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another "video of weirdo playing guitar" thread

[Nov 22,2004 7:50pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Nov 22,2004 8:01pm - dugoxistance  ""]
holy shit! i wish I was that fucking weird.
[Nov 22,2004 9:15pm - Kalopsia ""]
that man is a god
[Nov 22,2004 11:23pm - wakeoftears ""]
holy fucking shit

thats all I can say.

that and splooge.
[Nov 22,2004 11:29pm - RustedAngel ""]
i bet a good bass player could do that no problem. :spineyes:
[Nov 22,2004 11:51pm - wakeoftears ""]
Its much harder than he makes it look. Youd have to practice that tapping and slapping alot to get that kind of sound from an acoustic guitar.

Just... FUCK, this guy blows me away.
[Nov 23,2004 12:44pm - mOe  ""]
[Nov 23,2004 1:37pm - powerkok ""]
not impressed.
kinda easier than it sounds, and his timing isnt that great. 4 of 10
[Nov 23,2004 2:00pm - boobtoucher ""]
what is this a joke? i made that up last week. the guy sucks.
[Nov 23,2004 2:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I hate when people sit in their rooms and play dave matthew songs.
frat boy!
[Nov 23,2004 2:39pm - dirteecrayon ""]
he has a sister that does the same thing
she was on conan obrien
[Nov 23,2004 2:42pm - dirteecrayon ""]
[Nov 23,2004 3:51pm - jake  ""]
the faces he makes during 1:11 - 1:30 are classic.
[Nov 24,2004 12:29am - ArrowHead ""]
Easier than it sounds? You must be one sick guitarist, because after over 15 years of study I can't do a lot of what he's doing on the guitar, and I have a pretty good background with that style of acoustic playing.
[Nov 24,2004 12:46am - El Justin  ""]
that rocks and the main slap riff is super catchy
[Nov 24,2004 10:36pm - dan.  ""]
powerkok said:not impressed.
kinda easier than it sounds, and his timing isnt that great. 4 of 10

[Nov 24,2004 10:55pm - eddie ""]
hes really good, but no better than most lead bluegrass guitar players.
[Nov 24,2004 11:00pm - Robdeadskin ""]
That was killer...fuck yall...tapin on a acoustic is really hard
[Nov 25,2004 12:36am - Aegathis ""]
That sure was wacky and sick.
[Nov 25,2004 12:36am - Aegathis ""]
Robdeadskin said:That was killer...fuck yall...tapin on a acoustic is really hard

ditto, im gonna watch it again.
[Nov 25,2004 6:29pm - Aegathis ""]
Cant stop watching this!
[Nov 25,2004 7:52pm - dirteecrayon ""]
he has more stuff on his site
[Nov 26,2004 2:41pm - historicpukebrigade  ""]
this is boring.
[Nov 28,2004 6:15pm - DaveSTF ""]
This is awesome.

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