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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Dymitry.
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[QUOTE="Dymitry:150270"]BobNOMAAMRooney said:[QUOTE]I think it's clear to everyone that if Dymitry actually enjoyed the music he listens to, rather than seeing it as an acessory or collectable, he would welcome people he considers "Century Media/Nuclear Blast and Moonfog teenagers" into his scene. They will eventually support "his" bands giving them an incentive to tour and release new material. But all that would ruin it for him because he doesn't love black metal he loves its obscurity. [/QUOTE] I believe it is quite clear to everyone that you get a thrill out of arguing for its own sake ( see all the really redundant posts you directed towards me, two of which were an hour apart ). This must be entertaining for you, since so far you have only suceeded at sounding like an atheist who tries to justify listening to rockstar pseudo-"black metal" bands. The post on "recordings" was quite amusing as anyone can buy three new limited-to-100/200-copies demo tapes for the price of the new Darktoilet CD. There are also such things as tape trading, and more recently, file sharing networks. While I do like having original tape copies, the issue was that anyone dedicated to Black Metal will make an effort to [I]hear[/I] underground recordings and appreciate those that are worthwhile, not listen to the same 4-5 commercial circus acts from norGAY over and over. My point was that most "Century Media/Nuclear Blast and Moonfog teenagers", will [I]not[/I] support the bands I listen to, because they will never make the effort to hear them ( oh, but I am wrong, soon every Dimmu Borgir fan will be listening to Dark Opus and Valonsurma, right ). I have come across people who discovered Black Metal less than one year ago and listened to Bekhira or Sargeist, I have encountered a sixteen year old who had many rehearsals of bands I never heard of, and a few other such examples. Did they sit around message boards and chat rooms whining about "elitism"? No, they were dedicated enough to the music, to always be looking out for new material. Last of all, I have never read Nietzsche and therefore have no idea what the "will to power" comment was about, so you can feel smug that you are more familiar with trendy philosophers than I am. I will however finish my last post on this board with a quote that is perfectly suited to this topic: We don't want to be a part of this "underground solidarity" where hardcore/life metal bullshit and Black Metal cohabit in peace. The only fraternity I can concieve is between True Evil Ones, and that doesn't mean to have only a Satanic image. Of course a Black Metal band must be dreaded and hated by common people but it goes beyond the appearance. Too much falses show a Dark image of themselves and are in fact normal guys enjoying life and living happy...What a joke! The result is that we're hated by this kind of worms because we are at a state they'll never reach. - Meyna'ch of Mütiilation.[/QUOTE]
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