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Mass. pot smokers who vote!!!

[Sep 9,2008 4:33pm - aril  ""]
conservationist, ever been to Chipala's? Hickory Hollow? I know that's a long shot, but those restaurants own in Cypress.
[Sep 9,2008 4:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]

ouchdrummer said:i vote every time i get the chance.

that goes doubly for pot smokin
[Sep 9,2008 4:40pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I will vote against these scum hippies that try to justify weed "is not dangerous". You guys are sick, and should not be allowed to vote! SICKENING!
[Sep 9,2008 4:43pm - aril  ""]
how is it dangerous?
[Sep 9,2008 5:00pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
so you guys need drugs to feel like you are independent, away from the crowd, and empowered?

...just sayin'
[Sep 9,2008 5:06pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
and the opposite side of the coin would be?

you feel these things because...you don't choose to indulge in societal norms?
[Sep 9,2008 5:09pm - aril  ""]
that question cannot be answered; everyone smokes pot for a different reason. you can be a responsible person and smoke pot when you feel like it. the general negative outlook is that most people view people who smoke it as "stoners" when that's just a small portion of the users.
The first time I smoked pot I tried it because I wanted to see what it was like. As I smoked more (wasn't until a few years after) I began to like it for a number of reasons:
a.) I love how it stimulates creativity for me.
b.) I love how it relaxes and relieves stress at times
c.) music sounds much better to me while stoned
d.) food tastes better, and did I mention it relaxes you?

Of course, there's negative things about it, as with all substances. Cotton mouth, increased heart rate, and paranoia(to some) to name a few.
For me at least, I enjoyed it and never allowed it to take over my life. As I stated above, marijuana is not dangerous at all if taken by responsible users. Not to knock beer and alcohol, but it is obvious that alcohol is a much more dangerous substance.
[Sep 9,2008 5:50pm - ouchdrummer ""]

DrewBlood@Work said:so you guys need drugs to feel like you are independent, away from the crowd, and empowered?

...just sayin'

wait, um... no. I smoke weed because i enjoy the feeling. The same way you may enjoy a rollercoaster. Its that simple.
[Sep 9,2008 6:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Conservationist said:
Main use of hemp at the time was rope, for which it is still the best thing on earth.

Pfft - 50 ft. of hemp rope clocks in at 20lbs for 1gp, and 50 ft. of silk rope at 8 lbs. for a measly 20gp. You can carry like a zillion caltrops with the weight you save. Consider silk; your encumbrance factor will thank me later.
[Sep 9,2008 6:34pm - Conservationist ""]

KadooganetWorth said:
Conservationist said:I've had the nugs-in-vodka experience, but mainly by dipping cigarettes in it. Not a bad way to get balls high in public (but you must remove useless filters from cigarettes).

do you have to let the cigs sit for months too? I would like to try this.

No, you don't.

We let the vodka/dope mix sit for about two weeks... I don't know what the efficiency curve of TCH absorption by alcohol is, but it worked at that time.

Crush the dope, make it fine, dump in vodka.

When ready to use, you dip the cigs -- they don't need to sit any longer than necessary to dry (about 10 min around here).
[Sep 9,2008 6:34pm - Conservationist ""]

aril said:conservationist, ever been to Chipala's? Hickory Hollow? I know that's a long shot, but those restaurants own in Cypress.

I haven't, but I should. I make it through Cypress a couple times a month and am always in search of good food.

[Sep 9,2008 6:35pm - Conservationist ""]

DrewBlood@Work said:so you guys need drugs to feel like you are independent, away from the crowd, and empowered?

A hipster would do that.

The rest of us do it for one reason:


Justifications eat the mulatto ass of Jesus Christ... no need for 'em.
[Sep 9,2008 7:06pm - sxealex ""]
im voting for this... stupid that people should be arrested for trivial amounts of weed
[Sep 9,2008 7:18pm - BSV  ""]
yeah drugs are fucking fun as fuck and pot is so fucking harmless.
I need to get an ballot to be mailed in while I'm gone...anyone want to expose some friendly civil support on how to do so?
[Sep 9,2008 7:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
shit i already smoked my ballot
[Sep 9,2008 7:23pm - BSV  ""]
I was expelled from high school for less than a gram, which pretty much destroyed any hopes of college-but I don't care, I've done it my way.
[Sep 9,2008 7:43pm - Conservationist ""]

BSV said:I was expelled from high school for less than a gram, which pretty much destroyed any hopes of college-but I don't care, I've done it my way.

No, it didn't, if you play your cards right.

Get your GED, show work experience, mention incident and say you've learned from it.

Also, be black. It helps(tm).
[Sep 9,2008 7:59pm - BSV  ""]
I have my diploma and an associates. I had to do community college which something I would have done anyways. Basically it completely fucks with you and your guidance department, since they all take care of shopping you around into good schools and whatnot.
[Sep 9,2008 8:16pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

[Sep 9,2008 8:26pm - DEATH FIEND sli sli sli  ""]

Conservationist said:
BSV said:I was expelled from high school for less than a gram, which pretty much destroyed any hopes of college-but I don't care, I've done it my way.

No, it didn't, if you play your cards right.

Get your GED, show work experience, mention incident and say you've learned from it.

Also, be black. It helps(tm).

not sure if josh got any criminal charges from that incident, but if you get convicted of any drug related offense they'll take your financial aid away.

and for most of us, thats pretty much a deal breaker

especially if your black

another one of the many ways drug laws can be used to keep poor people poor
[Sep 10,2008 8:12am - Josh_Martin ""]
Actually, part of the new decrim bill is that getting caught with weed will no longer disqualify you from financial aid.
Although this is only a Mass. thing. Federally, you're still fucked.

I did not know Obama favored decriminalization. That is awesome. Never thought I'd be voting for a nignog.
[Sep 10,2008 8:12am - Josh_Martin ""]
[Sep 10,2008 8:12am - Josh_Martin ""]
[Sep 10,2008 9:31am - Conservationist ""]

Josh_Martin said:Actually, part of the new decrim bill is that getting caught with weed will no longer disqualify you from financial aid.
Although this is only a Mass. thing. Federally, you're still fucked.

Interesting. As far as I know, UT has no such issue, nor do the California schools.
[Sep 10,2008 12:26pm - BSV  ""]
Ever since I toured Canada, I could give 2 shits about getting drunk. Lost another 3 lbs this week from not binging on beer!
[Sep 10,2008 12:29pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]
I hope they decriminalize weed.

Not because I think it should be legal, but because I'm sick of listening to psuedo-hippies bitch about how it should be legalized every time the word 'vote' is used within 10 miles of them.

Please America, shut these retards up and just let them get their way.
[Sep 10,2008 12:33pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]

Josh_Martin said:

I did not know Obama favored decriminalization. That is awesome. Never thought I'd be voting for a nignog.

You're voting for him exclusively for his stance on the decriminalization of pot?
[Sep 10,2008 12:47pm - Conservationist ""]

Niccolai%20is%20wicked%20pissed said:You're voting for him exclusively for his stance on the decriminalization of pot?

Single issue voters cause a problem.

Whether that issue is abortion, pot legalization, etc.

The 2 big parties profit from having you be confused over non-issues.
[Sep 10,2008 11:05pm - anonymous  ""]
actually its the equivelant of a parking ticket not a speeding ticket.. It dont go on your insurance and noone knows about it..
[Sep 11,2008 12:14am - Conservationist ""]
Will health insurance know about it?
[Sep 11,2008 6:07am - osama obama  ""]

Niccolai%20is%20wicked%20pissed said:I hope they decriminalize weed.

Not because I think it should be legal, but because I'm sick of listening to psuedo-hippies bitch about how it should be legalized every time the word 'vote' is used within 10 miles of them.

Please America, shut these retards up and just let them get their way.

you're more of an idiot than i thought. whats a psudeo-hippy?
is that like you, the psudeo-intellectual?
[Sep 11,2008 9:21am - Conservationist ""]
Will Obama legalize rape?

[Sep 11,2008 10:35am - Yeti ""]
will he legalize crepes?
[Sep 11,2008 11:25am - aril  ""]
it's always funny how anyone who smokes weed is either a hippy or a "psuedo-hippy"
[Sep 11,2008 11:31am - Conservationist ""]

aril said:it's always funny how anyone who smokes weed is either a hippy or a "psuedo-hippy"

It seems common, though Hunter S. Thompson and P.J. O'Rourke might be exceptions.

I think it's just the counter-culture associations here in the USA.

I've met many European nationalists and other sane people who smoke dope, but it's less of "I want to be like Snoop Dogg" and more like a fine wine with hallucinations, for them.

Let's just be honest... the counter-culture turns everything it touches into hipster shit, and makes normal people into hipster zombies, ruins their lives, and leaves them stranded in their 40s with nothing to show for themselves.
[Sep 11,2008 11:35am - aril  ""]
I also think it's quite the opposite in some cases - one can still be an intellectual while smoking. Regardless, I think it opens up some doors in your mind that would otherwise remain shut.
[Sep 11,2008 3:50pm - DYA / NLI  ""]
I love how weed threads are always like the longest threads.
[Sep 11,2008 4:11pm - aril  ""]
I love how Dwarf Fortress threads are always the shortest threads.
[Sep 11,2008 4:21pm - largefreakatzero ""]

aril said:it's always funny how anyone who smokes weed is either a hippy or a "psuedo-hippy"

I smoke pretty regularly and I hate hippies.
[Sep 11,2008 4:25pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Pot opens doors in my mind MMMAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!

[Sep 11,2008 4:35pm - aril  ""]
ha, to each his own, man.

[Sep 11,2008 5:15pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I'm just fuckin' with ya. I used to smoke up all the time until I had kids and such. My post that is near the top was just a joke. I do not care if it becomes legal. Booze is without a doubt destroyed more lives and families than weed has. If weed has ruined families in anyway it is due to the smoker getting busted with the shit. SNUFF SAID!

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