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I am officially converting to Buddihsm

[Nov 17,2004 9:45pm - metalmatt666 ""]
I have been depressed lately and started experimenting and reading new things One of which is buddhism after reading so much of it I realized how much it has related to me and my life Buddhists are completely peaceful and see the world and Humanity in all it's beauty therfore I am annoucing my conversion I just hope I don't have to shave my head:bow:
[Nov 17,2004 9:53pm - retzam ""]
You don't have to shave your head unless you are a monk I don't think.

And prepare to be shit on by a lot of people.
[Nov 17,2004 9:57pm - metalmatt666 ""]

And prepare to be shit on by a lot of people.>>

why do you say that?
[Nov 17,2004 10:01pm - napalm  ""]
[Nov 17,2004 10:03pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
No offence but that is retarded. Buddists are all fucking wackos. At my job a claint is a buddist as well as a washed up co-worker of mine) and I take him to all these buddist things, and to listen to Thich Nach Hahn speak? You ever listen to what he says? it is at the level of an 8 year old. (He did write a book called "Becoming your own Theripist" I enjoyed) All the talks I have heard, and been to (believe me i have been to a lot) I am always thinking "wow this is incredibly behind my own thinking, it sounds like you are teaching to a 3rd grade chorus class". Also Buddism contradicts it self all the time. Look online and find some writings of Tich Nach Han's Dharma Talk, it is very contridicting at times. They Say Buddism isnt a "Religion" it is "A way of Life" fuck that! Why do they sell "prayer" flags for 25 bucks then, and "prayer beads" for 40. What are you praying too? Oh wait I forgot its a religion. Buddism is soo 1995, you should get into Kabballah to be into the new fashionable religion. Sorry to come off harsh that is just the way I feel, if you want more opinions of mine as well as negative experiences with the RELIGION let me know.
[Nov 17,2004 10:07pm - napalm  ""]
yo fuck you, back off Buddists
[Nov 17,2004 10:22pm - metalmatt666 ""]
being a buddhist doesn't really change me that much as a person i'm still a metalhead I still Listen to black metal but I am more spiritually orianted and i feel that buddishm has always been who i am i just never relized it before
[Nov 18,2004 9:13am - dan.  ""]
ok, i officially recognize this as a fake account because no one is that gay
[Nov 18,2004 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
napalm said:HEY YOU GUYS

is that a 3...2...1...contact quote?
[Nov 18,2004 10:03am - Josh_hates_you ""]
metal matt is a canadian i think.............he is that gay. he wants to kill his buddha self over a dumb whore in his nu metal band.
[Nov 18,2004 11:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
no, thats a goonies quote....spiritualism is gay, there is no such thing as inner peace.
[Nov 18,2004 11:18am - litacore on the public terminal  ""]
the_reverend said:napalm said:HEY YOU GUYS

is that a 3...2...1...contact quote?

tsk-tsk Aaron.

[Nov 18,2004 11:34am - Robdeadskin ""]
being a buddhist, can you listen to metal? if not its not worth it...all religion is trash...metal should be your only savior...good luck with that.
[Nov 18,2004 11:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You can join my religion, we worship Goatsblood songs played backwards.
[Nov 18,2004 11:40am - whoremastery ""]
Are you gonna set your self on fire and sit motionless in front of the white house..if your a real buddhist shave your head, pour the gas, and prove to us all.
[Nov 18,2004 11:40am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
whore mastery, now thats a profession i should have got into
[Nov 18,2004 11:42am - whoremastery ""]
Oh and matt thanks for adding your review on our split, if you commence self immolation.....be listening to it in a walkman...if it doesnt melt to fast. think twice about this buddhist crap buddy!
[Nov 18,2004 11:43am - whoremastery ""]
joe..wanna set our selves on fire and hug homeless people?
[Nov 18,2004 11:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Nov 18,2004 12:46pm - retzam ""]
metalmatt666 said:
And prepare to be shit on by a lot of people.

why do you say that?

I don't think it's necessary that I answer that at this point.
[Nov 18,2004 5:35pm - metalmatt666 ""]
buddihsm is not really a Religon per say it can also just but a spiritual mindset some may use as one but i prefer to just say it as a mindset like a way of thinking it hasn't softened me up in any way it just makes me feel much happier about myself and there is such thing as inner happiness you hust havn't discovered it yet
[Feb 21,2007 11:49am - anonymous  ""]
religion in nothing more than an escape for weak minded people.
[Feb 21,2007 12:38pm - xmikex ""]
I know a girl who ditched out on an apartment after we had already signed the lease, broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years, and took off leaving me to deal with a debt of hundreds of dollars that she had no intention of ever paying back. Her reasoning? She was going to be a Buddhist, she was engaging in a spiritual quest and was shedding all the unnecessary materialism in her life. By "unncessary materialism" she meant financial and personal obligations that had repercussions on more people than just herself. She gave up on Buddhism shortly after to follow a career as a full time couch hopping peice of shit.

She's really smart. You should ask her all about Buddhism and everything it can do for you.
[Feb 21,2007 12:43pm - Yeti ""]
my question is, why does one need deities and spirits in order to gain peace within? cant you do it on your own? why do you need a catalyst?
[Feb 21,2007 12:45pm - xmikex ""]
Yeti said:my question is, why does one need deities and spirits in order to gain peace within? cant you do it on your own? why do you need a catalyst?

You fool. Without a church around you won't know what you're doing wrong. That's why we have churches, deacons, archbishops, the south, and Pat Roberts... to show us the distinction between finding peace, and finding peace the right way.
[Feb 21,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
ooooh yeah, thats right. god, here i come!
[Feb 21,2007 12:52pm - farfegnugen  ""]
yarrrr religion is for poseurs and metal is for soldiers!
[Feb 21,2007 1:34pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Before my older brother got married, he had to get all chummy with the priest in the church he was to be wed in. My sister did this too before her wedding. They'd attend mass regularly for a few months before the wedding as to not upset the priest and then never go again after the wedding. My brother, though, knew how stupid it was. Whenever the church folk would chant the prayers and follow it up with "amen", he would instead follow them up with "yabadabadoo" loudly. Then when everybody was singing, he'd make sure to sing off key loudly. Also, he would periodically say "C'mon honey. Sing louder. The invisible man in the sky can't hear you" loudly so others could hear.
[Feb 21,2007 2:09pm - xmikex ""]

[Feb 21,2007 2:11pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
oh shit, I spelled yabadabadoo wrong. There we go, fixed.

"Yabadaba-doo! I'm gonna rape-you!"
[Feb 21,2007 2:21pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Do people into Buddism believe in karma and shit? If that is the case, then I know someone who says they are "buddist", but are a piece of trash that will rip you off in an instant and not live up to their obligations with their family. Hmmm, I guess he considers ditching his kids "material" goods. He is not too bright. Oh, and if the Karma is true, he will have plenty coming his way, in a bad way.
[Feb 21,2007 2:50pm - HailAtWork  ""]
whoremastery said:Are you gonna set your self on fire and sit motionless in front of the white house..if your a real buddhist shave your head, pour the gas, and prove to us all.

A good reason why buddists are great, they make the rest of us deal with our shit. Let's see a chirstian make a point like that.
[Feb 22,2007 1:20am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Dharma of the Hindus is way more metal, read up the Mahabharata, and ramavyana, Rama and Arjuna are fucking metal, live the way of the warrior.

But Odin owns ye all
[Feb 22,2007 8:52am - xmikex ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:Mahabharata ramavyana Rama Arjuna

I need the cliff's notes to this post
[Feb 22,2007 9:42am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
xmikex said:y_ddraig_goch said:Mahabharata ramavyana Rama Arjuna

I need the cliff's notes to this post

names of two epic novels from ancient India, and names of two gods of war from India, there is actually a comic out now about the Ramavyana, called Ramayan ...something AD, set in the future.

[Feb 22,2007 10:43am - ariavette ""]
god is placebo to the worlds need for medication
[Feb 22,2007 10:47am - xmikex ""]
I should check that out actually... thanks
[Feb 22,2007 8:43pm - NIGGER ""]
Depression: your guide to quality religion.

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