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BZRKER any of you people know who they were

[Apr 11,2003 5:17pm - baneofexistence ""]
i just got a 13 song cdr of their old demo's from 1990 and 1991 sick shit!!
true boston hardcore the way it was intended to be played
[Apr 11,2003 10:11pm - the_reverend ""]
never heard.
mp3 up a track and mail it to me.
[Apr 12,2003 3:21am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
jim you should really be listening to devourment. that way it will be a smooth transition when we make the move into becoming a devourment cover band.
[Apr 12,2003 9:56am - baneofexistence ""]
rev are you gonna be at he show sunday i'll copy the cd for you
[Apr 12,2003 2:53pm - baneofexistence ""]
i randomly posted 3 of them
[Apr 14,2003 9:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Jim, I am going to need you to write a Disengaged review soon, you have a 2 week deadline this time, no more taking 6 weeks to write a review claiming you are busy when all I ever see you doing is making fun of ravage, blistered earth, a cold reality, the accursed, and life in vain on message boards 24/7


NotCommon records, maffia owned and affiliated

[Apr 14,2003 5:08pm - ted one good fuck  ""]
these guys played their last show a while back and it happened to be my first show EVER. Overcast filled in for diecast (what a break!) reach the sky, one king down, and bzrker. awesome show which probably had a big hand in my typing this post right now.
[Apr 12,2004 9:52am - GutturalTexage ""]
If you get some time check out http://www.devourment4ever.tk and http://www.mikemajewski.com
[Apr 12,2004 1:13pm - Dread_104 ""]
what's with this thread dating back to 2003? anyways, didn't bzrker play derringer's all the time? i seem to remember something called bzrkertag. ring any bells?
[Apr 12,2004 4:54pm - subjugate69  ""]
yea they did many a shows at derrengers

my favorate was them opening for ukj(ugly kid joe) scatterbrain and the b'zrker singer making fun of them(ukj) for taking up all the stage with their shit

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