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[Oct 25,2004 3:18pm - swamplorddvm ""]
So I've been doing Lego shit again.:NEWHORNS:
M-tron. THe best Legos ever!!! I want that fucking thing!!!:NEWHORNS:
[Oct 25,2004 3:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
i never caught onto the leggo thing.

i was more into RC Cars and pooping my pants.
[Oct 25,2004 5:57pm - Devin ""]
legos. good shit. my big brother owned like every model in every series from 1990-1999!
[Oct 26,2004 12:55pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm working on a bad ass castle.
[Oct 26,2004 12:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]

Old school shit, yo!
[Oct 26,2004 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I've been thinking of investing in them too...
[Oct 26,2004 1:10pm - succubus ""]
just what you need

another investment

[Oct 26,2004 1:12pm - swamplorddvm ""]
And in Legos. $$$$$$$$$ those Dutch!

My parents must have spent a fortune on Legos.

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