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Damn i have had the most fucked up week this week

[Dec 19,2004 1:23am - metalmatt666 ""]
i don't know what else to say. i threw a chair at one of my teachers, i have school for another week into christmas, My family has some serious money issues so we cant realy get any presants for anyone, i'm fucking broke, i need a new guitar amp, and I'm having issues with my bandmates not only did we fight all night tonight i pissed them off. Well i have all the reason in the world to be pissed at them i found them fucing around behined my back and they think i don't know but just found out they broke all the trust i ever had with them.right about now i am so pissed I don't really even know what to do. i'm so pissed i could probably kill them both right now with my bare hands youll all probably just laugh at this but i just have to write this down i have to vent something, cause i don't really know what to do asy or think right now
[Dec 19,2004 1:44am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
you are so emo
[Dec 19,2004 1:49am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
shut up and make music dammit
[Dec 19,2004 4:39am - dan.  ""]

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