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holy fucking shit

[Dec 13,2004 10:26pm - dyingmuse ""]
i just freaked the fuck out. i guess my being laid off has really gotten to me. i just totally fucking lost my shit. i threw everything that was in my path. i broke lots of dvd's and other shit in my bed room and music room. i actually scare myself when that shit happens.
anyhow it's all fucking sprint's fault. those cocksuckers....fucking charged me an extra 200 bucks on top of my normal 130 that i just paid, and that was the last of my money. man i'm fucked. no work, no phone. god damn it. i hate this world!
[Dec 13,2004 10:32pm - JayTUS ""]
I feel you man, I got a surprise $400 cell phone bill out of the blue and there was shit I could do about it. I've never run into the problem I had before. Fucking sucks.
[Dec 13,2004 10:40pm - metalmatt666 ""]
welcome to my world
[Dec 13,2004 11:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
fuckin A

[Dec 14,2004 12:32am - dreadkill ""]
that sucks man. when did you get laid off? i've been out of work since the end of september. it blows.
[Dec 14,2004 2:44am - damnose ""]
I got fired last month for coming to work dressed as one of my female supervisors. I was going to be "let go" anyway, so I figured I should go out with a bang. corporate america = lame
[Dec 14,2004 8:53am - anonymous  ""]
i know how ya feel dude
i'm about 3 grand in the hole, and my credit history is shittier than a faggots dick
[Dec 14,2004 8:55am - Josh_Martin ""]
Here's an idea. Make less phone calls.

[Dec 14,2004 9:46am - malettey ""]
anonymous said:my credit history is shittier than a faggots dick

that's an awesome comparison.
[Dec 14,2004 9:47am - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:i know how ya feel dude
i'm about 3 grand in the hole, and my credit history is shittier than a faggots dick

ha, shittier than a faggot's dick!!!
[Dec 14,2004 10:08am - litacore ""]
haha, try being 76K in the hole

for a librarian's salary
[Dec 14,2004 10:11am - damnose ""]
76K!!! we better sell a lot of records

I am currently taking out a loan to pay debt. that can't be good
[Dec 14,2004 10:12am - dan.  ""]
76k? drug problem?
[Dec 14,2004 1:16pm - wakeoftears ""]
I flipped out last week. I needed my antidepressants real bad, well because im trying to ween myself off of them. Anyways I was doing the dishes and I couldnt get the stupid trashcan holder dealy back into its metal wire case deal. I just flipped out and threw it across the house and almost hit my girlfriend with it. The trash went everywhere and the trashcan holder dealy just fucking fell to pieces. I had to smoke a bowl to my head to calm down haha
[Dec 14,2004 1:19pm - Christraper ""]
I used to flip out. Ive got a really bad temper. I try not to get angry anymore because it never ends well.
[Dec 14,2004 5:58pm - the_rooster ""]
relax... anger is no biggy, just cut yourself and you'll feel better.
[Dec 14,2004 8:58pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i'm surprised i have the temper i have; once one thing goes wrong for me, a million other things go wrong. in the span of one week 2 years ago, the following happened:

-lost book of 80 cd's, including all my slayer, napalm death, neurosis, iced earth (don't give a shit anymore, but i had all of em!), children of bodom, destruction, diabolical masquerade, gwar, amongst a slew of others. half of them were rare as hell.
-sat down at the computer to finish 2 school projects due the next day, spilled chocolate milk on the fucking thing and it was useless as tits on a bull. this was late on a sunday night, so there was no chance of getting a new mouse or the project done.
-on my way home from work, an 18 wheeler decided to go in reverse at a stop light, going at least 30 mph, while i was behind him. luckily i didn't die, haha
-135 pages of work for one class got tossed in a paper shredder by a dumbass janitor at my old college
-computer crashed next day, lost 6 final papers, at least 50 art projects, and all of my personal documents
-school messed up my grades big time, caused me to waste a year and $7000 that they later said "sorry" for.

i think i was in a daze for a month after that, no fun. i'm glad i didn't kill people though

while we're on the topic of bills...i sent in a car payment bill 2 weeks ago, and i just got a letter in the mail yesterday saying they didn't get it and now i owe them 424.00 on top of the 235.00 check that i paid, and cleared with my bank account. that shit's not cool

anyhow, good luck with the debt and finding a job. definitely a shitty situation
[Dec 18,2004 11:35am - dreadkill ""]
i just got my cell phone bill and flipped out. i normally pay $50-55 a month, but this time they charged me $120. i didn't use it any more than normal, especially considering i am unemployed and can barely afford the thing as it is. i'm going down to the verizon store today to flip out at them.
[Dec 18,2004 5:22pm - josiah_the_black ""]
i just ripped a phone book in half

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