate religious experience that replaces both Christianity and liberalism.
[Sep 9,2008 12:44pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
the reason marijuana is illegal is because hemp was a huge threat to the cotton industry and it was something they could blame on brown people.
[Sep 9,2008 12:46pm - sever ""]
...marijuana was illegal because it was a cheaper alternative to paper, and newspaper and energy tycoons didnt want to lose money on their wood investments.
[Sep 9,2008 12:49pm - Conservationist ""]

sacreligionnli said:the reason marijuana is illegal is because hemp was a huge threat to the cotton industry and it was something they could blame on brown people.

I no longer believe such things. (Note: I am a dropout of the legalization movement, after spending 1991-2001 involved in it.)

Hemp was a huge threat to coming polyester rope, so it was said, but the ban was lifted during wartime so I don't think that's the case.

More likely is the threat it proves, psychologically. Alcohol just makes you silly, but there's no hallucination. God and religious experience is like a hallucination. That's the real threat.

Cultlike liberalism, which substitutes for God for the modern empty person, is also threatened by this. Hallucinogenic experiences create a sense of independence from the crowd and its issues. You see the world as perfect, and stop worrying about inequality... that's totally bad.

So both right-wing Christians and left-wing theorists hate dope for what it does. Its use was known in Europe as well as the USA, but here it became a greater threat, which hilariously made it a greater symbol of liberalism, although it is not seen as such worldwide.

Anyone who disagrees:

1. Get 1.5g Dutch mangolian indica or equivalent strain, grown by someone with the brains to do a good job outdoors.

2. Get yourself a 2-3ft glass bong with a fast-action carb.

3. Break the shit into dust, scatter some fine cigarette tobacco over it, and light it with a stick of wood. Take the whole thing in one blast.

4. Hold for 6 seconds.

This was how I started my days approx. 1991-2001 ;)
[Sep 9,2008 12:50pm - Conservationist ""]

sever said:...marijuana was illegal because it was a cheaper alternative to paper, and newspaper and energy tycoons didnt want to lose money on their wood investments.

Also disagreed. The process of making it into paper that could be used in normal settings is relatively recent...
[Sep 9,2008 12:53pm - aril  ""]
Hemp is much more efficient than growing trees for paper. The fiber is stronger and more durable, and grows much quicker.
Hemp seeds and oil also do good things to your body as well. There's really NO argument on why this plant is illegal. It's a universal plant and has so much potential.
One of the main arguments has always been whether or not it's a "gateway drug." Such bullshit.
[Sep 9,2008 12:53pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
i take my weed straight, sir, and i know how to use a bong ;)

if you look back into the 30s it was harry anslinger who pushed all the negative propaganda like "reefer madness" and other maddeningly unhelpful jargon. he ran the first anti-drug branch of the US government and picked marijuana as his main goal. many people believe it was because he was racist and a lot of mexicans were bringing it into the southwest and selling it(can't have the browns making their own money).

i'd believe the hallucination theory if we were talking about shrooms or acid, but i've never "hallucinated" per se from smokin weed
[Sep 9,2008 12:55pm - Conservationist ""]

aril said:Hemp is much more efficient than growing trees for paper.

I agree, but that's because it's the second-fastest growing land plant.

#1 is kudzu, I think.

However, being able to make paper out of it wasn't on the agenda until recently.
[Sep 9,2008 12:56pm - Conservationist ""]

sacreligionnli said:i'd believe the hallucination theory if we were talking about shrooms or acid, but i've never "hallucinated" per se from smokin weed

Compared to alcohol? No auditory hallucinations?

You're not doing it right until you get visual hallucinations.
[Sep 9,2008 12:58pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
actually you can make paper out of hemp the same way that ancient egyptians used papyrus(crossing layers of damp strips horizontally and vertically, then using stones to compress the damp fibers together). it's entirely possible that egyptians and nearby civilizations used hemp to make paper as it was readily available.
[Sep 9,2008 12:58pm - aril  ""]
Which is why it needs to be examined now, funded, and looked into.
We're all about alternative energies, fuels - fuck, alternative EVERYTHING.
There's such a green movement among office jobs now; I'm always receiving emails from people in other companies saying "think twice about printing this email - love the environment" or something like that.
If I could, I'd have this in my sig:
"Think twice about printing this email. It should be on hemp paper because cannabis is the best plant ever." Looks like that won't happen though.
[Sep 9,2008 12:59pm - sacreligionnli  ""]

Conservationist said:
sacreligionnli said:i'd believe the hallucination theory if we were talking about shrooms or acid, but i've never "hallucinated" per se from smokin weed

Compared to alcohol? No auditory hallucinations?

You're not doing it right until you get visual hallucinations.

i think you've just been getting some bad shit, sir
[Sep 9,2008 1:02pm - Yeti ""]
the word "hallucination" in this case isn't necessarily like a mushroom visiual, more akin to seeing something in a different light. in this case thinking independently.
[Sep 9,2008 1:05pm - Conservationist ""]

sacreligionnli said:actually you can make paper out of hemp the same way that ancient egyptians used papyrus(crossing layers of damp strips horizontally and vertically, then using stones to compress the damp fibers together). it's entirely possible that egyptians and nearby civilizations used hemp to make paper as it was readily available.

Papyrus is much thicker than modern paper, which in 1937 had to run through typewriters.

Main use of hemp at the time was rope, for which it is still the best thing on earth. Afterwards, we've been using sisal and other plants that I think are related to the plant they use to make tequila.
[Sep 9,2008 1:06pm - Conservationist ""]

sacreligionnli said:
Conservationist said:
sacreligionnli said:i'd believe the hallucination theory if we were talking about shrooms or acid, but i've never "hallucinated" per se from smokin weed

Compared to alcohol? No auditory hallucinations?

You're not doing it right until you get visual hallucinations.

i think you've just been getting some bad shit, sir

I'm pretty certain I haven't, since I'm the source, and this has occurred in five states over almost two decades.

However, I do like to smoke a fair amount, and eat a fair amount when I consume it that way. Have you ever tried an ounce of KB in your pasta sauce?
[Sep 9,2008 1:08pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
pasta sauce eh? i come from the school of thought that you can only make fatty foods with mj because the thc is fat soluble
[Sep 9,2008 1:09pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
otherwise you either end up destroying the thc or have an uneven distribution
[Sep 9,2008 1:22pm - Conservationist ""]

sacreligionnli said:pasta sauce eh? i come from the school of thought that you can only make fatty foods with mj because the thc is fat soluble

Pasta sauce is a fatty food -- you roast the dope in the olive oil preparatory to adding onion, garlic, spices and later, tomato.

I recommend a 70-40 mix of olive oil (virgin) and butter.

You definitely need a fatty food, as in fat in the food, but it's not much different from brownies, where you stick it in the butter. I believe it will work simply heated (more efficient than non-heated) but you want to leave as little as possible to your digestive process, so you want the stuff cut up and the THC distributed into fat.

Alcohol is another useful vector.
[Sep 9,2008 1:24pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
ahhh yes. apparently i was thinking too "inside the box" when it came to fats and oils and was only thinking of butter. or maybe i heard somewhere that butter works better than oil. either way, i'd totally rock that. i make some mean spag'n'balls.

i've also heard you can put like an 1/8 to a 1/4 of nugs into a handle of vodka, keep it in a dark place for 6-9 months and end up with a religious experience you'll never forget.
[Sep 9,2008 1:25pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
weird....we said the same thing at almost the same time
[Sep 9,2008 1:32pm - Conservationist ""]
I've had the nugs-in-vodka experience, but mainly by dipping cigarettes in it. Not a bad way to get balls high in public (but you must remove useless filters from cigarettes).

How do you make meatballs? My technique on that is ass... I'm good with the pasta sauce, although it ends up a bit Texas, since I toss in jalapenos with the onions.

It ain't food unless it burns going out.
[Sep 9,2008 1:40pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
ground pork. it retains more juice than ground beef(although some people use a mixture of the two, using more pork than beef). add breadcrumbs and eggs(1 egg and 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs per pound of meat). you can also add parmesan cheese, pepper, onions, and assorted herbs to whatever your taste is. i usually keep the meatballs simple and let the sauce do the flavor work.

i prefer to slow cook them in sauce over the course of 6-8 hours but if you're short on time you can bake or pan-fry them to speed up the process before you put them in the sauce.
[Sep 9,2008 3:06pm - aril  ""]
Stupid question:
But I remember reading that Obama is for decriminalizing marijuana on a national scale. Can anyone confirm?
[Sep 9,2008 3:07pm - xanonymousx ""]
i heard he was going to lower the drinking age to 18?
[Sep 9,2008 3:08pm - sacreligion ""]

xanonymousx said:i heard he was going to lower the drinking age to 18?

i believe that's already been in consideration without him being a factor
[Sep 9,2008 3:09pm - aril  ""]
haven't heard that but I know there's a number of college campuses that are pushing for that..
[Sep 9,2008 3:14pm - corpus nli  ""]

xanonymousx said:i heard he was going to lower the drinking age to 18?

bring on the draft? no pun intended...
[Sep 9,2008 3:35pm - Conservationist ""]

sacreligionnli said:ground pork. it retains more juice than ground beef(although some people use a mixture of the two, using more pork than beef). add breadcrumbs and eggs(1 egg and 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs per pound of meat). you can also add parmesan cheese, pepper, onions, and assorted herbs to whatever your taste is. i usually keep the meatballs simple and let the sauce do the flavor work.

i prefer to slow cook them in sauce over the course of 6-8 hours but if you're short on time you can bake or pan-fry them to speed up the process before you put them in the sauce.

This is a mightily helpful tip -- thank you.

Jalapeno meatballs, coming up...
[Sep 9,2008 3:36pm - Conservationist ""]

aril said:Stupid question:
But I remember reading that Obama is for decriminalizing marijuana on a national scale. Can anyone confirm?

When asked by The Times about decriminalizing marijuana, the Obama campaign reiterated the candidate's opposition to legalization. "Senator Obama does not believe in legalization of marijuana, but agrees with President Bush that long minimum sentences for first-time drug users may not be the best way to occupy jail space or heal people from their disease," Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said.

The campaign went on to say that, as president, Mr. Obama "will review drug sentences to see where we can be smarter on crime and reduce the blind and counterproductive sentencing of non-violent offenders, and revisit instances where drug rehabilitation may be more appropriate." His campaign later stated that Mr. Obama "always" has supported decriminalizing marijuana.

[Sep 9,2008 3:37pm - aril  ""]
god damn jalapeno meatballs sound awesome right now.
[Sep 9,2008 3:39pm - Conservationist ""]
The local H.E.B. (Texas store) is stocking full-size, fresh jalapenos for $0.99/lb.

I made fajita chicken that burns your anus before you eat it -- if you even think of it, the circular muscle will start to twitch and smoke.
[Sep 9,2008 3:40pm - aril  ""]
that's one of the things I miss about TX.
Do they still have Randall's down there??
[Sep 9,2008 3:41pm - Conservationist ""]
Yes, otherwise known as The White People store.

But Randall's now has alcohol. It's still a shock for me.
[Sep 9,2008 4:26pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i vote every time i get the chance.
[Sep 9,2008 4:32pm - KadooganetWorth  ""]

Conservationist said:I've had the nugs-in-vodka experience, but mainly by dipping cigarettes in it. Not a bad way to get balls high in public (but you must remove useless filters from cigarettes).

do you have to let the cigs sit for months too? I would like to try this.

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