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Hey Rev...

[Dec 24,2004 4:22pm - DaveSTF ""]
Did you know that on ibanez.com, on the artists page, the paul waggoner picture is from RTTP? I just saw it and thought it was cool. Didn't know if you've seen it. Merry xmas by the way.
[Dec 24,2004 4:45pm - tbone_r ""]
hey dave, you guys playing boston anytime soon?
[Dec 24,2004 6:17pm - rev away  ""]
who's paul waggoner?
I'm bad with names.
I think that btbam and a couple other bands have my pictures on ibanez.com. I've never seen them though, post a link!

also, this year, I have pictures in fender/jackson's, ibanez's, and fernandez guitar catalogs.
[Dec 24,2004 8:31pm - DaveSTF ""]
Yeah its the btbam guy. Awesome for you tho aaron thats great!

And about playing boston, i don;t think we have any dates in boston at the time, but we're playing portsmouth NH in January, the 9th i think.
[Dec 24,2004 9:09pm - rev away  ""]
I saw that and will more than likely be at that show.

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