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new The_network mp3s. (ANb or nasum fans listen)

[Dec 13,2004 1:23pm - the_reverend ""]

sounds like the_network mixed with a little agoraphobic nosebleed or nasum.
[Dec 13,2004 3:29pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 13,2004 5:35pm - hanlon666 ""]
I don't think that shit is working properly, Tim get me a CD.
[Dec 14,2004 2:23pm - Kyledoes ""]
I dont hear any nasum or agoraphobic nosebleed here..but it is good.
I think it sounds like the_network and a little like ookla the mok if any one else at all.
[Dec 20,2004 10:15am - stainless ""]
i think it sounds like we should get signed some fucking day and we should play more shows but we are going on tour with psyopus Jan 15-28.
[Jan 18,2005 8:37pm - boobtoucher ""]
stainless said:i think it sounds like we should get signed some fucking day and we should play more shows but we are going on tour with psyopus Jan 15-28.

[Jan 18,2005 9:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
sweet good job guys.

and good luck on the tour, obviously you guys will have fun breaking everything with psyopus.
[Jan 18,2005 9:49pm - kyledoes ""]
yeah have fun on tour and good luck you sick motherfuckers!!!!!!!
[Jan 18,2005 9:50pm - RustedAngel ""]

have fun at BK!
[Jan 18,2005 9:55pm - the_reverend ""]
so are they on tour now?
[Jan 18,2005 10:01pm - Big Jim  ""]
While I was listening to the new Network mp3s, my girlfriend tried to seduce me. Then I spilled a glass of rootbeer all over her and my bed. She and the_Network are the embodiment of pure evil...God told me the devil would be attractive.
[Jan 18,2005 10:34pm - nick ""]
much better than the older stuff.

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