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since asslopsia thinks hes so funny guess what?

[Oct 27,2004 6:07pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
ok you think that you are funny eh asslopsia? telling peeps that im gay well guess what? i ate out your fat walrus assed piggish girlfriend last night. that seapig tasted great with soy sauce! when i was done i jumped my totally sick dirt bike right off of her lardish ass and came down with a THUD on her fat chin. shes dead now....stupid seapig. eat that dingbat!
[Oct 27,2004 6:40pm - retzam ""]
I'm better at dirtbiking than you.
[Oct 27,2004 8:05pm - Kalopsia ""]
asslopsia, i'm suprised no one thought of that yet.
[Oct 27,2004 8:07pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Oct 27,2004 8:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I'm wicked nasty at Excitebike on Nintendo
[Oct 27,2004 8:22pm - Crucifire ""]
I hate waiting for that little fucker to run back to the bike. It's like BABABABBABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABBABABABABABBABABABABABBABABABABAB. And he's just gotten back on. Game boy Advance rules for NES games.
[Oct 27,2004 8:23pm - Crucifire ""]
Track builder is the best.
[Oct 27,2004 9:02pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I still have my nintendo at my grandparents house. I need to go over there this weekend and reclaim it along with the power pad, zapper, and 200 games. I hope the games are as good as I remember, I hope RBI Baseball is still fun, I hope the NES still works, I hope...
[Oct 27,2004 9:11pm - Dave From The Grave  ""]
Radical_Dirt_Biker said:ok you think that you are funny eh asslopsia? telling peeps that im gay well guess what? i ate out your fat walrus assed piggish girlfriend last night. that seapig tasted great with soy sauce! when i was done i jumped my totally sick dirt bike right off of her lardish ass and came down with a THUD on her fat chin. shes dead now....stupid seapig. eat that dingbat!

I hope this doesn't get you too excited.



Oooooh, yeah.
[Oct 28,2004 12:56am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Is tthat Lara Flynn Boyd?
[Oct 28,2004 1:23am - Kalopsia ""]
no that's my walrus girlfriend. RDB hit that
[Oct 28,2004 1:37am - Dave From The Grave  ""]
honestly, we're laughing WITH RDB. not at him.
[Oct 28,2004 2:42am - MyDeadDoll ""]
why would anyone wanna eat out a walrus?

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