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Anyone ever snort Tequila?

[Oct 5,2004 3:04pm - Christraper ""]
I have never done this nor will i ever but i heard something about it the other day. Apparently some people snort tequila in order to get drunk faster or something. Has anyone else heard of this or were my friends just fucking with me? Does it work for whiskey or vodka or just tequila? Im confused.......why would you ever think that was a good idea to begin with?
[Oct 5,2004 3:05pm - the_reverend ""]
that would hurt so bad
[Oct 5,2004 3:05pm - Christraper ""]
thats what i said!
[Oct 5,2004 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and I also believe that's from jack ass...
lemon juice in eye, snort salt do shot
[Oct 5,2004 3:06pm - Christraper ""]
[Oct 5,2004 3:33pm - Abbath ""]
i've snorted beer it's feels funny
[Oct 5,2004 3:49pm - ram_girl ""]
I never snorted IN......

but the last time I was sick from it, I could of sworn it was coming OUT my nose too!
[Oct 5,2004 4:13pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
wouldn't you drown since it's a liquid??
[Oct 5,2004 4:14pm - Christraper ""]
Yea ive definitely had whiskey coming out of my nose while puking and i cant say it was anything id like to experience again. Ive snorted alot of things but i cant imagine snorting hard liquor.
[Oct 5,2004 4:15pm - Christraper ""]
MyDeadDoll said:wouldn't you drown since it's a liquid??

not necessarilly. when you snort coke it doesnt go in your lungs
[Oct 5,2004 4:19pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
i have a friend who shot up jack daniels once.....he said it hurt like motherfucker
[Oct 5,2004 4:20pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm gonna go eat my favorite snack now, diet coke and ephedrine pills
[Oct 5,2004 4:31pm - Lincoln ""]
someone dared me to and I did once....didn't stop puking for hours.
[Oct 5,2004 4:32pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
dared you to snort tequila??
[Oct 5,2004 4:32pm - Lincoln ""]
Yeah.........they started with beer...then upped the ante.
[Oct 5,2004 4:42pm - Christraper ""]
I was at a party all fucked up on coke. I walked into the room where my friends were doing bumps and they offered me a line which i did of course. As soon as it went up my nose i started screaming because apparently theyd been crushing salt into powder for the next person who walked into the room who luckily enough happened to be me. That shit stung like a bastard!
[Oct 5,2004 4:47pm - boneripper1 ""]
nothing like picking out rock chunks from your nostril from the previous evening of hellishness. once i had such a big rock in my nose that the next day i woke up, picked that fucker and stuck it in my bong to top off some headro type chronic. that was a blast- no pun intended.:NEWHORNS:
[Oct 5,2004 4:50pm - Christraper ""]
Back in high school i was on speed 24/7. seriously. Id wake up, do two or three lines, go to school, smoke a joint in the bushes, and go to class taking bathroom brakes every class to do more lines (i was selling it at the time so i had more than enough to go around and still make money), then id go home, smoke some more, and do lines and play guitar till the next day when id start all over again.
WELL, apparently my nose didnt like this too much because by my senior year i was getting constant nose bleeds that would flow like id severed an artery or something. I was in Italy on a school trip and i blew a rail in my hotel room when blood started gushing out my nose. I ran to the bathroom but it was no use because EVERYTHING in the hotel room was white so pretty soon the whole place was covered in blood........and I forgot to lock my door. So a friend of mine decides to walk in while im bleeding eveywhere and theres white powder all over the counter. Needless to say he freaked out and i had to catch him before he ran out of the room to try and call an ambulence or something.
[Oct 5,2004 4:51pm - Christraper ""]
boneripper1 said:nothing like picking out rock chunks from your nostril from the previous evening of hellishness. once i had such a big rock in my nose that the next day i woke up, picked that fucker and stuck it in my bong to top off some headro type chronic. that was a blast- no pun intended.:NEWHORNS:

hahaha yea dude! nothing like iron boogers after a looooong night!
[Oct 5,2004 4:51pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
from the nose to the bong, that's pretty gross...

salt in coke is just plain cruel!
[Oct 5,2004 5:06pm - ram_girl ""]
Man, got a serious snorter here that doesn't fuck around!!!

God, those were many years ago for me, can still remember that awesome numbing feeling though!

Maybe thats why I go to the damn dentist so much now!
[Oct 5,2004 5:15pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i crave coke occasionally, but i'm such a good girl now... ha!
[Oct 5,2004 9:37pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
tequila is gross enough to take shots of, why would i want to smell it too?
[Oct 5,2004 11:04pm - retzam ""]
Christraper said:MyDeadDoll said:wouldn't you drown since it's a liquid??

not necessarilly. when you snort coke it doesnt go in your lungs

?? Really? I always thought it was put into your bloodstream through your airsacs.
[Oct 6,2004 3:50pm - Christraper ""]
retzam said:Christraper said:MyDeadDoll said:wouldn't you drown since it's a liquid??

not necessarilly. when you snort coke it doesnt go in your lungs

?? Really? I always thought it was put into your bloodstream through your airsacs.

nay nay. it gets into your bloodstream through your mucous membrane. thats why it always drips into the back of your throat.

[Oct 6,2004 4:01pm - Blowtorch slaughter  ""]
coke's for niggers
[Oct 6,2004 4:03pm - ram_girl ""]
once again he proves his Masterstry (however the hell you say it)!
[Oct 6,2004 4:04pm - Christraper ""]
Blowtorch slaughter said:coke's for niggers

wow thats too bad dude. your mom really liked the shit i had last night.....

[Oct 6,2004 4:16pm - ram_girl ""]
as she was licking it off his weinie!
[Oct 6,2004 4:20pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
[Oct 6,2004 5:56pm - the_reverend ""]
mdd's blood is technically made of tequila.
[Oct 6,2004 8:43pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
Blowtorch slaughter said:coke's for niggers

wow... then i know quite a few of them.
thanks for bringing that to my attention.
[Oct 7,2004 12:05am - wakeoftears ""]
i have friends that like to do gin snorts. You put a shotglass upside down and put a little bit on the little divot there and snort away. Its fucking hilarious to watch, but id never do it, even after being a cokehead for a little bit of time.
[Dec 4,2008 1:46pm - tequila ist great  ""]
im about to snort this right nowww!
[Dec 4,2008 2:04pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow, i was reading this thinking "who are these people, never heard of most of them..." and then i looked at the dates. haha.
[Dec 4,2008 2:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
you never met christraper?
[Dec 4,2008 3:04pm - Mess ""]
i heard chicks are soaking their tampons in vodka. faggots are shoving them up their asses toooo.
[Dec 4,2008 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
this is a thread of all people I wish still posted.
[Dec 5,2008 4:37pm - rotivore ""]
I snorted the middle of a scorpion bowl once.......it is 151. It wasnt bad at all
[Dec 5,2008 4:43pm - oscarct ""]
didnt motley crue shoot whiskey???
[Dec 5,2008 5:09pm - anothermetaldrummer ""]
thats gotta hurt!

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