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dave witte to join agoraphobic nosebleed.

[Sep 27,2004 10:37pm - Blue ""]
im frigging serious.

"Now that drummer Dave Witte has freed up his schedule by quitting Burnt By The Sun, he and Agoraphobic Nosebleed will finally have an opportunity to collaborate, something they've discussed off and on for several years. In fact, Witte and ANb guitarist Scott Hull have practiced together before, but nothing more. According to Relapse Records though, Witte will apparently be joining the ANb roster in the near future, particularly for the purpose of live shows. Stay tuned."
[Sep 27,2004 10:40pm - El Justin  ""]
i read this earlier somewhere, it rules
[Sep 27,2004 10:41pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
who else is psyched on this?

besides me?

grind is the future my friends. Jump on the bandwagon or get left behind in the wake of awesomeness.
[Sep 27,2004 11:00pm - goratory ""]
did anybody just hear that amazingly loud sound my ass just made as I shit myself. Holy fucking shit.
[Sep 27,2004 11:01pm - goratory ""]
[Sep 27,2004 11:02pm - Assuck ""]
my night was shitty until i just read that.

thank you.
[Sep 27,2004 11:03pm - goratory ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:who else is psyched on this?

besides me?

grind is the future my friends. Jump on the bandwagon or get left behind in the wake of awesomeness.

i actually had a 20 min. conversation yesterday about how grind is the future, hahaha. Seriously.
[Sep 27,2004 11:04pm - goratory ""]
I wounder if they are gonna make him play insanely fast or if they are just gonna tone it down, i'm interested in hearing how this turns out although I'm gonna love it either way.
[Sep 27,2004 11:14pm - dirteecrayon ""]
discordance axis needs to come back!
[Sep 27,2004 11:17pm - goratory ""]
Have you heard that box set that discordance came out with. I keep almost buying it but never do. I just got into them this year. I always thought they just had alot of dvds out untill i relized they were actually c.d.s and bought one.
[Sep 27,2004 11:22pm - Assuck ""]
i think they'll tone it down to the point where he can just barely keep up so that it retains as much of that kill-factor as possible
[Sep 27,2004 11:45pm - dirteecrayon ""]
goratory said:Have you heard that box set that discordance came out with. I keep almost buying it but never do. I just got into them this year. I always thought they just had alot of dvds out untill i relized they were actually c.d.s and bought one.

you talking about The Inalienable Dreamless?
[Sep 27,2004 11:55pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
dude grind is like:

UNOs Pizza Crust
The cream in the middle of an Oreo
the cookie dough in cookie dough ice cream
a "quickie" with someone you love
golden girls reruns while wearing X-Ray specs

it's everything you wanted concentrated into one thing!!!!!
[Sep 28,2004 12:00am - nick ""]
theres a 'box set' with like 60+ songs on it,
i think thats what goratory is talking about.
there are like two other cds in dvd boxes which are jouhou and the inalienable dreamless.

i think.
[Sep 28,2004 1:02am - dreadkill ""]
this is killer news. dave witte is a maniac
[Sep 28,2004 2:59am - kyledoes  ""]
this is great news.....golden girls is on i have to go!!
[Sep 28,2004 3:00am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
wear X-ray specs...they look nude that way
[Sep 28,2004 11:52am - xmikex ""]

anybody else see the Pig Destroyer/ANb set at metalfest a few years ago?
[Sep 28,2004 11:56am - Assuck ""]
no, and i am so god damn pissed that i didnt
[Jan 14,2005 8:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i want them to play, now
[Jan 14,2005 8:50pm - blow‘n chunks on cunts  ""]
thats about the best fuckin thing i've read so far this year..FUCK!!!! can't wait to see that insanity live
[Jan 14,2005 8:59pm - blue ""]
this news is now 4 months old. poo poo ka choo.
[Jan 14,2005 9:32pm - Hung_To_Bleed ""]
that is going to be the most rediculous album ever, hands down
[Jan 14,2005 10:25pm - kyledoes ""]
[Jan 15,2005 12:09am - dave from the grave nli  ""]
this si the best thing I'v eheard since I found out my exgirlfriend was getting cheated on by her new boyfriend
[Jan 15,2005 2:08pm - WhyamIandasshole at home  ""]
I thought that guy joined Municipal Waste.
[Jan 16,2005 11:14am - assuck ""]
dave witte will forever be in umpteen million bands
[Jan 16,2005 4:21pm - Dissector ""]
I cant picture ANb without a drum machine...
[Jan 16,2005 6:04pm - boobtoucher ""]
That combo is just pure genius. Anyone else in a band might as well just quit now.

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