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Hate Eternal studio news

[Oct 28,2004 5:22pm - the_reverend ""]
Hate Eternal - Florida Death Metal titans, Hate Eternal, have layed down
the basic tracks for their third album at frontman Erik Rutan's own Mana
Recording Studio in Tampa, FL. Vocals and lead guitars are next.
Expect nothing short of utterly phenomenal musicianship in the form of
inhuman speed and unholy heaviness -- in other words, the next landmark
album in Death Metal.
[Oct 28,2004 5:27pm - Crucifire ""]
Hate Eternal without Doug Cerrito just doesn't do it for me.
[Oct 28,2004 5:27pm - Crucifire ""]
The first one was good, though.
[Oct 28,2004 5:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
so who's playing drums? isn't Jared out for good too?
[Oct 28,2004 6:18pm - Kalopsia ""]
derek roddy is still the drummer, jared left the band and randy piro is the new bassist
[Oct 28,2004 7:28pm - RustedAngel ""]
what amp did they use to record this album, oh yeah that's right, they used an ENGL ;)
[Oct 28,2004 7:40pm - Blue ""]
[Oct 28,2004 8:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
shit i already knew that, pot smoking is wicked smart.
[Oct 28,2004 9:52pm - wakeoftears ""]
mmmm The Powers That Be...

Imma hafta find that album now.
[Oct 28,2004 9:55pm - Hooker ""]
Leave it to Rutan to name his studio after some Magic the Gathering type shit.
[Oct 29,2004 2:58am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
mana isnt just from Magic The Gathering... it is a fairly universal term for energy that is drawn out from the earth or some sort of natural resource... of course it only pertains to fairy tale/fantasy shit... but hey... yeah...

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